Ashleigh Thorn

Ashleigh Thorn

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OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
When I talk, it's to myself/Maybe it'll work itself out in time/Before I lose my mind/All alone in a danger zone/And I think too much/And I'm not what I might seem/How long does it have to last like this?


Ashleigh Anna Thorn
Born: 12 December 2019
Age: 12 years old
Nicknames: Ash, which she only likes people who are familiar with her to call her.
Appearance: She has long, dark, wavy hair and hazel eyes. She is currently 5' 4".
Hometown Auckland, New Zealand.
Current Residency: New Plymouth, New Zealand - where she believes she is successfully hiding from her family.
Heritage: Both sides of her family migrated to New Zealand around the middle of the nineteenth century. Her paternal family were from Scotland while her maternal family were Irish.
Blood Status: She is of mixed blood, as four of her great-grandparents were Muggles.
Wand: Black Walnut/ Maple Wand, 12 3/4, Essence of Silver Thistle.
Pets: A female British Short Hair cat, named Amira, whom she bought before she began her first year at Hogwarts.
Currently: Slytherin Second Year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in New Zealand.
The Personality
Never again, isn't that what you said?/You've been through this before/And this time you swore you'd think with your head/And so you put up your guard/And you try to be hard/You desperately search for a way to conquer the fear

Personality: Ash has a mainly quiet personality and is a very solitary person. This is due to her shyness, which she regards as a despised weakness, and also her significant fear of rejection from others. Afraid of being hurt, and wanting to show that she is strong, Ash puts up a 'wall' around herself and acts like she does not need other people to be her friends, which can give off the impression that she is arrogant and conceited. However, this is not true and once she has become friends with someone, she will be fiercely loyal to them. Ash is extremely honourable and tries to always be honest and accept those around her for who they are. She is also exceedingly stubborn, and when she wants something she will go after it in any way that she can. She can sometimes be competitive, particularly in regards to her education which she takes very seriously.
Thoughts: She does not think she needs friends, as she is happy in her own company, and she is also shy, and suspicious of what other people think of her. She believes her parents do not love her as they are always working and hardly ever around. She has spent some time around Muggles and has no bad feelings towards them, even admiring some of the things they have created. She reads a lot and so most of her ideas about the world have come from books, which leads her to have very stereotyped ideas about some things. She believes everything happens for a reason and that there is some greater force that influences what happens in the world. She will let other people influence how she thinks about things, but not necessarily what she thinks of those things.
Likes: Reading (mostly non-fiction, although she has recently discovered Muggle fantasy), listening to music (including Pat Benatar and Joan Jett) and running to feel the wind in her face. She also loves flying for this reason. She enjoys learning new things, particularly about history. And she loves cats.
Dislikes: Admitting that she is shy, or has any characteristic that she considers a weakness. She can become annoyed with people who act overly familiar towards her when they don't know her, and when she doesn't know something that she wants to. She doesn't like people to judge her, or hem her in by their rules and expectations, and so tries not to do that to others.
Strengths: She will not allow herself to be a victim of other's negative attitudes towards her, and is very capable of defending herself. She will also do this for her friends and other people she cares about, and stand by them and fight for them for as long as she can. She is also highly driven to achieve her goals and doesn't let herself become distracted from them.
Weaknesses: Ash cuts herself off from other people and so she has become quite lonely without realising it, which is a major reason for her avid people-watching. Her stubbornness also leads her to have a hard time letting things go, such as her situation with her parents and when she was sorted into a different house than she had wanted. She will also 'cut off her nose to spite her face', as her grandfather frequently tells her.
Fears: Her main fear is rejection from others. When Ash cares for someone it is generally a lot, and so she is extremely hurt when others don't feel the same way. She also fears looking weak in front of others, because while it is something she cannot stand, she also knows herself to have these characteristics.</FONT></FONT>​

