Arielle Isabelle Lemaire.

Arielle Lemaire

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust.

Lipstick has a way of leaving more than just a mark on my sheets, colouring
my senses cherry red; at least for this week... Kisses under starry night
skies, talked about in song, we play along, so bitter sweet by our design.

NAME: Arielle Isabelle Lemaire.
AGE: Fourteen.
BIRTHDAY: July 27.
GENDER: Female.
SCHOOL: Hogwarts New Zealand.
BLOOD STATUS: Mixed blood.
BLOOD TYPE: O negative.
DIET: Omnivore.
ALLERGIES: None as of yet.
PETS: None currently.




HEIGHT Arielle is slightly taller than the rest of her peers, in previous years she hoped she would grow even taller from adolescent growth spurts as to up her chances of being a model when she grew older, however now that her fashion interests have flown out the window, Arielle couldn't care less about how tall, or short she might be.
WEIGHT: From her younger, more ambitious years, Arielle is model thin, after discarding her ambitions for more, one would expect her to give up her rigorous diet and exercise schedule, but Arielle hasn't given it up because it has now become a habit of hers so Arielle remains at a model-esuqe weight.
COMPLEXION: Arielle's complexion is pale overall, since she spends most of her time in the dungeons and Slytherin common room when she isn't forced outside or elsewhere in the castle by classes or other things. Her complexion doesn't change much throughout the year and she mostly stays pale, with a few small exceptions.
HAIR: Arielle has mid length blonde to red hair, parted slightly to the side, which she wears down and tidy. Her hair is naturally wavy and easily curled so she curls it into perfect ringlets every day. She looks after her hair, keeping it healthy and shiny. For formal occasions, Arielle either curls her hair and pins it away from her face or styles it up in a bun.
EYES: Arielle has light blue to grey coloured eyes, adopting the recessive gene from her mother as her father has green eyes. Some have described Arielle's eyes as 'cold' or 'piercing' however she doesn't think much of them, nor does she use her eye colour to her advantage, it is just an eye colour to her.
BODY: Overall Arielle's body is thin from her diet and exercise. For Arielle, curves aren't something she desires, of course they are unavoidable, and much to her dismay since her third year Arielle has started to develop a chest, although it's barely noticeable yet. Her body shape is not completely proportioned yet and Arielle has more weight on her belly than the rest of her body, but it is only enough for her to fret about, nobody else has noticed it yet.
STYLE: For as long as she can remember, Arielle has been very selective with clothing, mainly judging them by price and quality, and usually imports her clothes from foreign countries. Arielle doesn't have any particular style, as she likes to experiment with clothing, although she's more than partial to clothing classics, like little black dresses and the like, she keeps her clothing classy. Example.




EDUCATED AT: Arielle had little to no pre-magical education, she spent her childhood without a tutor or anything similar, except for a few lessons in common sense from her father. Apart from those odd lessons in common sense, anything Arielle learnt before starting magical school was self-taught.
FAVOURITE SUBJECT: One thing Arielle preferred to lean about was the universe, she liked the theory of the big bang, and how large the universe was, and how small earth was compared to everything else in existence, she liked to contemplate what there was beyond the universe and other similar things.
LEAST FAVOURITE SUBJECT: Arielle did not have a least favourite subject when she was learning about things on her own, because there weren't any subjects she was learning, she was only finding out little pieces of things as opposed to anything that could be categorised.
FAVOURITE PLACE: Although Arielle did self-teach, which is not technically considered much of an education, her favourite place to do this was in her bedroom, as the quiet atmosphere gave her a clear enough headspace to actually focus and learn something.
LEAST FAVOURITE PLACE: Arielle found it hard to focus in certain areas of her house, such as the living room and dining room. There was a lot of hustle and bustle in the living room, making it hard for Arielle to stop herself from getting distracted so she tried to avoid those places when she wanted to learn something.

