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- 10 1/2" ash and paduak mix with unicorn hair core
Full Name: - Aries Centauri
Birth Date: - 1st November 2005
Current Age: - 15 years old
Basic Appearance: - brownish red short almost spiked hair, brownish green eyes, pale yet semi-freckled skin, roughly 5' 9" tall. Wiry frame not stick thin or anything but healthy looking enough.
Parents:- My father is : Democles Centauri: Born in 1980, to wizards Barabus Centauri and Carla Montegomery. My grandmothers family were muggles though she herself was a witch. They lived for a time in Portugal and also Poland depending on where my grandfathers job within the ministry took them. Finally in 1991 on receiving his letter from Hogwarts they moved to Scotland. My grandfather was greatly disappointed as he had hoped his son would attend Durmstrang like he had but no letter from that school ever came. As it was my father became a Ravenclaw but due to severe harassment by a group of Slytherins he left. His grandfather was disgusted by this lack of backbone in his only son and though he attempted to get his son into Durmstrang, my father was homeschooled instead. Becoming a graduate in 1998.
He went to work for the daily prophet as a reporter, it was thanks to this job that sent him on location to America that he met his future bride, my mother Antonia Verbalian. They corresponded when he returned to Scotland but eventually she moved over and they married in the summer of 2001.
My father eventually rose in the ranks of the newspaper to become assistant editor but when his son had troubles of his own at school, he was grateful that a magazine in New Zealand offered him the place of Editor and Chief. He applied on behalf of his son for a position at the Hogwarts school there, hesitant of course to do so but having heard only great things felt it could just be the place for him. Dispite the fact that the headmistress had gone missing from the Triwizard Tournament the year before and death eaters were allegedly the culprits.
My Mother: Antonia Verbilian - Centauri, was also born in 1980 but in Chicago, Illinois. Her parents were also wizards though her grandparents were all muggles. She attended Salem School of Witchcraft and graduated in 1998. On discovering her love of literature she began work in a book store and it was here she met my father who was abroad working. They fell in love but as he returned to Scotland, she thought nothing more would come of the relationship. She was therefore delighted when he began writing her lengthy letters and she replied as kind. It was not long before she quit her job and moved to Scotland where they eventually married. After their first year and no sign of any children, she went to night school to study for a teachers degree. It was to be another four years before they had their one and only child, namely myself.
My mother of course always lived in awe of her father-in-law, a gruff old man with a solid temper. He insisted from the day I was born that I would attend Durmstang and much to his delight, I received a letter from there instead of Hogwarts Scotland. After the issues my father had dealt with at Hogwarts he was not overly pushed which magic school I attended, so they let me attend Durmstrang.
Siblings, if any: -I am an only child
Pets, if any: Had a dog but he was struck by a ricocheting spell and died. - Area of Residence: We now live in Darempale, 3 miles outside of Obsidian. It is a small estate where other wizarding families live. Some of my fathers work colleagues live there. My mother opened up a creche for magical children as there seemed to be a massive call for it. - Blood status:I suppose I could be classed as a Half Blood
Hogwarts House : - Ravenclaw - while in Durmstrang we were not seperated into different houses. But after a lot of soul searching during my third year at Durmstrang I came to the conclusion that it was not the school for me. I spent most of the summer pleading with my parents to send me somewhere, anywhere else. My grandfather is not speaking with either of my parents or myself at this juncture, as he sees my behaviour as a form of weakness and blames my father entirely. When my father was offered the job at Merlins Monthly, he was more than thrilled with the move away from my grandparents and set about getting me enrolled into Hogwarts. He was delighted when I made Ravenclaw, he says it's a great house and as my father has never lied to me before, I have no reason to doubt him now.
Best school subjects (And why): - I excelled at Potions and Charms at Durmstrang, so hopefully we'll see if I am as competent in the same subjects here.
Worst school subjects (And why): - At Durmstrang we did not have Defence against the Dark Arts but instead had simply the Dark Arts. It was a horrid subject and one I disliked intently, infact it was possibly my main reason for leaving that school.
What would their Patronus be? - I've never given it much thought to be honest but I would like to think it would be a dog similar to my old pet, Apollo.
What would their Boggart be? - My old Dark Arts professor from Durmstrang, horrible nasty man.
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) - I think it could be something like a dog, might be a bit ambitious if I were to suggest an eagle or something truly majestic.
What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? - A whole list of things probably, me holding the quidditch trophy; becoming head boy, having a date for the Yule Ball, excelling in NEWTs.
What memory could they use to create a Patronus? - The day I turned 10years old, my parents brought me my first broomstick, I spent the entire day falling off of it but it didn't matter. It was brilliant.