The Family
Even if it's taking the easy way out/Keep it inside of you/Don't give in/Don't tell them anything/Even though you know it's the wrong thing to say/Say you don't care/Don't let it show
<FONT font="Vladimir Script"><FONT font="Gabriola"><SIZE size="75"><FONT font="Gabriola">Father: Frederick Thomas Thorn
16 March 1990 -
Frederick mainly works overseas which leads him to be away from his family for sustained periods of time. Ashleigh does not like that he is always away, and it has caused her to feel that he does not love her enough, because he is hardly ever around. Because she loves him so much, and it seems he has rejected her, this hurts Ashleigh deeply.
Ashleigh's father works for a privately owned organization which ensures that the magical creatures known as unicorns are protected from Muggles encroaching on their habitats, and/or members of the magical community who do not wish them well. The organisation was set up by a wealthy elderly lady, Maureen Truscott, who in having no family to pass her fortune on to, decided to invest it into helping the creatures she has always loved.
<FONT font="Gabriola"><SIZE size="75">
Mother: Amelia Melanie Thorn
24 June 1992 -
When Ashleigh was ten, some months before she was due to begin at Hogwarts, her mother returned to work employment for the first time since her daughter had been born, which led to her to have a far busier home life. Ashleigh resented this, as suddenly her mother was not around as much as she had been, and Ash perceived that her mother cared more about work than her, which she found quite painful. This, in addition to her father's frequent absences, caused Ashleigh to start wrongly believing her parents were deliberately 'abandoning' her, and that they did not love her.
Born Amelia Walker, Ashleigh's mother worked as an assistant in an architecture company before she had Ashleigh. During the time she was raising her daughter, Amelia was inspired to try her hand at the design side of things, and when she returned to work after ten years she quickly rose from her previous position to being trained as a project designer. Although this gave her a higher workload, it could also conveniently be done at home.
"A Definition Not Found In The Dictionary:
Not leaving: an act of trust and love, often deciphered by children" - Markus Zusak, The Book Thief.
The Thorns
Grandfather: Ian Franklin Thorn
7 July 1957 -
Ashleigh is having a hard time with her grandfather at the moment, because he does not approve of her behaviour towards her parents in the last couple of years. He is frequently lecturing her on the value of family, and Ash is frustrated by the fact that she is the one being blamed for the growing distance between them all, as she percieves it to be her parents' fault. The more her grandfather lectures, the more stubbornly she does not listen, which in turn provokes him into giving more lectures.
Ian Thorn was devastated by the loss of his wife, which also led to a sometimes strained relationship with his children as he tried to bring them up without her. The experience has led him to have very strong views on the importance of family.
Grandmother: Sarah Natalie Thorn
12 February 1960 - 11 September 2001
Ashleigh never knew her grandmother personally, but her grandfather has never let anyone in the family forget about the bravery and self-sacrifice of her death. Ashleigh has been heavily influenced by this story and has always felt the presence of her grandmother looming over her since she was very young, coming to idolise her over the years. Ashleigh wishes to be exactly like her grandmother, and wanted to be sorted into Gryffindor at Hogwarts because of this.
Born Sarah Susans, Ashleigh's grandmother has almost become a legend in the Thorn family. After seeing her son Frederick off on his first year at Hogwarts, she decided to let her husband and youngest son spend some time together and went to visit her Muggle family in New York. During her visit, the event known in the Muggle world as 9/11 occured, and one of her cousins worked in the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Upon learning of the first collison, Sarah Apparated into the second tower to try and find her. By the time she had, the second collision was mere moments away from occuring and in the confusion, Sarah managed to Apparate her cousin out, but fatally spliced herself in the process.
Uncle: Robert Harold Thorn
5 August 1996 -
Ashleigh enjoys spending time with her Uncle Robert because she likes helping him pick fruit from the orchard. She also likes to climb trees, and her uncle doesn't worry that she'll fall out and break all her bones, which pleases her. In fact, her uncle often encourages her to do daring things along those lines and one day he has promised to take her skydiving.
Robert Thorn owns and runs an orchard, selling the produce to Muggles as well as fellow wizards. The Muggles always remark on how well the out of season fruit grows in his greenhouse...
Aunt: Jennifer Agnes Thorn
21 April 1999 -
Ashleigh likes her Aunt Jennifer, but does not feel that they have much in common, as Jennifer is always striding around her house confidently issuing orders with the skill of making them seem like requests. Ash is a little intimidated by this, and so often tries to keep out of her aunt's way.
Born Jennifer Bruxton, she was a landscape designer before she settled down to have a family. Consequently, the house's large garden is always tended to vigilantly.
Cousin: Talia Hannah Thorn
29 November 2022 -
Talia (currently 9 years old) and Ashleigh are not extremely close, but they do enjoy each others company when the family gets together. They often go out walking around the large garden that Talia's mother keeps, talking about books they've read or things they've seen. Talia likes to read popular magazines and often asks Ashleigh for her opinion on the things she's read in them, which tends to annoy her (as Ash thinks they're rubbish), but otherwise the two cousins get along fine.
