
Mark Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Birch Wand 14 1/4"
Mark walked around the grounds. He was bored out of his mind and as he didn't really want to talk to people in his house he thought that he would just walk around for a bit and see if he could find something to occupy his mind for a while. Usually something small could amuse him if he waned it too but he could feel like that wouldn't be enough today.

After a while Mark looked up to see where he had ended up. It took him a moment but he recognised it as the north tower. With a sigh he walked up to the stairs and reached the top. The view from the top was something great and Mark walked to the window and leant out enjoying the view
Jenn had gotten strange looks from all the younger students, and even some of the older, as she walked around Hogwarts. She presumed that this was due to her heavy eye make up but she couldn't care less. She was sure her mother would say that she was just being a typical teenager with loads of angst seeping out of her pores but Jenn also didn't care if she was a typical "scene-kid". The looks, however, had gotten tiresome as the day went on so Jenn went to her safe haven, a place that most students didn't venture out to, and this was the North Tower.

Normally Jenn wouldn't have gone up to the North Tower during the day time as there was no possibility of seeing any stars but right now star gazing was not what she wished to do so she walked up the flights of stairs with her hands in the pockets of her torn jeans. Expecting that she would have been alone in the Tower was wrong of Jenn for the second she had entered, she spotted another person. A quick, inaudible sigh left her glossed lips before she walked towards the window sill. "Hey," Jenn said to the boy, just to show that she had acknowledged his presence and that she intended staying up here whether he wanted her company or not. Taking her hands out of her pockets, Jenn let one hand over the edge lazily while the other propped up on the elbow to allow her chin to rest in her hand.
Mark breathed in as a breezed blew in from the window, making his face feel numb from the cold. No different to the rest of me then I guess. He thought quietly to himself. He wasnt as down a he normally was but that was just don to his new friend. He liked being around people as much as he could. He was a sociable boy and not to mention he was happier around others than he was around.

Mark looked around as he heard someone else close to him. A girl. Mark smiled. "Hey." He said in return. The girl certainly looked different, but not in a bad way. He bit his lip as he looked at her. He recognised her from the common room which meant that they were in the same house but he had not seen her in his lessons which meant she wasn't in his year "Its too busy in the castle now with all the first years around." He sad starting a conversation off. First years always seemed to be in the way at the start of the term.
Jenn looked at the boy and smiled, he was right, the first years were always in the way. As she thought back to her own first year she remembered being 'in the way' just as they were to her now. "They all seem to settle once second semester hits. Until then, I guess we can just beat up any ones that cross our paths," she said, giving the boy a playful wink to show she was just joking, although there had been one that had given Jenn a good amount of sass that made her want to rip out her tongue and put it in her hand so she could hold her tongue. For a gryffindor, Karah Green sure was irritating to Jennifer Wilkonson. Luckily enough, it had been a one time meeting and they would likely never pass paths again.

Curiosity struck Jenn, she knew not who this person was or of his year so she asked, "What year are you in?" The second that question had left her glossed lips, Jenn realized she had not introduced herself so she said, "I'm Jenn." Jenn stuck her hand out lazily to shake the boys hand, hoping he would have taken the hint and would introduce himself in return. That was the only polite thing to do.

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