Arthur Quinn

Arthur Quinn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
The Basics
Character's Name:
Arthur Quinn
Character's Birthdate:
18th March 2016
Newhey, Rochdale. Moved to New Zealand as a 'fresh start' when his father died.
Blood Status:
Muggle Born
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains
Hogwarts House:
Short and skinny with the boniest knees imaginable, Arthur is a mere scrap of a boy with plenty of growing left to do. Arthur stands at 4' 2 and is used to looking up at most of his peers. His face is round and pale, except for a scattering of freckles across his nose, and he has short, mouse-brown hair, cut short and neat. His fringe is just long enough to hide a small scar on his left temple and ends a couple of centimetres above his eyes. His eyes are a light grey, his best feature according to his mother, but he hates them because they remind him of his father. His nose is stumpy and his mouth tends to be a little crooked when he smiles. There is a slight gap between his two front teeth and he was going to have braces, though how wizarding school will affect that, he doesn't know. His clothes are old and a little worn, handmedowns from his elder brother, and he normally wears woolen jumpers over shirts. His mother insists on him dressing 'proper-like' and cannot afford to buy him more expensive clothes. Most of his clothes are a little too big for him, making him look even smaller
Short, mouse-brown with a long fringe
light grey
Non-existent. Arthur normally wears oversized jumpers and shirts. He has no interest in fashion. Because his family is poor, most of his clothes are hand me downs from his brother and the few new clothes are reserved for special occasions.
Other Distinguishing Features: A scar stratching from his left temple to just above his eye. It's not normally visible due to his hair cut. It was caused when his father hit him with an broken bottle. A piece of glass was embedded in the wound and had to be removed by a doctor under local anaesthetic. Arthur was very lucky that the bottle missed his eye.

A Little Deeper
Arthur is meek, kind and polite. He's fairly unpopular at school because unlike most of the boys there, he actually thinks before he acts. Arthur is the one who hangs back and says 'actually, no I don't want to climb that 6ft tree, I might hurt myself' and gets jeered at by the others for being a coward. It's not that he won't act when necessary. He just doesn't see the point in being stupid for the sake of being stupid. And the other boys call him a sissy for it. Arthur gets picked on alot at school for 'being a wuss' and is often the target of class pranks. He puts up with most of their antics. Besides, no one's tried to start a fight with him, not since the first one. Sure he lost, but he managed to break one boy's jaw over it (not without a little magical assistance). Arthur may be skinny, but he refuses to lie down and get kicked. Arthur is fairly rule abiding, though he'll always defend his values over the rules if it comes to a conflict between the two. Arthur also enjoys school, especially science, and is fascinated by how the world works. For every question that gets answered, he tends to have another ten in reserve and he tends to spend time doing his own private research projects. You'd think because of that, Hogwarts would be a dream come true, but Arthur doesn't want to leave his ma alone for a year. He's only going because his ma insists he does, saying it'll be a wonderful opportunity for him. Arthur refuses to let his mother down. Technically, Arthur is a christian and has attended church along with his mother since he was a small child. He pretty much hates it but it has become a habit to go. His own beliefs are a bit iffy, but he thinks he probably doesn't believe in God.


Father: Edward Quinn
Aged 40, Deceased (1985-2025)
Died in a car accident while under the influence of alcohol.
When he was alive, Ed Quinn was an alcoholic and gambled heavily, leaving his family in poverty. While normally mild mannered and quiet, under the influence of alcohol he became rude and abusive, hurting Dolly and Arthur on a number of occasions. Arthur got the scar on his forehead from one particularly bad argument. Needless to say, his death was a blessing in disguise. Arthur hated him and doesn't miss him much
Walk a little straighter, Daddy

Mother: Delilah Quinn ('Dolly', ne Mason)
Aged 37
Employed in Bakery, previously a school cleaner.
Strong Christian and tried to bring her children up according to Christian values. Very hardworking and is trying to give her children a better life. She's currently an apprentice at a Bakery. She is fairly kind and loving, but is quite strict when it comes to rules. She tried to teach her sons values to follow, while protecting them from the abuse of their father. She didn't like the sound of Hogwarts at first, believing it to be an attack against God, but since writing to the school to complain, she has come around to the idea that magic is a skill and not a religion or cult. She now insists that Arthur attends, willing to put aside her own misgivings if it will mean Arthur has a better future ahead of him.
Lullaby for a stormy night

Brother: James Quinn
Aged 18
Currently abroad fighting in the forces
James wanted to get out of the house as quickly as possible. Too stupid to go to college, he instead joined the army and is currently fighting abroad. Polite and quiet, but with a bit of a temper, he rarely goes home and did not attend Ed's funeral.
Jame's Song

Maternal Grandfather: William Mason
Aged 67, Deceased (1948-2015)
Died of a heart attack. Arthur never met him.

Maternal Grandmother: Louise Mason (ne Stone)
Aged 75
Kind and gentle, Louise has long suffered from worries over her daughter's unfortunate relationship. Since Ed's death, she has provided Dolly support and Arthur enjoys visiting her house for cake and tea. She is a particularly strong christian, however, and has therefore not been informed of Arthur's new schooling, as it would distress her greatly.

Maternal Aunt: Rosemary Mason
Aged 42
Supposedly self-employed
Aunt Rosemary was always the blacksheep of the family. She always had an interest in pagan religions and scared her parents silly with attempts at rituals and casting spells - all failures except for a curious incident where she turned her mother's pet terrier pink. As luck would have it, at 11 years old, she was invited to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Even as an 11 year old, Rosemary was sharp and she hid the true nature of the letter from her parents, aware that if they knew the type of school that Hogwarts was they would definitely refuse to let her go. Rosemary ran away to Hogwarts, writing home to inform her parents when they started to worry. Of course, once she was there and had a wand, her parents could do nothing. They allowed Rosemary back to the house on condition that Dolly not be told about her schooling. Because of this, Dolly remains unaware that her sister has magical abilities. Arthur always felt wary of his Aunt Rosemary, finding her to behave and dress very oddly.


Cousin: Saffron ('Saffy') Mason
Aged 10
Saffie has met Arthur a couple of times, but they have never gotten along. Arthur always found Saffie rather annoying due to her constant insistance that magic, dragons and other otherworldly beings existed. No matter how often he showed her his science books and school texts, she insisted they were true. Consequently, he thinks that she is a stubborn idiot and doesn't really like meeting her. Saffie, on the hand, found Arthur to be a bit of a wet blanket.
Celeb claim: Kristin Kreuk

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