Ariahna Northwood

Ariahna Northwood

Well-Known Member
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
Thunder and lightning, holding hands
let's overcome the past

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This is the time to melt the ice,
off our lips and off our hearts

Ariahna Kayley Northwood

Ariahna - Is of greek origin name and it means Song.
Kayley - Is of English origin and means Slender
Northwood - An old English name dating from the 17th

Ariahna is my grandmothers name. On my mum's side. It was also my great Grandmother's name. And she was from Greece. My mum is the only one to not female in my family to not have the name. I like the name, it's quite simple, and yet Elegant. And the spelling is different from how others spell it.
Kayley was the name my dad wanted to give me. It was the name they would've given me had I been a boy, but, it's now my middle name. I don't use it too often. Not that I don't like it, it's just a middle name. I don't introduce myself with it, unless someone asks for my full name. Which isn't too often. My dad wanted to name me that because his sister was called that. Northwood is an old name, and my father's family has carried it for generations. There are generally always a boy in the family who carrys the name, currently in my family there are no boys. So, hopefully I'll be able to carry on the name. I really do love my last name. It's really very different

My mum likes to call me Aria. Because it's shorter, and a few of my friends from Muggle school call me that. It's a good nickname but, I wouldn't class it as my nickname. It's an unofficial nickname. It's a nice nickname, I quite like Aria as a name anyway, so I'm happy with it.

I am currently 11 years old.

I was born on December 18th 2015 at roughly 4am.

Hogwarts Student

My father's name is Simon Northwood. He grew up in Auckland New Zealand and attended Hogwarts Scotland. He was a Ravenclaw who worked really really hard. He is pureblood, and both his parents attended Hogwarts Scotland, they were both Slytherin. My dad has one sister, who has just graduate from the London College of Commerce, where she did a four year degree into business. I'm not sure why she did this, my father always said she was the weird one of the family. My aunt plans to go into the misuse of Muggle artifacts section of the ministry. She went to Hogwarts Scotland and unlike her brother was a Slytherin, though she had wanted Ravenclaw. My dad managed to get the best grades in his year and now works for the ministry. A year after he graduated Simon went back to Hogwarts to see his sister who'd managed to become unwell. It was then that he met my mum. It was love at first sight he says. A few years later he moved to New Zealand with my mum, and this was when he found out she was pregnant. My dad also says that the marriage they had was perfect. He doesn't regret the fact it was quick and only a very select few attended. He also says that me being born was the single happiest moment of his life. My dad still works for the ministry and splits his time between our home and Auckland.

My mum's name is Sabrina "Calia" Northwood. She went to Hogwarts Scotland and was a gryffindor. Her parents are both wizards and both attend Hogwarts Scotland. My mum's mum is a half blood witch and my mum's dad was mixed blood like me. She grew up in Bristol in England. She was a grade A student at Hogwarts and managed to do very well in both her OWLs and then NEWTs. She then trained for 2 years to become a Potions Professor. Just after she started teaching at Hogwarts Scotland as a subsituate Potions professor, she met my father. He was the older sibling of someone in the school. My mum fell pregnant with me, just as they moved to New Zealand. It wasn't until just before she gave birth that they got married. It was a rushed marriage but, my mum still says it was the best day of her life. I was born not too long after that. She nows works as a private potions Tutor and spends a lot of time away from the house.

I don't have any brothers or sisters. Well none that I know about. I'd quite like a brother or a sister. It would be fun. I could help them, protect them, teach them all the tricks. I mean I know that siblings can be annoying, but, I think having someone annoying would be nice. Plus it wouldn't just me alone all the time. It would be like having a very close friend. Although I'd really love a sibling. I'm happy without.

I don't have any pets. I think I might be getting an owl for my next birthday, and that would be really cool so I don't always have to use my parents owl. I would really love a hamster though. My parent's don't really understand why I'd like a Hamster so much. They aren't the best pets out there but, I'd really love a Hamster, and I'd probably call it Bob for a boy and Bobbie for a girl.

I am Mixed Blood. Since my mum is also that and my dad is pureblood.

My dad's parents are really proud of the purity thing. I'm not bothered. I like that both my parents are of magical blood and most of my family is, so it means there are no awkward conversations with family members who aren't Magical. I find people who are really inflated about the whole Pureblood status thing to be a little annoying. Being pureblood or Muggleborn doesn't change the person. My dad wants me to be proud to be a witch and does want me to marry someone who is either half blood or mixed blood. I'm not bothered. I don't think being mixed blood has changed me, and I would hope if I'd been a pureblood I'd still be the same person. Plus I do also like muggles.

