Arial Danielle Molotov

Arial Molotov

Active Member
OOC First Name
Madz <3
Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Full Name:
- Arial Danielle Molotov

Date of Birth:
- January 1st 2009

Current Age:
- 16

Basic Appearance:
- Arial has straight dark brown hair with bangs. Her hair reaches her shoulders and is usually at least partially covering her face. Her eyes are silver and are now void of any human emotion even when shes in her deepest depressions. Ariel is 6'0" and weighs 100 lbs, 38 pounds underweight for her height. She has a small frame and since she is so underweight literally flat chested. When she wears tight fitting clothes(yeah right) you can see her ribs and most other bones in her arms and legs. Arial has pale white skin because she rarely goes outside opting to be by herself in her dorm room or some dark corner of the castle. Arial has scars on her wrists from her two failed suicide attempts. She also has scars on her knuckles from scratching them on her teeth while forcing herself to throw up. Arial wears black baggy clothes to hide her body, not because she thinks shes to skinny but because she sees herself as disgustingly overweight.

- Arial is the weak silent type. She will avoid humans at every possible moment and loves spending time by herself. Arial believes herself unworthy and to ugly for friends so she never tried to make them. She is depressed and suicidal because of a history of being bullied. Arial used to be a happy and friendly girl but now she flinches when anyone even comes near her or tries to speak to her. Ariah is lonely allot but refuses to talk to anyone, people are cruel and can only hurt you in the end. Arial doesn't have much talent with magic because she barely has enough energy to live let alone perform spells. She tries putting an act on for her father but fails miserably, then feels bad for making him feel like a failed parent. She truly believes she was the biggest mistake of his life and would rather be dead then keep hurting him.

- Mason James Molotov - 50 - Ministry Official
Celina Katerina Molotov - 34(deceased) - Healer

- None

Area of Residence:
- Melnik, Bulgaria

Blood Status:
- Half blood

- Bulgarian

Special Abilities:
- Reading in the dark, hiding things(food, sharp objects ect.), being invisible, running away before breaking down, running

Interests or Hobbies:
- Reading

Additional Skills:
- Can go longer without eating

- Reading in the dark, hiding things(food, sharp objects ect.), being invisible, running away before breaking down, running

- Food, her father, human contact, self image, mirrors

Describe your character in three words:
- Scared, suicidal, unhealthy

Favourite place to be:
- Her room at home

- Are you kidding me?

Hogwarts House:

Drumstrang Hopes and Ambitions:
- To make it through each day

Best school subjects:
- History of magic and astronomy

Worst school subjects:
- Charms and potions

Extracurricular Activities:
- ...

- Not yet unfortunately

Current Job:
- During the holidays Arial volunteers at a muggle library in her town

Plans for your future:
- Shes just trying to make it through each day let alone planning for her future

Your Patronus:
- A horse

Your Patronus memory:
- Being with my dad playing in our backyard the summer before school started

Your Boggart:
- Being fat

Your Animagus:
- A horse

Mirror of Erised:
- Herself beautiful skinny and pretty with lots of friends

A page from your diary:

Dear Diary,

You already know how my day went I bet. No new names, it seems their creativity is running out. However just because I've heard the words over and over again doesn't make them any less hurtful. I can hear them over and over again all the time like their stalking me. I long for the eternal rest of death, why did my last try have to fail? Everything would be better if I was dead. They wouldn't have me uglifying their school and my dad wouldn't have an abomination of a daughter any longer. He deserves so much better then the fat defect that killed his wife. The nurse said I could take off my bandages today. I don't want to. They will be a warning to anyone who sees me to stay away, not to waste their time on human waste.


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