Asa Freemam

Asa Freeman

Active Member
OOC First Name
Character's Name: Asa Freeman
Character's Birthdate:6/7/2016
Blood Status: Half-blood
Educated At: Beauxbatons
Occupation: Student
Appearance: Hair: Relatively short, black in hue. Dislikes having long hair ever since his caught alight at a Family Barbeque. Even in the warmest months Asa wears a beanie, as he tries to hide a few unnatural gray hairs that are spaced out on his head.
Facial hair: Slight stubble. Occasionaly shaves, if you're lucky.
Height: About 6"1.
Clothing: Try's his best to wear long pants, as he hates exposing his legs to the elements.
Build: Not a large build, fairly average. Slightly above average feet size.
Personality: When he feels the need, he can become extremely aggressive and rude. Usually though, he is a very relaxed and 'laid back' kind of person. His lame humor and wit is often the downfall of him.
Family: His mother Karen (Witch; where he gets his half-blood from), and his father Oliver have always been there for him. Not as much in the past few weeks due to his Uncles natural death. Karen works in a pharmacist and has always had an affinity for caring and health. She just celebtrated her 48th birthday. His father, Oliver, teaches Secondary Music classes at the local High School. Apart from his mother and father, he has two younger sisters, both which attend Pre-School. His parents named them after the famous Opera singers Maria Callas and Adelina Patti.
History: Asa has lived an average live, grew up in Suburbia, but has always longed for an adventure. His first few years of schooling were harsh, as he was a subject to bullying. His parents pulled him out in the 4th grade to be homeschooled, so going to Beauxbatons came as a shock to him, for two reasons: A, his mothers heritage was a secret from him, and B, he hadn't been in a 'school' for three years. (more to be added at a later date)

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