I live in Collingwood, New Zealand

I currently live at Hogwarts New Zealand

I'm Straight. But, I'm not interested in having a boyfriend.

Too young to care

None yet

None yet

None yet

To Come

Say just one more word ,
and you will make it end

I have blonde hair. It's a light golden blonde, that goes lighter in summer. I get my hair from my mum. She has naturally blonde hair. I don't think I'd ever dye my hair. But, it's still early days, and I'm a curious person. I mean, I would love to know what I look like with brown hair.

I haven't ever dyed my hair.

I have Bright Blue Eyes. My mum says I have large bright blue eyes. That haven't changed much, if at all since the day I was born. Both my parents have the same colour eyes as me, although mine are slightly brighter. And a lot more clear and spoken. I really love my eye colour. It's the first thing people notice about me.

I'm pretty small right now. I'm only 4ft 5. But my dad is tall, so I should get taller with time. I really do hope so. I mean being small isn't terrible but, I'd much prefer to be at least of average height. Not too tall though, that's kind freaky. Nothing wrong with tall people, but overly tall people are daunting. Since they can see the top of your head, but you can't see the top of theres.

I'm quite light. I'm only 5 St. Which is expected for my age group, and my height.

I have a few birth marks. They are quite small and not really visable. I have one on my stomach, just up from my belly button. And I have two on my lower back. I have one on my right hand and one behind the ear. They are all pretty small and not that noticable. Plus I wouldn't mind if they were. It makes me quite unique.

I have a slim body type. I do a lot of gymnastics so, I'm in shape. I'd hate to be out of shape, it would really be horrible. I mean I have nothing against fat people, I just wouldn't want to be one. Thankfully, I do a lot of exercise so I don't really need to worry about it. And my mum has taught me all about eating healthily so, I shouldn't worry about it so much.

My mum says that I have type O-
It means that I can donate my blood to anyone, But I can only recieve blood from other O- people. I don't know if that's good or bad. My mum says blood type O is quite common and I trust her, but I don't know if it is actually. I don't know any doctors or healers, and I never did biology. I hope I never have to find out if it is common or not.

I am really boring in this aspect. I'm right handed. I write a lot lot better with my right than I do with my left. I really wish I was left handed, or I could write with both. I mean it would make life really simple if I could write with both hands. My mum can write with both hands. She is left handed, but has broken her left arm a number of times because of sports when she was younger so can now write with both.

I have a Kiwi accent. That sounds a little english because of my mum. My mum has a very english accent so, I try to copy her. It means that now, I have a half Kiwi/ Half English accent. My voice is pretty soft, playful my dad likes to say. I like my accent, it's not too pronounced but not too hidden. It's really pretty perfect.

I can speak English. Because it's my first language and I live in an English speaking country. But, I know a little German from muggle school. It isn't much and I won't get very far in Germany, but I can speak a little. And my gran in England is teaching my Greek. It's really hard and I'm not very good at it, but my gran says I'm really improving. I really want to be able to speak Greek, it seems like a great language to know.

I have a very relaxed kind of style. I love dresses and skirts as much as the next girl. But I also love jeans and I love wearing comfortable clothing. I'm most likely to be caught in a pair of shorts with a tank top. But I wear jeans a lot and I like to wear dresses to school (muggle school) I guess I'll have to wear dresses in between school time. I do have a stylish way of dressing, and I know how to bring out my eyes. But, when I'm training or doing some form of sports, I will take out my comfortable tracksuit bottoms and train. It's not the most fashionable thing, but at least I never have to worry about getting unfit and fat. I also think I'd look great in a Gryffindor Quidditch team outfit.

Ashley Benson

All the anger will remain ,
i will leave this place

I do really like a lot of things. I love gymnastics because I'm good at that. I love people and making friends. I love being around energetic people who don't like always being suck doing nothing. I do have a soft spot for fashion, but it isn't vitally important to me. I love the sun and hot weather and I love swimming. I love diving as well. Really anything to do with seas and oceans I love. I even tried a hand at surfing, I wasn't great but I had a lot of fun. Like so much fun. I love going to the cinema and eating popcorn. I like reading and learning. And I have secret love for board games.

