Arvo Ville Tuuri

Arvo Tuuri

dead part goblin arithmancer
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
6/04/1952 - 2/03/2062
The Basics
Character's Name:
Arvo Ville Tuuri
Arvo means value and worth in Finnish. Viile is a Finnish diminutive of William, meaning Will, desire and helm, protection. Tuuri is a Finnish surname, meaning bear, stone and is his mother's maiden name.
Character's Birthdate:
The sixth of April, nineteen fifty-two
Arvo was born during the early hours, within the home of his human mother. He was an overdue baby, but very small because of his heritage. He was treated for breathing difficulty by his grandmother (a healer), and otherwise had a very healthy and average birth.
Kemi, Finland.
Kemi was founded in 1869, and Arvo loved his town dearly. He remained there his entire childhood, and most of his adult years. He met his first wife within Kemi, and migrated to England after their divorce, only to return some years later with a new wife due to homesickness. He only left Kemi just over fifteen years ago, this time moving to New Zealand with his third wife.
Blood Status:
Mixed blood.
Goblin father, witch mother.
9 inch, sturdy black walnut wand with hippogriff feather core.
Black walnut wands are especially aware of self deception and may not perform as expected for a witch or wizard in a state of inner conflict. Self-aware and assured wizards will have found a powerful and loyal companion, however. Just like the animal from which it comes, hippogriff feathers being used as a wand core produce wands that are stable and versatile; however, they must be respected by the wand caster or risk having their wand turn against them.

Educated At:
Arvo was home-schooled by his maternal grandparents within Kemi, along with his half-sister.
Position at Hogwarts:
Arithmancy Professor.
Years three to seven. He retired in 2045.

Arvo has white hair. Though onces a light brown, his hair paled with age, and is thinning, with a receding hair-line. He prefers it a little on the long side, past his ears, and it is rather healthy. It is soft to the touch, and rarely knots.
Arvo has deep-set, slightly slanted hazel eyes. They sit under heavy eyebrows, and are quite dark with long eyelashes.
Arvo is four foot two and a half inches tall.
Arvo wears modified wizards robes, as he does not frequent the muggle world at all, and sees no use in wearing their outfits. His robes are usually darker, earthy colours, such as emeralds, and rich browns.
Other Distinguishing Features:
Arvo has a crooked, pointed nose, and a rather angular face overall, as well as a slightly oval head, and pointed ears. These stem from his paternal heritage.

A Little Deeper
Special Talents/Abilities: Arvo is half goblin.
On the sixth of April, nineteen fifty-two, Arvo Ville Tuuri was born in a small, private residence in Kemi. His mother, Heidi Essi Tuuri, a young, unattached eighteen year old half-blood witch. From the time he was born, it became apparent to his grandparents that he was different from other children. At first thought by his grandfather as somehow underdeveloped, Heidi was wise enough to inform him that Arvo was the offspring of her goblin partner at the time who, upon learning of her pregnancy and her choice to follow it through to the end, left at the thought of such a child being born with his name attached to it. Within hours of his birth, there were difficulties with breathing for the pint-sized bub, but his healer grandmother was on hand through the ordeal, and at five o'clock that evening, he was finally given his name. Arvo, given by his grandfather, to let his only grandson know that he is valued, and worth more than what his father supposed. Ville, given by his grandmother, to instil in her only grandson the will to make changes in the world, and to protect him from them. Tuuri, meaning bear and stone, was their last name, and they hoped it would provide him with strength of character that their daughter lacked and that they tried to instil in their only granddaughter, Arvo's older sister, Inka Minttu.
Arvo had a happy early childhood, and was the apple of his grandparents' eyes. His muggle grandfather was completely captivated by his tiny size, but large personality, and often tried to smuggle him into work just so he could hold him a little longer. His grandmother put a stop to this, however, and instead brought Arvo to her place of employment - a small little magical centre a few towns over - to not only keep an eye on how he was developing, but to keep an eye on him. Arvo was a mischievous youth, and often waddled away to go meddle in things that were none of his business. Being such a small, but precocious child, he rarely found a moment where he was not welcomed by nearby adults, who wanted nothing more than to just cuddle him close. He and his older sister, who greatly enjoyed trying to stuff her small brother into her overalls, ran circles around their poor grandparents. His family of five relocated a few months after his first birthday to Great Britain, with the hopes that a fresh start could be had for Heidi and her children.
The Tuuri's lasted in Great Britain for barely five years. The political sentiment at the time made it difficult for his muggle-born grandmother and Arvo to feel safe. They kept a low profile in both magical and muggle society, as his muggle grandfather made it impossible to integrate fully into magical society, whilst Arvo's half-breed status made it impossible for him to integrate into muggle society. It was eventually decided that Arvo would have to be kept safe within the house, and never allowed to leave under any circumstances, whilst his grandmother quit her job as a healer at St. Mungos in order to protect herself and all-but blend in with muggles. Inka was sent to Hogwarts Scotland and sorted into Gryffindor. Arvo buried himself into books at this time, and hung on every word that left his grandfather's lips about the stars, history and science. His keen mind wanted to absorb it all, seeing as his curiosity could not be sated any other way.

