Ash Richards

Ash Richards

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OOC First Name
Sir Dylaaaaaan!
Rosethorn Wand 11" Essence of Dragons Blood

Ash Richards

The Basics
Character's Name: Ash Richards
Character's Birthdate: 21/8/2011
Hometown: London, England
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Wand: Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Educated At: Beauxbatons
Occupation: Jobless at present.

Hair: Chocolate Brown
Eyes: Light Blue
Height: 5'11
Style: Ash tends to go for the musician style. Skinny jeans, baggy singlets, piercings and tattoo's tend to suit Ash better than anything.

A Little Deeper
Personality: Ash tends to be a gentleman most times. His parents are upper class Englishmen, who drilled courtesy and manners into him at a young age, though is a natural trouble maker, having spend his teenage years rebelling against his parents and authority figures. He is a nice, kind hearted person who will always help if needed, though his piercings and tattoo's tend to make him a little intimidating.

History: Ash was born and bred in London. He has a younger muggle brother, and a cousin he is close to. When Ash had first started using magic, and when he had found out what he was, his parents had decided to send him to Beauxbatons, rather than Hogwarts, because it was closer to London, and seemed like a more well mannered school. He started school at 11, and soon fell in with the popular crowd, as Ash liked to be the center of attention when he was younger. He also took an intense liking to Music, and throughout his schooling became one of the best musicians in the school, though the professors shunned him because he loved muggle screamo more than anything. His cousin is a famous musician, so as a child Ash was always trying to learn new instruments. He prefers the electric guitar, lead mostly and sings alot. He went through school roughly, becoming a huge trouble maker with his friends, and gaining himself a reputation that made people like him, and some fear him. After leaving Beauxbatons, Ash and a few of his childhood friends formed the band Asking Alexandria, and they became extremely famous in the muggle metal world. Playing at venues all around the world, Ash breezes through life playing music, getting wasted, and not remembering a thing.

After meeting Ash and Kida Frost had been dating for a while, she fell pregnant, and after 9 months of living together, and being a happy family, tragedy struck. One morning, Ash went out to get her flowers, and was hit my a muggle car. After 3 weeks in a coma, Ash awoke, to find he has no recollection of who he is, or where he is. Ash struggles to cope, falling apart and breaking down. After a few months of rehab, Ash picks the pieces of his life up, and starts bartending in Australia, still having no recollection of who he is. One day, 18 months later, Ash has a flashback, and remembered Kida. After going through the limbo of finding out who he was, his memory returned and he was finally ready to start a life.

However, Kida had moved on in the time he had been gone, thinking he had left her. Ash had become enraged, and without thinking, had apparated to a bar in Sydney, Australia. After shoving as much alcohol as he could down his throat, he fell into a bar fight. He had been arrested that night, and locked in a muggle jail for five years. He had tried every way possible to get a hold of his daughter, or Kida, whilst he had been locked up, but his family had turned their back on him and he spent the whole five years without being able to get any word to Kida. Upon his release, he once again sought out his daughter, to find that the love of his love was now engaged and his daughter, who was now five years old, didnt even know who he was.

- Sir Aedan Richards, Ash's father. 44 years of age. A rich and powerful muggle politician in the english court. He married Ash's mother at 23, and they had Ash three years after. He loved his sons, but is hard on them because he wants them to succeed in life. Almost had a heart attack when he found out Ash was a wizard.
- Madam Madeleine Richards, Ash's mother. 43 years of age. A sweet and kind woman, who doesnt approve of the hard ways Aedan thinks is best for his children. She accepted Ash being a wizard most out of the family of muggles, and fears for her son's safety every day. Unemployed.
- Asa Richards, Ash's brother (Deceased R.I.P). 13 years of age. A snobby child. He tends to use his fathers title to his gain and throws his weight around, thinking himself better than his peers. He has only few friends, and is highly intelligent. He passed away during a car accident.

More to come!

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