There is not too much I don’t like. I'm not a huge fan of snakes. And I find people who go long times without blinking unsettling. I don't like fights and fighting and I hate all war movies and books. I don't know why I hate them but reading about them makes me pretty depressed which is hard to achieve when it's me. I don't like meat. I'm a vegetarian. My parents think it's really weird, but I think its more naturally to not eat meat.

I have a number of good habits. I am a tidy person, so that is a good thing. I have a habit of eating healthly. Mainly because my parents have taught me. So, I tend to be a healthy person. I have a good habit of finishing things I start and a determindation to match. I have a habit of telling other people to recycle and stuff. I was part of the eco-school at primary. So, I think that's a good thing. One of the best habits my mum says I have is my manners. I'm polite to my elders and those around me.

I am really controlling and bossy. It's my worst habit. I can't help it most times. I just try to show how people should do it better and it turns into me being all controlling and bossy. I have other bad habits, like I sometimes bite my nails, which is disgusting. I like to eat food separately. Like food shouldn't be mixed. It a weird one that, and my dad says it makes me really very picky about food. I also tend to touch my clothes a lot, like brush them down. Oh and I can get really quite self conscious. Which my teacher said was a bad habit of mine because it meant I couldn't speak out in class.

I want to be the best potions person in whole year. I really want to be the best at potions. But I'd also like to make lots of friends. And get a boyfriend. And have an amazing time. I think my I'd like to be a potions professor when I leave school, and I'd really love to get married sometime before I'm 30.

My boggart is any of my family members dead. The mean the world to me, I have no idea what I'd do with out them. Even though they are really busy all the time, I really have no how I'd go on without them. My extended family I'm not that close to. So, really just my parents dead.

I think my patronus would be a hamster, I really love hamsters. I'd really love one in reality, they are really very cute, and they don't need much looking after, so I'd be quite good at looking after it. And my patronus is meant to protect me, so thats what would.

The day I was sorted. I was just so happy and excited. I'd never felt so alive than in the moment where my fate was decided. I was proud and I knew my family was too. I had everyone behind me, and I knew that I would never fail them. I would show them how great I could be, if they just gave me the chance. And being sorted and at hogwarts is my chance.

The day my mum had a miscarriage. I was 5 at the time, and I was with my mum, when all of a sudden she collapsed and there was a spreading pool of blood around her. I was scared and I didn't know what to do. I went out to the front yard and called for help. My next door neighbour came and helped me. It took a while for my mum to get over it, but she'd said I'd been brave, even though I felt I hadn't been brave enough. Though it scared me, it's taught me that I needed to be braver. And so, now I think I am.

I love the smell of flowers. Of freshly washed clothes. The way my house smells is pretty nice, I don't know how to explain it because it's not too distinct but it has a homey smell and without it, I don't think home would be home. I also love the smell of the rain and the grass. I live by the sea, so there is a constant salty air, which is another smell I really like, and it reminds me of home

I look up to my mum. She's a really nice person, she always tries her best and is very patient. She travelled lots of miles from her home country which makes her very brave. She's really smart and very intelligent. SHe always tries her hardest to make time for me, and when it's just us girls we always have a great time. My mum is also the one who believes in me the most. She drove me to practice and back and took me swimming. She taught me a lot of things, like how to ride a bike, how to make a good cake and the start of potions. My mum's great. I really love her.

I'm an apathiest. I don't believe in anything. I believe in people. And that they will chose to do the right thing. But, I respect that other people do believe and I would never make fun of any beliefs. I think people who fight over who is right is silly. Religion doesn’t have a huge impact on my life, but I can understand why it would on others.

Because my birthday is pretty late on in December, I am a Sagittarius. I'm not a huge believer in star signs but it is always interesting to here what could happen to me. Or how I'm supposed to act. Sometimes it's right, but other times it's really off. My dad hates that I do read my star sign every so often. Because I am Sagittarius, my element is fire and my symbol is The Archer.

Ruled by the benefic planet Jupiter, Sagittarians possess a natural exuberance, sense of adventure and love of life that makes them one of the most optimistic zodiac signs of all. Like their astrological symbol - the Archer - Sagittarians are renowned for aiming their sights towards whatever it is they find alluring - a love partner, dream job, vacation - and making it their own. They believe that anything is possible - and because of this belief system, Sagittarians are adept at seeking out their very own pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Sagittarians are happiest on the move - exploring new cultures and ideas and many are attracted to occupations related to travel, the media, outdoor work and philosophical pursuits. Freedom loving, optimistic and honest are Sagittarians.