EDUCATED AT: As expected, after turning eleven Arielle was accepted into Hogwarts New Zealand, the idea of attending a normal school immediately turned Arielle away, although she reluctantly agreed to go to Hogwarts New Zealand.
HOUSE: Arielle was sorted into Slytherin during the sorting ceremony, and is proud to be in Slytherin, ready to represent her house although she has not taken kindly to her house mates and does not respect anybody else in Slytherin yet.
FAVOURITE SUBJECT: After being so interested in the universe and the stars, Arielle's favourite magical subject has grown to be Astronomy, defence against the dark arts class being a close second on her list of favourite subjects as lately anything to do with the dark arts interests her.
LEAST FAVOURITE SUBJECT: Arielle does not have any least favourite subject in particular, as any subjects besides defence against the dark arts and astronomy bore her to no end, so her least favourite subjects are simply the ones which aren't her two favourites.
FAVOURITE PLACE: Her favourite place in the school grounds is the dungeons. This is because Arielle prefers places where she can be alone and think for herself, and because of the murky atmosphere the dungeons provide, not many students tend to spend time there, as far as Arielle has noticed. Because of the dislike she has for most of her fellow students, the dungeons provide a haven for the girl.
LEAST FAVOURITE PLACE: Arielle's least favourite place is the great hall. Although she goes there regularly for meals, as she is required to, she hates the place, and how she is forced to socialise with her housemates so she spends as little time in the great hall as possible, unless accompanied by somebody she doesn't completely loathe.
CURRENTLY EDUCATED AT: Arielle is currently in her fourth year at Hogwarts New Zealand.




LIKES: Darkness, laughing at people, being alone, fashion, magic, astronomy.
DISLIKES: Guidelines, sunshine, peace, socialising, kindness, optimism.
WAND: Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust - A feminine wood commonly used for healing, health and protection. It is good for spells involving potion charming, astronomy and herbology related charms. However this wand can also unlock very dark magic, to the person with the right mind to do so. The pinkish tone comes from the fairy dust that gas consumed the wood.
VERITISERUM: The one secret Arielle would never want another to hear is how much she misses and wants to know her mother, she believes others would see it as pathetic, since she has never known her mother throughout her entire life, and will never have the opportunity to.
BOGGART: Her boggart would be her father's corpse. Arielle never knew what her mother was like, she has only seen pictures of her and heard stories about her, she has a close bind with her father, after so many years of it being just them together, losing him would be the worst thing that could ever happen to Arielle, she couldn't imagine her life without her father even though their relationship has recently been worsening.
AMORTENTIA: Expensive perfume, scented candles, coconut shampoo, cold air, berries, home cooking.
MIRROR OF ERISED: Arielle would see her future self, with lots of money and married into a powerful family, she will look fashionable and be the happiest she has ever been. This is because deep down, all Arielle really wants is some security that she will get what she wants, that she won't have to be alone for the rest of her life because she will find somebody that will understand her completely, and share her ambitions, whether that be in a friend or a lover, she just wants to find a kindred spirit.
OVERALL PERSONALITY: Arielle is considered judgemental of others round her, which is very true as she has not yet found any of her housemates interesting or anything apart from irritating. This has caused her to be withdrawn, and antisocial, loathing any situation in which she has to endure talking with or to people she dislikes or sees as inferior to herself. Others see Arielle as a typical spoilt brat in many lights, and in some ways this is true, as she is wealthy and gets a lot of things she wants. Although other things about her are quite the opposite traits to what a typical spoilt brat would show. Arielle is quite independent, and has become her own person very quickly after starting school at Hogwarts New Zealand. She has grown to not rely on others, and doesn't have much of a need for friends, this being an aid, and part of the reasoning for her antisocialism. When she was younger, Arielle was interested in fashion, wanting to follow in her mother's footsteps out of the pointless belief she would get to know her mother through the fashion industry, as her father and told her countless stories about her mother being a model and very fashionable before she passed away. Previously Arielle made the effort to embody the mother she had heard about in stories and seen in pictures, however now Arielle is still into fashion, and uses it to her advantage but she has discarded any ambition to be a part of the fashion industry herself and has grown away from acting like the vision she has of her mother. Arielle has a positive relationship with her father, although now their relationship is going downhill, causing Arielle to start to develop more negative personality traits in order to punish her father for neglecting her feelings. Overall, Arielle is very conflicted about things, she knows the right way to act and how to be a good person, and she intentionally chooses to do the opposite, not thinking about the consequences of her actions, and acting on impulse and hatred rather than rationality.
FIVE WORDS: Judgemental, negative, impulsive, independent, fashionable.




RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single (not looking).
TO WHOM: n/a.
IDEAL PARTNER: Cunning, intelligent, reckless, confident, responsible, wealthy.
TO WHOM: n/a.
MARITAL STATUS: Never married.
TO WHOM: n/a.
TURN ONS: Dark hair, athleticism, rebellion, power, humour, money.
TURN OFFS: Weakness, light hair, poverty, optimism, popularity, conventionalism.



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HISTORY: Arielle Isabelle Lemaire was born on July 27th in Nice, France. Through a complicated birth, Arielle's mother Diana passed away when she was born, leaving Arielle without a mother. The first few years were hard, although Arielle did not know this as she was merely a baby. Arielle and her father got along well when Arielle was a toddler, and she hardly even noticed how different life was without a mother, partly because she had never lived life with a mother, and partly because as a toddler her world was still small, expanding with every adventure she made. As Arielle grew older she started to become independent, not leaning on her father for everything like most rich little girls do. Arielle's father taught her to read and write when she was the age of six, and then left her to learn on her own. When Arielle had just turned seven, her father revealed to her the news they were moving out of France, and to a small country called New Zealand. Arielle detested this decision, but reluctantly agreed to go, although she knew she didn't have a choice. They moved into a nice beachside home, in a sunny area of the country, it was beautiful although Arielle still hated the idea of moving away from her roots.

From then on Quintrell and Arielle started to drift apart, some days they would spend together, but other days Arielle's father would take her to muggle shopping centres with money for her to spend on things, clothes, and food, anything she desired, but would never go with her. On one of those days, Arielle was bored with shopping, and started to sketch some clothing designs in her sketchbook, a hobby she had only recently adopted, where she met a boy the same age as her named Ryan Moon. Arielle found their conversation interesting, although did not think anything more of it. When she got her letter of acceptance to Hogwarts New Zealand, Arielle did not want to go to the school, and immediately suggested going to Beauxbatons as an alternative, although her father didn't budge, and Arielle went to Hogwarts New Zealand. She was sorted into Slytherin, and in her first year met a few people, one Ravenclaw and a fellow Slytherin, although they only did meet once, and no friendships or anything similar were set in stone. Arielle's second year went by similar, she met an older Slytherin girl, but nothing went further than just a meeting.

Socially, Arielle had been plagued with first impressions and nothing more, so over the holidays before her third year, she decided to start being more social and a nicer person in general. Her social life did change slightly in her third year, she joined a storytelling club which did not go past one meeting, and she did spend some time with a Hufflepuff boy and another Slytherin boy in the same year, as well as a Slytherin girl in the year before her, but again Arielle's lack of social skills forced her to ruin any friendships that could have occurred from meeting those other students. This was the catalyst for Arielle to stop trying socially, and focus on herself instead. Over the holiday break before her fourth year Arielle grew even more independent from her father, and kept highlighting to him how horrible it was for her to keep attending Hogwarts New Zealand, although he still wouldn't budge on the subject.

Arielle returned to school for her fourth year, not hopeful to socialise like the previous year, but with no intentions of making any friends or socialising at all really. This went well, and Arielle liked focusing on herself rather than putting effort into talking to people who couldn't care less about her, although she still did complain regularly to her father via letters. However, nearing the middle of the first semester, Arielle met a girl named Annalie Darkhart, who surprisingly shared a similar negative outlook on life like she did, and the two immediately hit it off and became partners in crime. At another point during her fourth year, Arielle met Ryan Moon once more when she was alone in the dungeons, but did not think much of him. Since then Arielle has continued her budding friendship with Annalie, while she slowly grows more bitter towards everybody else in the world.



AGE: n/a.
PLAYBY: Kate Winslet.

AGE: 39.
PLAYBY: Jensen Ackles.
[tr][td] [/td][/tr]


Wasting Time is so overrated.
My first wand.
Time goes by slowly.
A tale of walking crows.
Being cool at the yule in the school.
I feel cold.
Too much for a lazy morning.
Sunshine and daisies.
You can't be serious.

<SIZE size="50"><COLOR color="#000">coding by me, images by me, steal and Santa will give you coal.

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