Ashleigh Thorn

Ashleigh Thorn

Active Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
Full Name:
Ashleigh Anna Thorn

Date of Birth:
12 December 2019

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Dark hair (little past shoulder length), hazel eyes, pointed face, medium height/weight. Does not dress to be noticed, she dresses however she feels. Most worn items are jeans and t-shirts/singlets.

Ash has a quiet personality and although fun-loving, she only likes to do so when she is among familiar people. She has an intelligent mind and is usually a solitary person that does not feel a need to be best friends with people. However, once someone earns her respect she is fiercely loyal to them.

Ashleigh's family are quite well off but she felt that they never had time for her or cared about her, so she ran away from them and became a 'street orphan' in a different city. Of course she thinks she has managed to do so successfully, but the family keeps tabs on her to make sure nothing happens to her. They hope she'll realise how stubborn and stupid she's being.

Father: Frederick Thomas Thorn
Mother: Amelia Melanie Thorn (nee Walker)
Uncle: Robert Harold Thorn (brother of Frederick)
Aunt: Jennifer Agnes Thorn (nee Bruxton) (wife of Robert)
Cousin: Talia Hannah Thorn (child of Robert and Jennifer)
Cousin: Jackson Nixon Thorn ( " )
Cousin: Madison Eloise Thorn ( " )
Aunt: Mary Stephanie Walker (sister of Amelia)
Aunt: Tiffany Dianne Bronze (nee Walker) (sister of Amelia)
Uncle: Daniel Viktor Bronze (husband of Tiffany)
Cousin: Kevin Geoffrey Bronze (child of Daniel and Tiffany)
Cousin: Megan Rita Bronze ( " )
Grandfather: Ian Franklin Thorn (deceased father of Frederick and Robert)
Grandmother: Sarah Natalie Thorn (nee Susans) (deceased wife of Ian)
Grandfather: Erik James Walker (deceased father of Amelia, Mary and Tiffany)

Grandmother: Helena Charlotte Walker (nee Townsend) (widow of Erik)
Great Aunt: Fiona Rachel Farthing (nee Townsend) (sister of Helena)

She always tended to a few stray cats on the streets, but she bought a British Short Hair Cat when she began at HNZ, whom she named Amira.

Area of Residence:
Grew up in Auckland, but now 'survives' in New Plymouth, Taranaki

Blood Status:
Paternal grandparents were both half-bloods and maternal grandfather was Muggle born. All family members mentioned above are witches/wizards

100% Kiwi. Her family has been in New Zealand ever since the 1840s when the treaty was signed and Europeans migrated to the new colony. Her families (maternal/paternal) were mostly Irish and Scottish.

Interests or Hobbies:
She devours books, loves music and enjoys running; to feel like she is flying. Of course, she loves flying too.

Additional Skills:

Knows what she wants and just goes for it, whatever the consequences. She thinks she can usually escape from those later. She won't put up with anyone's bad attitude towards her or anyone she cares about.

She does not always let people close because she is afraid of being hurt. She also has trouble letting things go (e.g. angry about recent sorting into Slytherin when she wanted to be in Gryffindor)

Describe your character in three words:
Mischief. Wit. Quiet.

Favourite place to be:
Anywhere, as long as she's enjoying it.

Megan Bronze, her cousin who is a year younger
Nicholas Flash, a fellow street kid her age. Basically her partner in crime

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
She likes learning, so progressing through will be awesome for her. She may get a little competitive if the conditions are right, and will definitely want to play Quidditch for her house, but may not be able to get over her fear of rejection to try out.

Best school subjects:
Undetermined, but she would probably be at least above average in all of them, due to her intelligence and probable enthusiasm for the subject.

Worst school subjects:
Perhaps the more practical stuff (excluding spells), as she prefers to write things down rather than do hands on work.

Extracurricular Activities:
Quidditch probably. She would also enjoy wizard's chess (due to the violence) and might join a school club that involved duelling or something of that sort


Current Job:

Plans for your future:
Doing well in school to set herself for a totally independant future.

Your Patronus:
Perhaps: Eagle. Lone, free, wild soaring predator.

Your Patronus memory:
Anything to do with her best friend (Nicholas Flash, see Friends above). Usually things he said that made her laugh

Your Boggart:
Rejection. From Nicholas, Megan, anyone she truly cares about.

Your Animagus:
Would not become an Animagus, as that requires massive effort and years of work, and frankly, she can't be bothered. If she did though. She would probably have gone for a wolf, because of thier wildness and pack loyalty

Mirror of Erised:
To have a proper family, that actually pays attention to her and loves her

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