Arianna Perry

Arianna Perry

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kelsey ^_^
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
<SIZE size="150">~ARIANNA isabella PERRY~


The Basics

Born on September 3rd, 2010

Pikeville, Kentucky
Current Location
Hamilton, New Zealand

Half Blood
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
The perfect wand for the budding potioneer, while not powerful in powerful and masterful spells, it's perfect for those that enjoy the laid back life and always for the wizarding chef. It's core is just the right thing for potion charming and will make a best friend of those that treat it with care. It can also be useful for those that are kind, loyal and friendly, as Apple's personality reflects those properties. It's also very good for those that are quiet and shy.

Arianna goes to school at Hogwarts New Zealand as a Ravenclaw
She will graduate in the class of 2029



Her hair is Blonde and falls down her back in many curls.
Her eyes are Blue Green.
Arianna comes from a family of tall people, but she only stands at 5’5" for now

A Little Deeper

Arianna is for the most part a loner, never really coming out of her shell at Hogwarts. She dove deeply into her passions for music and cooking and has barely been seen since. She goes to class and then it’s straight down into the belly of the castle for her. If she would get out more she would find it actually very easy for her to make friends, but she chooses not to and as such doesn’t attend very many social functions.

Arianna was born in the small town of Pikeville Kentucky on September 3rd, 2010 to Helen and Brandon Perry. She is the eldest child of two, having one little sister Alyson Perry. She had a fairly happy childhood, a little girl with bouncing blonde curls running around her mothers dress shop and constantly playing dress up with the pageant dresses. Until her father died with she was six years old, her mother fell into a depression and Arianna was forced to grow up very quickly to help care for then three year old Alyson while her mother recovered from her grief.

By the time she was nine her mother was about as good as she was going to be again and Arianna could have her childhood back but the damage had been done. She stayed with her little sister, playing the motherly role long after she needed to and it wasn’t until she left for school that she finally relaxed and started acting her age again, though very secluded from others for her age, Having developed her passion for cooking when it was almost necessary for her to do so she quickly realized her allergy to Nutmeg and as such has been hospitalized several times.

She has floated along at Hogwarts with generally not much to do, she never tried to make that many friends after her first few weeks at the school, deciding instead to simply fade into the woodwork, though her cooking has never been better. During the last Brightstone weekend she met Shane Zhefarovich, who she is now dating long distance.

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