Arturo Beckett Raven

Arturo Raven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
A Wild Tenilee!
Sexual Orientation

I can hold my breath, I can bite my tongue
Within a minute I was all packed up

Character Name
Arturo's full name:
Arturo Beckett Raven
Reason or meaning of name:
Arturo's first name means Bear, and is of Italian origin. His middle name is of English origin, meaning Brook. While his last name, Raven, is inherited by his father, and is of English origin, and means Dark haired.
Arturo's nickname/s:
Arturo prefers his proper name, and so does not consider himself to have any nicknames. Although, being referred to as Giuliano is very common, so is Giuls, however this is simply mistaken identity on the part of others.
Reason or meaning of nickname:
See above.
Birth date:
July fourteenth, twenty twenty-five

<SIZE size="50">I can stay awake for days, If that's what you want
I don't wanna go
Physical appearance
Fourteen years, eight months
Body build:
Shape of face:
Shape of mouth:
Eye color:
Arturo has dark blue eyes.
Glasses or contacts:
Arturo wears glasses when reading.
Skin tone:
Arturo's skin tans when in the sun, and is a light olive colour.
Hair color:
Type of hair:
Arturo has short, slightly wavy hair that, if left to grow, becomes curly. He keeps it short as it can become knotty quite easily.
Arturo is purposefully attempting to rid himself of his Italian accent, at least whilst he is at Hogwarts, and seems to be succeeding relatively well. He has a mid-range voice and tends to not bother amplifying it.
Physical disabilities:
Usual fashion of dress:
Arturo prefers muggle attire of the more relaxed persuasion.
Jewellery or accessories:
Arturo wears rings, and a watch.
Blood Status:
Pure blood.
Arturo hates stupidity, and one thing he finds particularly stupid is being hung up on blood status. He has no time for it, and is not a particularly prejudice person. However, he is not one to shy from using blood-orientated slurs if he feels it will upset the other party. However, he would also use anti-pureblood slurs should he feel it needed.
Blood Type:
O Negative
Finn Harries

But I'm only human, And I bleed when I fall down
Sudden words are hard to speak
Most favoured colour:
Least favourite colour:
Arturo prefers fruit to almost anything else, and does not eat meat as he does not like the flavour.
Arturo enjoys reading history books.
Form of entertainment:
Arturo entertains himself with mostly independent activities, such as reading.
Arturo does not have many 'expressions', he has a penpal that he writes to, and another friend from school whom lives in England that he also writes to. But otherwise, he has no other means of de-stressing.
Mode of transportation:
Apparation (tag-along), portkey, and flu powder.
Most prized possession:
Arturo has no prized possessions.

I can turn it on, Be a good machine
When your thoughts are all I see
Optimist or pessimist?
Introvert or extrovert?
Daredevil or cautious?
Logical or emotional?
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?
Methodical and neat.
Prefers working or relaxing?
Confident or unsure?
Animal lover?

I'm only human, And I crash and I break down
When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky.
Plays a musical instrument?
Arturo plays the flute, but only when he feels he has to. He only picked the instrument because it looked like it required the least amount of work.
Plays a sport?
Arturo plays no sport.
How would Arturo spend a rainy day:
Arturo spends rainy days reading, or on occasion spending time with someone, if he has to.
Nervous tics:
Arturo, when nervous, can get rather nasty. Therefore, when nervous he usually tries not to speak much.
Usual body posture:
Arturo has very good posture.
Arturo does not tend to be animated when he speaks, but will walk around a little.

Your words in my head, knives in my heart
To the beat of our hearts at the same time.
Florence, Italy.
Type of childhood:
Arturo owns no pets.
First memory:
Childhood hero:
Dream job:
Arturo has no idea what he would want to be.
Arturo currently attends Hogwarts New Zealand, and was sorted into the house of Ravenclaw.

I'm only human, Just a little human
I made a promise that I'll come home soon.
Current location:
Currently living with:
Arturo is currently an assistant at Madam Malkin's Robes.

I can take so much, 'Til I've had enough
Bring me back, bring me back to you.
Drives and motivations:
Immediate goals:
To graduate.
Long term goals:
How Arturo plans to accomplish these goals:

I can hold the weight of worlds, If that's what you need
When we both wake up underneath the same sun.
</i><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">
<B>Good personality traits:
Arturo is confident, and tenacious, and this causes him to rarely give up. He is quite protective and loyal, and is rather polite when first meeting someone. This trait, however, is rather shallow and short lived at times.
Bad personality traits:
Arturo is very hot-headed, and can find himself angry very quickly. He is also rather cruel, and gains enjoyment from emotionally hurting others, should they annoy him. He also tends to have panic attacks, which causes him deep embarrassment, and so this pride can make him rather difficult.
Most common mood:
Sense of humour:
Arturo has an extremely sarcastic and dark sense of humour. He enjoys poking at others' flaws to invoke laughter, and will often use insults to test whether he can be bothered trying to be someone's friend.
Enraged when:
... Pretty much when anyone does anything.
Arturo's soft spot:
His panic attacks, and people he cares about. Mentioning these things in a negative light will get him worked up very quickly.
Greatest strength:
His confidence.
Greatest weakness:
His short and volatile temper.
Biggest regret:
Biggest accomplishment:
Arturo doesn't think he has one.
Arturo's darkest secret:
He likes his friend.
Does anyone else know?
Hopefully not her at least!

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