Arial Molotov

Arial Molotov

Active Member
OOC First Name
Madz <3
Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk



w h e n . y o u . s e e . m y . f a c e
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h o p e . i t . g i v e s . y o u . h e l l

n a m e
Arial Danielle Molotov

n i c k n a m e s
Fatso, fatty, fat ass, freak, ugly, pizza face, wide load

b i r t h d a t e
January 1st, 2009

r a c e && b l o o d . s t a t u s
Half blood

w a n d
Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk

&& h e r e ' s . a l l . y o u r . l i e s​

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y o u . c a n . l o o k . m e . i n . t h e . e y e s

c e l e b . p l a y - b y
Neon Lynxie

s n a p s h o t
Arial has straight dark brown hair with bangs. Her hair reaches her shoulders and is usually at least partially covering her face. Her eyes are silver and are now void of any human emotion even when shes in her deepest depressions. Ariel is 6'0" and weighs 100 lbs, 38 pounds underweight for her height. She has a small frame and since she is so underweight literally flat chested. When she wears tight fitting clothes(yeah right) you can see her ribs and most other bones in her arms and legs. Arial has pale white skin because she rarely goes outside opting to be by herself in her dorm room or some dark corner of the castle. Arial has scars on her wrists from her two failed suicide attempts. She also has scars on her knuckles from scratching them on her teeth while forcing herself to throw up. Arial wears black baggy clothes to hide her body, not because she thinks shes to skinny but because she sees herself as disgustingly overweight.
y o u . w i l l . n e v e r . s e e
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w h a t . y o u ' v e . d o n e . t o . m e

l i k e s
Baggy clothing, dark colors, books, avoiding meals, her father, loneliness, the innocence of babies

d i s l i k e s
Tight clothing, humans, school, eating, vomiting, dirty things, children, animals, liars, herself

b o g g a r t
Being fat

m i r r o r . o f . e r i s e d
Herself beautiful skinny and pretty with lots of friends

s t r e n g t h s
Reading in the dark, hiding things(food, sharp objects ect.), being invisible, running away before breaking down, running

w e a k n e s s e s
Food, her father, human contact, self image, mirrors

p e r s o n a l i t y
Arial is the weak silent type. She will avoid humans at every possible moment and loves spending time by herself. Arial believes herself unworthy and to ugly for friends so she never tried to make them. She is depressed and suicidal because of a history of being bullied. Arial used to be a happy and friendly girl but now she flinches when anyone even comes near her or tries to speak to her. Ariah is lonely allot but refuses to talk to anyone, people are cruel and can only hurt you in the end. Arial doesn't have much talent with magic because she barely has enough energy to live let alone perform spells. She tries putting an act on for her father but fails miserably, then feels bad for making him feel like a failed parent. She truly believes she was the biggest mistake of his life and would rather be dead then keep hurting him.

&& y o u . c a n . t a k e . b a c k . y o u r​

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<SIZE size="50">m e m o r i e s . t h e y ' r e . n o . g o o d . t o . m e

f a m i l y
p a r e n t s Mason James Molotov - 50 - Ministry Official / Celina Katerina Molotov - 34(deceased) - Healer
s i b l i n g s None
s p o u s e / f i a n c e None
c h i l d r e n None
o t h e r s None
p e t / s None

n a t i o n a l i t y

r e s i d e n c e
Melnik, Bulgaria

h i s t o r y
Arial was born on January 1st 2009 as her mother held her with her dieing breath she named her Arial. Her mother had bled out and they were unable to replenish her blood fast enough. Arial's father was distraught but kept himself together for the sake of his baby girl. At first Mason had trouble getting used to having a baby in the house but after a few months he was changing diapers and preparing bottles like a pro. Arial's father decided against sending his daughter to a muggle school when she was old enough because he had grown over protective of his daughter afraid she would die just like her mother and leave him all alone. He took less hours at work and began the task of teaching Arial the basic's of life. He however was pleased to see that he didn't need to spend much time teaching her how to read, she took to it straight away and was soon reading picture books all on her own. Mason hired a full time baby sitter and began working full time again. What he didn't know though was that the baby sitter would often leave Arial all alone and when she did she would usually make-fun of her.

When Arial turned eleven her got accepted into Drumstrang institute and was excited to finally begin school. She wanted to learn everything she could and become the best witch ever. However Arial's fairytale dream of school never came true. For some reason a mean and popular group of girls decided to single her out and torture her. Everyday they would seek Arial out and call her names like 'fastso' 'wide load' and 'blubber butt'. Of course Arial wasn't fat but they didn't care, they just wanted to make her feel horrible. Everyday Arial would try to avoid them but somehow they always found her. Soon enough because they wanted to be friends with the popular girls others started taunting Arial. They would corner and over and over again tell her how ugly and worthless she was, that she would be better off to everyone dead. Even boys started joining in after awhile, grabbing her in the hallway and poking her stomach, saying 'Wow! We could use you to cover the quidditch pitch when it rains!'. Arial tried telling her father about it but he didn't seem to think people could be that mean and dismissed it as home sickness.