Birth Date: - 1st November 2005
Current Age: - 15 years old
Basic Appearance: - brownish red short almost spiked hair, brownish green eyes, pale yet semi-freckled skin, roughly 5' 9" tall. Wiry frame not stick thin or anything but healthy looking enough.
Parents:- My father is : Democles Centauri: Born in 1980, to wizards Barabus Centauri and Carla Montegomery. My grandmothers family were muggles though she herself was a witch. They lived for a time in Portugal and also Poland depending on where my grandfathers job within the ministry took them. Finally in 1991 on receiving his letter from Hogwarts they moved to Scotland. My grandfather was greatly disappointed as he had hoped his son would attend Durmstrang like he had but no letter from that school ever came. As it was my father became a Ravenclaw but due to severe harassment by a group of Slytherins he left. His grandfather was disgusted by this lack of backbone in his only son and though he attempted to get his son into Durmstrang, my father was homeschooled instead. Becoming a graduate in 1998.
He went to work for the daily prophet as a reporter, it was thanks to this job that sent him on location to America that he met his future bride, my mother Antonia Verbalian. They corresponded when he returned to Scotland but eventually she moved over and they married in the summer of 2001.
My father eventually rose in the ranks of the newspaper to become assistant editor but when his son had troubles of his own at school, he was grateful that a magazine in New Zealand offered him the place of Editor and Chief. He applied on behalf of his son for a position at the Hogwarts school there, hesitant of course to do so but having heard only great things felt it could just be the place for him. Dispite the fact that the headmistress had gone missing from the Triwizard Tournament the year before and death eaters were allegedly the culprits.
My Mother: Antonia Verbilian - Centauri, was also born in 1980 but in Chicago, Illinois. Her parents were also wizards though her grandparents were all muggles. She attended Salem School of Witchcraft and graduated in 1998. On discovering her love of literature she began work in a book store and it was here she met my father who was abroad working. They fell in love but as he returned to Scotland, she thought nothing more would come of the relationship. She was therefore delighted when he began writing her lengthy letters and she replied as kind. It was not long before she quit her job and moved to Scotland where they eventually married. After their first year and no sign of any children, she went to night school to study for a teachers degree. It was to be another four years before they had their one and only child, namely myself.
My mother of course always lived in awe of her father-in-law, a gruff old man with a solid temper. He insisted from the day I was born that I would attend Durmstang and much to his delight, I received a letter from there instead of Hogwarts Scotland. After the issues my father had dealt with at Hogwarts he was not overly pushed which magic school I attended, so they let me attend Durmstrang.
Siblings, if any: -I am an only child
Pets, if any: Had a dog but he was struck by a ricocheting spell and died. - Area of Residence: We now live in Darempale, 3 miles outside of Obsidian. It is a small estate where other wizarding families live. Some of my fathers work colleagues live there. My mother opened up a creche for magical children as there seemed to be a massive call for it. - Blood status:I suppose I could be classed as a Half Blood
Hogwarts House : - Ravenclaw - while in Durmstrang we were not seperated into different houses. But after a lot of soul searching during my third year at Durmstrang I came to the conclusion that it was not the school for me. I spent most of the summer pleading with my parents to send me somewhere, anywhere else. My grandfather is not speaking with either of my parents or myself at this juncture, as he sees my behaviour as a form of weakness and blames my father entirely. When my father was offered the job at Merlins Monthly, he was more than thrilled with the move away from my grandparents and set about getting me enrolled into Hogwarts. He was delighted when I made Ravenclaw, he says it's a great house and as my father has never lied to me before, I have no reason to doubt him now.
Best school subjects (And why): - I excelled at Potions and Charms at Durmstrang, so hopefully we'll see if I am as competent in the same subjects here.
Worst school subjects (And why): - At Durmstrang we did not have Defence against the Dark Arts but instead had simply the Dark Arts. It was a horrid subject and one I disliked intently, infact it was possibly my main reason for leaving that school.
What would their Patronus be? - I've never given it much thought to be honest but I would like to think it would be a dog similar to my old pet, Apollo.
What would their Boggart be? - My old Dark Arts professor from Durmstrang, horrible nasty man.
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) - I think it could be something like a dog, might be a bit ambitious if I were to suggest an eagle or something truly majestic.
What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? - A whole list of things probably, me holding the quidditch trophy; becoming head boy, having a date for the Yule Ball, excelling in NEWTs.
What memory could they use to create a Patronus? - The day I turned 10years old, my parents brought me my first broomstick, I spent the entire day falling off of it but it didn't matter. It was brilliant.