I'm not strongly allergic to anything. I am slightly allergic to cows milk. It makes me really sick and I used to always be sick until my parents switched me to Goats milk. Some people think it's quite disgusting but, I don't really mind it. It tastes normal to me. Also, my dad says that I might be allergic to spider bites. He says I was bitten as a child, and that I had an unusual rash, but he never got it checked so I can't be sure. And not really wanting to check. Spiders are alright but they are a little freaky with 8 legs. Also, I like to pretend that I'm allergic to cauliflower because I really hate it. I don't have to pretend at hogwarts but at home and at Muggle school I pretended that I was. I don't see why anyone would like it, it's tasteless.

I would say that I have a very happy way of life, I try to be always smiling, and I find that I don't have any bother making friends when and If I need to. I think I am very kind to people around me as long as they are kind to me, and I'm really very loyal. I'm still in contact with lots of my old friends from muggle school. They all think I'm at some boarding school in the middle of nowhere, which is true apart from that school doesn't have magic. I do really enjoy being the centre of attention, but I try my hardest to not let this show too much. It can be weird and I don't want people to think I'm the kind of girl who only thinks about herself. I think about others too, just I like to be the centre of things. I like to control things, situations and productions etc, and this can sometimes make me appear a little b!tchy, but I'm really not. I'm not really scared of anything and I always try to be the leader. I'm also quite studious. I'll work hard to prove that I'm good at something, and just to show I can. Although I would say I'm of average intelligence.

For a dream, for a brand new day ,
to wash away our sins and carry them away

<SIZE size="50">WAND:
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna

The perfect wand for the budding potioneer, while not powerful in powerful and masterful spells, its perfect for those that enjoy the laid back life and always for the wizarding chef. Its core is just the right thing for potion charming and will make a best friend of those that treat it with care. It can also be useful for those that are kind, loyal and friendly, as Apples personality reflects those properties.

I currently attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, New Zealand

It's really very big. I love the Gryffindor common room. It's really homey. And I love the red. The whole school has a great atmosphere and is perfect to study and make friends. The food is great, and the grounds are gorgeous. I can't wait to see what all the classes are like. The people also seem, really very friendly

I am a Gryffindor. An incredibly proud Gryffindorian.

I was really very nervous. I really wanted Gryffindor, because my mum was a part of the house as were her parents. But, I knew my parents would be proud of me, no matter the house. Since my dad was in Ravenclaw and his parents were both Slytherins. No Hufflepuffs though. I think it would've been great if I'd been the first Hufflepuff of the family. But, when the hat said Gryffindor, I was really happy and excited. Gryffindor has always seemed like the best house.

Of Course, here it was the most important moment of Ariahna's life. Well the most important moment so far. And obviously, Ariahna had barely been able to control herself. Considering she had been waiting for this day, a long, long while, Ariahna had to use all her strength from keep her from jumping up and down like a mad cat. Ariahna was a proud girl, who always tried her best. She was ready for Hogwarts. She was ready for the learning, the friends, the boys, the heartache and the tears. Ariahna was just ready. Ariahna had been brought up in a muggle environment, as her father wishes. She had gone to muggle school, went to muggle shops, ate muggle food, watched muggle TV, and not to mention most of her friends were muggles. Though school before had been boring and long and just something to pass the time until she left for Hogwarts. The day she'd gotten her letter had been one of the greatest days of her life. She'd jumped with joy, she'd shown the letter to her parents, who were equally proud. Ariahna had always known she was a witch, but having it confirmed by a bit of paper was what Ariahna was really pleased about. Not to mention it was Hogwarts after all. The best wizarding school that there was. Ariahna had had her heart set on the place as soon as she knew what it was and what she would do there. Ariahna Northwood had been waiting all her life to go to Hogwarts and now, she was there.