Arvo and his sister, Inka, were very close. There were fears that the two would be at odds, seeing as they were treated very differently. Arvo was often coddled, and never allowed outside, whilst Inka had a lot more freedom and was able to attend school. Fortunately, the young girl used her freedom wisely, and would often go out adventuring, only to return to Arvo with stories and trinkets. The pair exchanged letters frequently whilst she was away, and they were often what Arvo would look forward to every week. She was his best friend, and most beloved carer.
It was Arvo's twelfth year, when Inka was seventeen, that the Tuuri's left Great Britain. They thought it best to leave after their granddaughter had graduated in 1964, and swiftly moved back to their hometown in Finland, Kemi. Finland was good to them, and Arvo, after twelve years, started his magical training. His grandmother, though muggle-born, was a powerful and talented witch, gifted in the art of teaching as well as healing. She re-took her post at the local clinic, but taught her grandson to the best of her ability. Her husband, however, took great interest in the teachings, and decided to join in them. Naturally, he could cast no spells (and nor could she for legal reasons, when at home), but that never stopped him from trying. He had his own stick and waved along with his grandson, and read up on magic, matching his grandson step-for-step. The muggle man took great pleasure in watching his grandson's magic grow and develop, with more complex spells being learned and shown to him each year upon weekly visits to the magical world. His grandfather often said that, perhaps one day, he would find that he did have magic and was merely a late bloomer. Alas, Sakke had not one magical bone in his body, even failing to pick up some magician's tricks (except the faithful pulling the coin from his grandchildren's ears Arvo still has no idea how he did it), and remained a scientist up until his death much later in Arvo's life.
Arvo took to the theory and practical side of magic very well, but especially the theory. Arvo was a book-minded individual, and gravitated to subjects such as Potions, Arthimancy, Ancient Runes, History of Magic and Muggle Studies - subjects he could read a book on and understand. His passion was for Astronomy, a subject he picked up with extreme ease, whilst he was always rather good at his core subjects - excluding Herbology, which he became more proficient in when he began gaining hands-on experience with the plants, rather than detailed accounts of their characteristics and behaviour. His most favoured subject was Arithmancy, which was his grandmother's favourite subject. He took great pleasure in it, as Arithmancy upheld his belief that names, personalities, dates and time all had meaning in the construction of one's life, and just wanted to learn everything he could on the topic.
Arvo's sister, Inka, however, shined in the more practical classes - Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and Charms, and they tended to help each other study and train in their weaker classes. Arvo helped her with her book-work subjects, whilst Inka would help Arvo grow more comfortable with casting and controlling his magic. The pair were almost inseparable during the years of his training, especially, though there was only a small amount of time that they actively learned together. Inka was training to be an auror, but she still had to pass her examinations then and was always happy for a refresher.
Arvo loved Kemi dearly, but as a young man that had just finished his magical education, he decided that he wanted to explore. His formative years were punctuated with being locked in a house, and so he wished to take all of those missed years of adventure back. Starting from Kemi itself, Arvo made a thorough trek all across Europe. This was also when his mother died, and whilst he was saddened by her passing, returning to Finland for her funeral, it felt more like a distant relative's passing by now, and he continued onward. Arvo was in Great Britain, working in as restaurant when the first Wizarding War formally began. He had originally planned on settling in Britain, finding the larger magical community easier than the remoteness of home, as well as the culture and people being rather lovely. His plans of settling permanently were put on hold because of the war, and the young half-breed wizard went into hiding for much of its duration. Unable to leave the country, he found a safe-haven with other immigrant wizards and witches, and it was here that he met young witch, Joanna Elsa Aro. The couple dated throughout the rest of the war, and kept their heads down and out of the conflict, before once more returning to Finland together. They married when Arvo was twenty-nine. The ordeal sculpted both, however, and whilst Arvo decided he would tutor the next generation of wizards and witches, Joanna took the ordeal a different way. She took up training to be an auror, and joined their ranks. Arvo, whilst supportive, was not happy about it, as he was not sure her intentions were right, but as her husband he did what he could to assist her.
Arvo and Joanna had one son together. Two years after their marriage, they celebrated the birth of their first son, Jakke Into Tuuri, when Arvo was thirty-one years old. He was as small as his father, and about as clever as well. Arvo was his primary carer and took the roll seriously, but loved every moment of it.