I'n her second year of school the taunting just got worse and worse. The teachers turned a blind eye to it and Arial was all alone. She began not leaving her room except for lessons, staying as far away from people as she could. It helped because no one wanted to share a room with 'fatso' so she had one all to herself while the other second years bunked with the third years. Arial turned to her books for comfort, knowing that one day just like the bad guys in her stories her bullies would get what was coming to them. Second year past by and still she was picked on relentlessly, even the first years had started laughing as she walked by. Every once and a while someone would trip her and yell 'earth quake!'. At the end of her second year Arial began to believe that everything they were saying was true. Why else would they say such hurtful things unless she actually was that disgusting? Over the summer Arial began eating less and less and spent more time outside exercising.

Arial returned to school feel better about herself then ever before. That didn't last long. Even though she had lost a few pounds the teasing continued. It seemed to Arial that it would never end, she would always be a fatty. It didn't help that that year Arial began getting acne so the name 'pizza face' was added to the mix of insults. Unlike Hogwarts the hospital wing at Drumstrang would not give you something for acne. By now Arial didn't bother telling her father about all the things kids were saying, he didn't believe her anyways. Arial started eating less and less until one day she passed out in class from lack of eating. Things got worse after this. Her father got extremely angry with Arial saying she knew better and that she wasn't a stupid girl. He was terrified of losing her. He was going to pull her out of school but she was very excited about it, so as her punishment she had to keep attending. Arial began eating again normally while in front of everyone else but would often sneak away from meals early to go vomit everything back up. During the summer before her fourth year Arial failed her first suicide attempt. Of course everyone heard about it, and so a new crop of names began. Freak, attention wh0re, emo b1tch.

Arial's 5th year wasn't as bad as past ones. Most people in her year were to busy studying for OWLs to make much fun of her. Of course that didn't stop the younger years as well as the 6th years. Arial tried to spend as much time as she could in the library studying because the librarian would put up with no non-sense in her library. Arial hoped that when he bandages came off everyone would forget about the whole suicide incident. They didn't. Instead the ugly scars across her arms were a reminder for her and everyone else. Arial is a freak, make her life hell, she doesn't belong. While Arial was dealing with the kids at school her father was dealing with problems at work. People were saying things like 'how can you handle working if you can't even deal with your own daughter'. Of course Arial heard all about this from her fathers co-workers daughters. Arial's dad would always send her letters telling her how much better things were going to be and that he loved her. They were lies. Arial knew how he felt. He was sicked by himself for creating such a disgusting freak of a spawn. Human waste. Arial just scraped by in her OWL's passing a few but failing most. The kids in her grade had been throwing things at her while she took her exam.
a n o t h e r . p a l e . m o o n
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s h i n e s . l i k e . h i g h . n o o n

n a m e . o r . a l i a s e

a g e

r p . e x p e r i e n c e
1.5 years

r p . s a m p l e
Dannii enterer the DADA class room with a nervous smile on her face. Last week she had volunteered to have the imperious curse cast on her. Dannii plopped down in her seat not bothering to pull out any supplies. Dannii looked around and noticed she was one of the first ones there. Figures the one time I'm early to class is the time I'm getting an unforgivable cast on me Dannii thought suppressing a laugh. Dannii sat there her confidence growing with each person who walked into the room. What was I thinking being nervous? I'm Dannii Merrythought! I laugh in the face of danger! Dannii told herself as the professor walked in. It reminded her of course that there would be no danger. Dannii didn't really know why she had been nervous before, this was going to be funny. A few minutes after her pep talk Professor Rowann started class. Dannii watched as Professor Rowann tapped two girls on the shoulder, Stephanie and Ariah. Dannii felt her own shoulder being tapped and followed her classmates to the front of the room.

Dannii took a deep breath and smiled at her peers as they watched from their seats. Professor Rowann first turned on Stephanie. Dannii flinched as the beam of light collided with the Ravenclaw's head. She watched amazed as Stephanie barked just like a dog without question. Then Professor Rowann turned towards Dannii. Dannii gulped and closed her eyes waiting for the humiliating command that she was sure to get. As soon as the spell hit Dannii an amazing feeling spread throughout her. The girl felt as though she was floating, like nothing could ruin this calm happy state. Dannii heard Professor Rowann tell her to dance a jig. This seemed like a perfectly normal command to Dannii and she followed through at once. Dannii danced with the skill of a professional dancer, something she never could have done with out the aid of the spell. When the curse was lifted Dannii felt herself deflate and her cheeks begin to burn bright red. I can't believe I did that Dannii thought burying her face in her hands.

Dannii looked up for a few seconds while Ariah was forced to act like a snake. She had to admit the girl did a good impression. Dannii couldn't believe how much Professor Rowann had controlled all three girls. The thought of the spell being used for purposes other then a demonstration sent an icy feeling throughout Dannii. Dannii waited for a few seconds to think about her answer before telling the class and Professor Rowann how it had felt. "It was wonderful really. Every thought you were thinking before was wiped away and replaced by this calming happiness." Dannii finished, Despite all that however the spell terrified her. You could make someone do anything you wanted. Dannii didn't really listen to the other girls answers not wanting to hear them. Dannii looked up again when the homework was assigned. She copied it down quickly before leaving the class room. I think I need a nap Dannii thought wearily as she walked down the corridors.
&& t h e r e ' s . a n o t h e r . c h a n c e
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<SIZE size="50">t r y . t o . l e a r n . a . l e s s o n

This wonderous character form was created by Piexiato (aka T!NA) exclusively for Harry Potter RPGs. However, feel free to modify when needed. The lyrics are credited to The All American Rejects. It's important that you do not remove this credit [no matter what the reason is] or I shall track you down and unleash the typical Bellatrix rage against you.​

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