Ariahna Northwood

Ariahna Northwood

Well-Known Member
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
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Full Name:
Ariahna Northwood

Date of Birth:
December 18th 2015

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Ariahna is a small girl with long blonde hair, which is more
naturally a golden blonde, but in summer, turns into a much
lighter blonde. Ariahna has large bright blue eyes, and pink cheeks
since she lives on the coast. She has a pale complexion, which
tans easily in the hot summer days. She has a thin, but built , from
her gymnastics which she does in her spare time. Ariahna has a
birth mark on her stomach, and a small burn mark on the side of
her left hand, from when she accidentally hit her hand against the
side of a pan when she was small.

Ariahna has a very happy way of life, she's always smiling, and
doesn't have any bother making friends when she needs to. She is
very kind to people around her, and very loyal. She does enjoy being
the centre of attention, but tries her hardest to not let this show too
much. Ariahna likes to control things, and can sometimes appear a
little b!tchy when she's trying to be in control of anything. Ariahna
is scared of very little, and always tries to be the leader.

Ariahna comes from a very small family. She is an only child. With
two parents that dout on her and keep her in line. Her mum is very
like her in a lot of ways and looks very like Ariahna. Apart from the fact
that she has dyed red hair, instead of blonde. Ariahna's mum is a
mixed blood witch, who attended Hogwarts Scotland and was a Gryffindor.
She now works as a private tutor, to home schooled children in New Zealand.
Her subject is Potions, which Ariahna has already learned a few of the basics
because of her mother. Her job takes up a lot of her time, as she is constantly
going between houses. But she is able to give Ariahna anything she wants.
Ariahna's father is pureblood and pretty proud of it. He doesn't hate muggles
and muggleborns, but he does believe in the purity being slightly better. Of
course he did not marry someone who was also pureblood, but she was a
witch, which to him was all that matter. He attended Hogwarts Scotland and
was a Ravenclaw. It was hard for him at the start, because he didn't think
he was good enough to be Ravenclaw, but after getting the best grades of
his year. He is a very tall man, with light brown hair and bright blue eyes. He
is of New Zealand roots, and has returned to his home town, with his family.
He now works for the ministry of magic, and is an auror. He also spends a lot
of his time out of the house and doing jobs around the country. He is very
caring and loving. Ariahna is very close to both her parents.

Ariahna has no pets, she only likes hamsters but her parents won't let her
have any.

Area of Residence:
Collingwood, New Zealand

Blood Status:
Mixed Blood

Half New Zealand, Half English

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
Gymnastics, piano, school work

Additional Skills:
Gymnastics, and music

Making friends, being loyal, school work, Potions,

Being too controling and bossy.

Describe your character in three words:
Kind, Gentle, Bossy

Favourite place to be:
At home, in her bedroom, or with friends at the gymnasium

None yet

Hogwarts House:

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To become the best at Potions

Best school subjects:
Hopefully Potions

Worst school subjects:
She doesn't want to be bad at anything

Extracurricular Activities:
Hopefully some thing to do with Sports

Far off into the future

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
Become a potions mistress

Your Patronus:
A hamster, since it is the only animal she's ever

Your Patronus memory:
The time her and her mum made a potion that emitted fire
works. It was just the two of them, her father came home later
and created a whole new set of fireworks from his wand.

Your Boggart:
Losing her family.

Your Animagus:
A hamster, she would hope so.

Mirror of Erised:
A brother or sister.

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,

Today was great, I got my letter for Hogwarts New Zealand.
I really can't wait to go. It'll be amazing. I mean, I know it'll be
hard and I'll have to learn so much, but, I'll make my parents
proud of me. I really can not wait. I don't think I can stress that
enough. Mum and dad are excited for me, which is great. They
were both home when I got my letter so we all sat together.
It was amazing.
Anyway, must go.

This a very good character development but I'll try and give you a hand anyways. Sorry if I ask something that you've already explain :/

Why do her parents say she isn't allowed a pet??
Is she intentionally bossy??
Why does she want a sibling so much??
If she was to pick between brother or sister, which would it be??
If her mum hadn't been a Gryffindor, would she still chose that house??

That's all I can think of for now. Hope it's helpful.

Thank you, I'm glad you like the Character Development/thought it was good and for the questions

Why do her parents say she isn't allowed a pet??
She isn't allowed a pet because it would create to much mess around the house and her parents want to shield her from the lose of a pet. They think it's very important for a young girl to grow up in a death free environment. They also would have to look after it while she's at school, so They didn't believe it to be a good think. Ariahna wants a pet but is doing fine without.

Is she intentionally bossy??
Not intentionally. She tries to let things play out, but she prefers to have things under control so that if any thing goes wrong, damage control will be quick and over with. And so that people aren't acting out. She wants to be in control of things too. She tries to not always be but she does like it

Why does she want a sibling so much??
To her a sibling would be like a very close friend. She'd always have them around and they wouldn't ever desert her. She'd have someone to look up to if they had been older, or if they were younger someone that would look up to her.

If she was to pick between brother or sister, which would it be??
A sister. She'd like someone she would dress up in her clothes and show her how to follow trends, and how to do different girly things. She'd have more in common with a girl she believes.

If her mum hadn't been a Gryffindor, would she still chose that house??
She wouldn't have been a gryffindor. Or might have been. Ariahna looks up to her mum a lot so, she'd want to follow her. But knows that she might've still gotten into Gryffindor. Ariahna would've been happy with whatever she'd been given, so If her mum hadn't been a Gryffindor she'd still be happy but it wouldn't be the house she'd chose for herself.

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