Ash Knight

Ash Knight

New Member
OOC First Name
Ceara xox
Ash Knight

Characters Birth date:
28 February 2015
Star Sign:
Characters Age:
Blood Type:
A Positive
Blood Status:
Currently Living:

Sandy brown hair that always gets in his eyes
Hazel eyes
Baggy jeans and a loose t-shirt
Other Distinguishing Features:
Lots of freckles

Your Patronus:
If he had a Patronus it would be a
Your Patronus memory:
Holding Rose for the first time
Your Boggart:
Something happening to Rose or Aspen
Your Animagus:
If Ash was an animagus he would be a
Mirror of Erised:
If Ash looked in the Mirror of Erised he would see himself
Relationship Status:
Single (Not Looking)
Reading, Perfect memory, Swimming
Interacting with other humans
Describe your character in three words:
Favourite place to be:
In his and Aspen's room, where he has the privacy he desires
Though Ash has an appearance that would fool many into assuming he was popular and accepted, he is far from it. He was a quiet child at school, getting good grades, but he staunchly refused to talk more than necessary to anyone other than his brother Aspen or younger sister Rose. Now that Aspen has been accepted to Hogwarts, Ash has flatly told his parents that he will not be attending school once Aspen leaves. He is intensely interested in the wizarding world, and has memorised the books Aspen bought for Hogwarts. He spends a lot of time in Obsidian harbour and Brightstone Village, and he has bought many wizarding books. He is convinced that with enough practice he can become a wizard and go to Hogwarts with Aspen.


Aspen Knight
Relationship: Older Twin Brother
Birthday: 28 February 2015
Age: 10
Blood Status: Muggle-Born

Rose Knight
Relationship: Younger Sister
Birthday: 2 February 2022
Age: 3
Blood Status: Muggle

Cassandra Knight
Relationship: Mother
Birthday: 7 January 1994
Blood Status: Muggle

Andrew Knight
Birthday: 21 September 1993
Age: 32
Blood Status: Muggle​
Wonderful start to your development, youhave left room for growth and that is huge( I say this to alot of characters lol) but honestly it is nice it allows you to take a step back and work your way into you character . So lets begin, since this is a younger character I am going to go into the future with it and work my way back. Just to explain briefly for older characters I work from the past fowards because it is the past they we as rp/readers dont know about however you have no past at least not one that is concrete yet so here we go:

You have choosen to go to Hogwart New Zealand Congradulation!

What house do you want to be in the most? Why?
What house do you want to be in the least? why?

Did you parents attend hogwarts if so which branch? Which house were they sorted in? do they wish for you to be in the same house as they were in ? How do you feel about the pressure?

What subject do you think you will be most interested in? Why?
What subject do you think you will be least interested in? Why?

do you have any desire to play quidittch/ If so what posistion would you be interested?
Thanks for posting. I am not sure about some of these questions, because Ash will not actually go to Hogwarts even though he really wants to, because he is a muggle, but I will answer them as best I can. :wub:

What house do you want to be in the most? Why?
Ash, if he went to Hogwarts would want to be in Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff is 'the rest', according to the Hat, and he doesn't like the Slytherin views on muggles, as he is one. Gryffindors are foolhardy, and though he could be considered brave under some circumstances, normally he wouldn't bother.

What house do you want to be in the least? why?
Hufflepuff or Slytherin. The others he could understand being put in, because he would risk his life for his brother or sister, and he is a very intelligent boy who likes reading.

Did you parents attend hogwarts if so which branch? Which house were they sorted in? do they wish for you to be in the same house as they were in ? How do you feel about the pressure?
His parents were muggles, and so is he.

What subject do you think you will be most interested in? Why?
He would like DADA, Charms, Transfiguration, and Divination

What subject do you think you will be least interested in? Why?
Herbology. He has never been interested in plants.

do you have any desire to play Quidditch/ If so what position would you be interested?
Ash is desperate to play Quidditch. If he could play, he would be a Chaser.
The questions I know are silly considering that your character is unable to do magic but it helps in explaining how this characters life will be effected by his brother being able to use magic. xD

So is Ash a full fledge muggle or will he be a squib?

Now that you know your brother is a wiazrd and you are not how will that effect your relationship with him? We have seen this story before in the harry potter world, such is the case of lily and her sister petunia in the books. Has there been any resentment or bitterness building up in you and has this caused any major fights?

How is ashs relationship with rose? With his parents?

Your brother will be forced to go away to school and will only be permitted to come home on some holidays or an extreme emergancy, how will your character handle the seperation?
So is Ash a full fledge muggle or will he be a squib?
Ash is a muggle.

Now that you know your brother is a wizard and you are not how will that effect your relationship with him? We have seen this story before in the Harry Potter world, such is the case of Lily and her sister Petunia in the books. Has there been any resentment or bitterness building up in you and has this caused any major fights?
No, no bitterness. The main reason he wants to become a wizard is so that his brother doesn't have to leave him. They are very close, and rarely fight.

How is Ash's relationship with Rose? With his parents?
He loves his little sister, and will put aside anything he is doing/thinking if Rose wants his attention. His relationship with his parents is not as close. He is furious that they say Aspen has to go and Ash can't. They fight regularly.

Your brother will be forced to go away to school and will only be permitted to come home on some holidays or an extreme emergency, how will your character handle the separation?
Not well. He is bent on becoming a wizard so he can join his brother. He will probably spend all his time in his room, trying to use a wand, and memorising the textbooks. He will help his brother with his homework via owl.
Well that is all the questions from me, it was wonderful getting to know your character better, I wish you the best of luck on your development and if you ever need someone to look at future Developments or to come back to work on any of your characters please let me know. :p

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