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Oona Venla Tuuri
Muggle-born, Healer, died at the age of 100.
Oona was Arvo's grandmother, and felt very much like a second mother to him. She was a very bright woman, and Arvo deeply respected her all through his life, and still does. He always worked to seek her approval, though knew that she was the kind of woman to love unconditionally regardless. Her death came forty two years ago, when Arvo was sixty, and he was deeply hurt by the loss. He regularly visited her burial place in Kemi, Finland, and now takes time during the holidays to visit her grave. She was buried next to her muggle husband, Arvo's grandfather, who had died ten years previous.
Sakke Alberto Tuuri
Muggle, Professor at local Science University, died at the age of 90.
Arvo always held deep respect for his muggle grandfather who, on top of having to adapt to the thought of his wife having kept the secret of magic from his deeply scientific mind; his daughter being magical; and then having two magical grandchildren - one of whom was not completely human. It was a large pill to swallow, but he did so with grace and integrity, and helped his wife teach their grandchildren as he took an academic interest in magic himself (and perhaps attempted a few spells for good measure). His death was hard for Arvo, and he was buried in Kemi, Finland, to be joined by his faithful wife a decade later.
Heidi Essi Tuuri
Half-blood, unemployed, died at the age of 40.
Arvo's mother, but rarely his carer. Heidi had the tendency to mix with the wrong crowd, and would not be what one called an intelligent woman. She had an addictive personality, and frequently found herself the victim of bad choices. Her self-esteem was low, and she found herself unable to provide appropriately for her daughter, and then only a few years later, her half-breed son. Arvo was twenty two years old when she died, and his older sister was twenty-seven. He loved his mother, but never saw her as anything other than a close family member. She is buried in Kemi, Finland, to be eventually joined by her parents.
Inka Minttu Tuuri
Half-blood, retired, 1947.
Arvo's half sister. Inka's father was a muggle man that, after learning Arvo's mother was pregnant, ran off without her. Inka is five years older than Arvo, and the pair grew up rather close - with Inka behaving more like a protector to her tiny little brother. She never took much interest in getting married, or relationships as a whole, however, and completely devoted herself to her work as an auror for the Finnish Ministry. She still remains in Kemi, and she and Arvo used to spend a lot of time together. When great distances apart, they write, and she is still a strong part of his children's lives.