Cousin: Jackson Nixon Thorn
31 March 2026 -
Jackson is currently 6 years old and very annoying, particularly when Ashleigh is around and monopolising Talia's attention. Ash thinks he is sort of funny, but she prefers to hang around with Talia on their own, especially as the two siblings often begin fighting with each other if Jackson follows the girls around too long.
Cousin: Madison Eloise Thorn
1 May 2030 -
Madison is currently 2 years old, and Ashleigh feels slightly uncomfortable around her as she does not like babies very much. At the moment she displays pleasant detachment from her youngest cousin.
The Walkers
Grandfather: Erik James Walker
3 March 1955 - 16 August 2025
Ashleigh only vaguely remembers her grandfather, as she was five when he died, but they are good memories of smiles and laughter, and she often thinks of them fondly.
Grandmother: Helena Charlotte Walker
12 May 1964 -
Ashleigh loves her grandmother very much, and because she doesn't see her as often as she would like to, she makes sure that whenever they are together they are always doing something fun. They take long walks through the park and along the beach together, they bake (chaotically), finish puzzles and play cards, among other things. Ash thinks her grandmother's apple pie is the best food in the world, and she often copies things out from the book of recipes she keeps. She also loves to hear her grandmother sing.
Born Helena Townsend, she loves her family dearly, and appreciates them even more now that her husband is gone. However, she remembers that loss keenly, and so she has created a memory box for her sister, each of her daughters, sons-in-law, and grandchildren. She adds to them all the time and is keeping them until she is certain she is on her deathbed, so she can see their faces when they open them.
Aunt: Mary Stephanie Walker
11 March 1996 -
Ashleigh does not see her Aunt Mary that often, as she is often traveling around the world looking for things to write about for her lifestyle column. She likes Mary, but is quietly derisive at this age of her aunt's complete lack of ambition in wanting to write for a bigger paper than her village newsletter, and slightly suspicious of where she must really get her money from.
Uncle: Daniel Viktor Bronze
7 November 1996 -
Ashleigh had her first real experience of the Muggle world when she was visiting her Bronze relations. Her cousins and aunt were out when she arrived, so she visited her uncle in the garage and immediately became interested in the car he was fixing, a 1969 Dodge Charger. She enjoys learning all about the Classic American cars from her uncle and always looks forward to visiting his workshop. It is from these encounters that she is often so amazed by what Muggles can create.
Daniel Bronze is an inventor, or so he claims, as he has not actually invented anything yet. He works from home doing this, but also enjoys fixing Muggle cars to feel like he is providing some means of income for his family. In reality, they live comfortably of a medium inheritance from his deceased parents, so really he just enjoys fixing the cars.
Aunt: Tiffany Dianne Bronze
14 August 2000 -
Born Tiffany Walker, she is Ashleigh's favourite aunt, mostly (but not completely) because she is the head of her town's library. Ashleigh considers her to be an unlimited book resource, and is often given old books by her aunt that have been withdrawn from the library. Of all her aunts, Tiffany is the most like Ashleigh in temperament, and Ashleigh admires her quiet poise and control.
Cousin: Kevin Geoffrey Bronze
5 January 2022 -
Because Ashleigh spent so much of her time with Megan whenever she saw her cousins, she is not very close to Kevin (currently 10 years old). Sometimes she and Megan would hang around with him, but he always wanted to be outside playing sports and being active, and the girls preferred their own games that the two of them could only play when they were together.
Both of Kevin's grandfathers died when he was very young, and so he often claims he can remember his grandfather, Erik, even though he was only three. This annoys both Ashleigh, who actually can, and Megan, who can't.
Cousin: Megan Rita Bronze
5 January 2022 -
Megan (currently 10 years old) is basically Ashleigh's best friend. They saw a lot of each other growing up, and she and Ashleigh spent all their time together either in libraries or attics making up stories for each other. Megan is the only person whom Ashleigh will confide in, and the girls frequently write letters to one another. This has become especially important for the two over the last couple of years as they have not seen as much of each other as usual.
Megan plays the flute.
Great-Aunt: Fiona Rachel Farthing
13 May 1960 -
Ashleigh's great-aunt Fiona always wants to know what she is doing, and what she's been doing since the last time they saw each other. Whenever she sees Ashleigh, or Kevin or Megan, she always subjects them all to an hour's talk, accompanied by hot cocoa (or lemonade, depending on the season) and whatever baking she's just made. Ashleigh enjoys this time, but sometimes their updates are finished before the hour is, and then she starts to find it boring as time drags on and on and Great-Aunt Fiona just won't stop talking about her daffodils, or roses, or camellias...
Born Fiona Townsend, she is Helena Walker's older sister. She is widowed and her children and grandchildren live out of the country, so she spends a lot of time with her sister's family.

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