The train ride for the young blonde had been short. She had felt flow by her with each movement of the train. She had spent the train ride, in her uniform. Which was modest. A just above knee length skirt, knee high grey socks, black ballet flats. Long sleeved shirt, loosely hanging the sleeves rolled up. Her long blonde hair was curled and tied in a small side ponytail. Ariahna did not work so hard on her appearance, especially not for school, but this was different, this was in a sense her hogwarts debut. Ariahna's large blue eyes had moved between the different sights as the large group of first years walked up to the entrance hall. Ariahna was very excited, and it was taking her a lot of effort to keep both feet firmly on the ground. Ariahna had a tendency to get excited about things. And since this in itself was exciting she was even more excited. She could barely contain herself, and was just wanting to get sorted. Ariahna wasn't sure exactly which house she'd be sorted into. She knew whatever happened her parents would hopefully be proud of her, and she'd support that house until the end, but Ariahna knew which house she really wanted over most. Gryffindor. It had been her mothers house, and her mothers parents house. Ariahna usually wasn't one for tradition but, the Gryffindor tradition seemed pretty good. Ariahna's father had been a member of Ravenclaw house. And his parents had both been Slytherins. Ariahna knew that there was a chance she could get into any, but, her heart and mind was set on the one.

The large doors swung open and Ariahna Northwood with the rest of her year stepped into the hall. The Hall itself was enough to blow the Blonde away. It had such magnificent and beauty. Ariahna made sure she was near the front of the line. She didn't want to have to push past a lot of people before being sorted. Ariahna had been reading all about hogwarts, so it came as no surprise to her when the hat started singing. It was unusual, but Ariahna had known it would happen so she hadn't been too shocked by it. After the song was over, the name calling began. Ariahna Northwood, had never hated her name before this moment. Not only was she pretty far down the list, but she had a name like Northwood, that sounded as though it belonged in some old english book, or on a map. Ariahna just kept calm, breathing and politely clapping for her classmates. It didn't even occur to her that she'd be spending the next 7 years with these people. In the back of her mind that point was clear, but at the front of her mind all she saw was this year. The next 9 months. Ariahna didn't know what would happen in it, just that something would. Hopefully a lot would. She hoped for great friends, and good grades. She was just wishing. Ariahna's mind was going a breakneck speed. But this was very much interrupted.

Northwood, Ariahna

Her name sounded throughout the hall. She took a deep breath and then began to walk up to the stool. Ariahna was not the kind of girl who was easily afraid or put off. She could feel all the eyes upon her, and she was loving it. Ariahna enjoyed being at the centre. Being stared by everybody. It wasn't most people's idea of fun, but it was Ariahna's. She took a seat on the stool, and straightened out her skirt with her hands. This was just before the sorting hat was placed on her head. She felt the hat touch her hair and then she knew she was being sorted. It was really happening. Ariahna had only one house that she really wished for, and she was wishing that the sorting hat saw that too. Gryffindor Was all her mind was saying. And now all she had to do was wait, patiently, while the hat did it's magic and decided her fate for the next 7 years.

"Your sense of adventure pointed you there, now let me confirm it for you: GRYFFINDOR!"

I am currently a First Year. So I'm at the bottom of the chain. But, I know I'll make a great impression on the people I meet at Hogwarts. I'm friendly enough, and I'm respectful (enough) of my elders so, I should be fine.

Not Yet

Not yet

Not yet

None yet








None yet

None yet

None yet

None yet

None yet

S1-Banner S1-Avatar

<COLOR color="black">------------------------------------------------------------
In this crazy world ,
just you and I
<SIZE size="50">
I know it's weird but, my favourite food is salad. Like tomatoes and lettuce, sometimes a little cheese, depending on my mood. It's a completely odd thing to like, but it's what I like. And to be honest it's probably good that I love so much. I shall always be a healthy person if I love to eat salad.

I think it would have to be cauliflower. like hands down cauliflower. I don't know how any person could like it. It's pretty much tasteless, which is why my mum says I should like it but I just don't. I don't think I'll ever like it. I mean, I won't even touch it if it's been served to me. I really don't like it. I hate it with a small burning passion.

I'm not just saying this because I'm gryffindor, but my favourite colour has to be red. Not a bright red but a darker red. It's a good colour, and it suits me quite well when it comes to clothing, so It's a colour I enjoy wearing and I just enjpy it in general. It's warm and bright and is the colour of many great things, like apples and tomatoes, The Gryffindor uniform and common room. So, it is an awesome colour.

Orange. Like it's clearly got to be orange. It's doesn't go with anything, it's too bright. It's an awful skin colour ( you know the fake tan that turns the person orange). I like oranges themselves, just not the colour. I don't own anything orange and if I do, I plan on throwing it out. Orange is a disgraceful colour.

More Favourites to Come.

Thunder and lightning, holding hands ,
let's overcome the past,
we have to do it fast


Code by Me
Song - Thunder and Lightning - Vukašin Brajić

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