Jonna Elsa Aro
Half-blood, deceased at 100, Home schooled.
Arvo and Jonna married when they were twenty-nine years old, after having dated for two years previous. Together, the couple had one child together. She worked as an auror, and was consumed by her work even after children, and it brought great strain into their relationship. After nine years of marriage, they finally divorced, and Arvo received full custody of their son. She died aged one hundred.
Jaakko Into Tuuri
Mixed-blood, born 1983, HS Slytherin, Durmstrang.
Jaakko is Arvo eldest son, and the father of three of his own children. He moved to New Zealand in 2035, but remained in contact with his family, and married a New Zealand woman, Angela. He is a herbologist, and shows all the same signs of his goblin heritage as his father does, and is rather similar to him in personality. He is the father of Jaskai Hesekiel (2025), Oona Loviisa (2030), and Kai Matias Tuuri (2036).

Estelle Olivia (Elton) Tuuri
Mixed blood, deceased at 89, Hogwarts Scotland, Ravenclaw.
Estelle and Arvo married in England, 1988. They lived in England only for a couple of years, having their first daughter, Simone Taru after their first year of marriage. Arvo's son and Estelle did not get along, and whilst he had offered to tutor Jaako so he could stay in England all year round, Jaako wished to attend Hogwarts Scotland. When Simone was two, they moved back to Kemi even though Estelle was not fluent in the native language, and Jaako was moved to Durmstrang. Tragedy struck when Simone, aged seven, died via drowning. They had a young daughter, and son at the time, Leena Marije and Kellin Leevi. Their relationship was strained, but they were determined to salvage it and ultimately failed. They divorced in 2014. Estelle moved to England, whilst Arvo remained in Kemi. Estelle died at the age of eighty-nine.
Simone Taru Tuuri
Mixed blood, died aged seven, not-applicable.
Simone was a bright girl that captured her father's attention. Like with all of his children, he spent a lot of time with Simone and would describe her as an ambitious, and curious child. At the age of seven, this curiosity cost her her life when exploring the local lakes. Arvo was devastated, and she remains buried in Kemi, her favourite place in the world.
Mataleena Marije Tuuri
Mixed-blood, 2008, Durmstrang.
Leena is the second child of Arvo's second marriage, and the two shared a close relationship. Leena had a relationship with Benjamin Kaster, however the man died, and left her pregnant with their son, Evander Mark Tuuri (2025). She moved to New Zealand when her son was very small, and so he attended Hogwarts New Zealand as a Slytherin. As a waitress, her wages were not very good, and she was finaicially assisted by her half-brother Jaako, and her father. She died aged twenty-eight, and this prompted Arvo to move to New Zealand in order to take in his grandson rather than relocate him.
Kellin Leevi Tuuri
Mixed blood, 2013, Home schooled.
Kellin and his father always got along, even though he was heavily closeted by his mother. His naivety is cause for concern from Arvo, and so he works overtime to protect and guard his children to Estelle. He plays role of protector for his ambitious and daft son, and often takes off to get him out of trouble. Kellin went travelling the globe, and recently began seeing a young part-goblin woman, Artemis Blackmoore, in New Zealand. The couple have one son, Arvo Jr. and a daughter, Elora.

Kata Helmi (Ylitalo) Tuuri
Mixed blood, 1971, Home Schooled.
Kata and Arvo had known each other for many years, and upon his return to Finland after his relationship-breakdown with Estelle, the pair entered a relationship the following year. A year later, twin boys entered their relationship, along with the two children Kata had from her previous marriage to Ronantic Lampinend; Petra Linnea and Elmeri Vikke.
Petra Linnea Ylitalo-Lampinen
Mixed-blood, 2001, Durmstrang.
Petra is Arvo's step-daughter, and the pair get along quite well. She lives in Finland, and is an auror. She and Arvo get along very well, particularly after he introduced her to his older sister.
Elmeri Vikke Ylitalo
Mixed-blood, 2009, Durmstrang.
Elmeri is Arvo's step-son, and the pair - whilst friendly - mostly communicate via owl. Elmeri is constantly on the move as a freelance herbologist. He is married to Alina Juulia Koivisto, and they have one son named Frans Ibsar.
Antero Heikki Tuuri
Mixed blood, 2016, Home Schooled.
To come.
Elijas Jussi Tuuri
Mixed-blood, 2016, Home Schooled.
To come.
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