- Messages
- 123
- OOC First Name
- Camilla!
- Wand
- Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
Full Name:
- Ariadne Victoria Reinhold. A fine name for someone as fine as me, of course.
Date of Birth:
- Halloween - October 31st. Scorpio. Suits me, because I'm mysterious and feminine.
Current Age:
- Ten, very nearly eleven.
Basic Appearance:
- Long dark brown hair, down to my shoulder blades. Dark blue eyes, usually with a mischievous glint. I like that word, mischievous. I'm about 4'8" and average weight. And glasses, which look great on me!
- I'm very sure of myself. Some people say that I'm cruel - hah! I just like to have fun, that's all. Okay, maybe I can be mean at times, but it's all in good spirits...right?
Well. Anyone who disputes that is a loser.
I'm pretty awesome. What? You don't think I am? Hang on, just let me get my tarantula...
- I live with my mother, Janice...Janice isn't that nice of a name, not like Ariadne. Janice is so plain and boring! Ariadne at least sounds a lot cooler and is a lot more interesting. Anyway, I live with my mother and her new husband, Theodore. More like Theodork, right? Anyway, he has his daughter, Astrid. Astrid Helena Foley. Not nearly as fine as my name, but at least Astrid is nice enough. She doesn't get on my nerves, I don't set the tarantulas on her.
Besides, she's practically my sister!
- Okaaaaaaaay, I may have said tarantulas, but in truth I've only got one. His name is Mars and he's the best friend a girl could ask for! He does everything I say and he scares people half to death, which is even better!
Area of Residence:
- Queenstown, New Zealand. It's so booooooooring! I was born in England and it was quite lovely and then I got taken to this boring place and it's no fun at all! There's nothing to do!
Blood Status:
- Half-blood, bluh. Dad was a wizard, pretty sure, though I don't know much about him. Mum's a witch, about fourth or fifth generation or something. Being a pureblood would be so much cooler, but I guess it'll have to do.
- Yeah, I was born in England, my parents descend from...all over Europe, but enough about them, what about me?
I was born about eleven years ago and I was just the most wonderful baby girl the world had ever seen. Clearly. Home was very nice I think, I can't remember much about it but then dad died and mum moved us to New Zealand. Boring! Then she met Theo-dork and married him and yada yada yada. That's all so booooooooring! Besides, my future is way more exciting! I'm going to learn to read and manipulate minds and I'm going to make sure I get my own way all the time, because really, I'm awesome.
Special Abilities:
- I can get spiders to do whatever I want.
Well, just Mars, but that's a start!
I'm also very manipulative.
Interests or Hobbies:
- I like insects. People get creeped out by them, which is what makes them so great. Spiders are even better! Theo-dork is arachnophobic, so I like to chase him with Mars...until Astrid makes me stop, that is. Bluh, she's no fun. I also like to create things. I always have great ideas. I can't wait to try Potions class, it's going to be so much fun!
Additional Skills:
- Did I mention I am very creative? I tell the best lies. And I tell them very well.
- Well, I'm very confident, obviously!
- Psht, me? Weak? Never!
well she can be pretty mean at times and she's probably a bit too confident and she's nice to me but she's not nice to many people and she's always getting in fights, not to mention she's terrified of heights and dogs...
I don't remember asking you to contribute, Astrid.
Describe your character in three words:
- Confident, ambitious, and...
Cruel? Me? Well, maybe...I guess I'll just go with that.
Favourite place to be:
- In my cold and dark room with Mars. It's all the company I need.
- Well, Astrid's my friend...and psht, other people are stupid. Stupid stupid stupid! I have Astrid on my side, and Mars, too. Other people are for my amusement.
Hogwarts House:
- I haven't got one, but I reaaaaaaaally hope I get in to Slytherin!
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To be the very best! I want to learn how to close off my mind and read other minds too. And Potions, I really want to learn Potions. It seems so interesting.
Curses and jinxes and hexes will be loads of fun, too!
Best school subjects:
- n/a
Worst school subjects:
- n/a
Extracurricular Activities:
- I haven't got any at the present...Quidditch is for suckers.
Plans for your future:
- Something awesome, no doubt. I'll have to find something that suits me, hehe.
Your Patronus:
- A spider, obviously! Tarantula, specifically.
Your Patronus memory:
- When I got my darling pet Mars, he is the best tarantula ever!
Your Boggart:
- Hmmmmm. Afraid of anything? Me? No way!
it would be a dog, actually.
Shut UP, Astrid!
Your Animagus:
- A spider. A BIG one.
Mirror of Erised:
- I'd see myself as the prettiest, most successful girl in the world, with all the power. All of it.
A page from your diary:
- Keep a diary? Me? Please, why would I waste my time like thaaaaaaaat?
- Ariadne Victoria Reinhold. A fine name for someone as fine as me, of course.
Date of Birth:
- Halloween - October 31st. Scorpio. Suits me, because I'm mysterious and feminine.

Current Age:
- Ten, very nearly eleven.
Basic Appearance:
- Long dark brown hair, down to my shoulder blades. Dark blue eyes, usually with a mischievous glint. I like that word, mischievous. I'm about 4'8" and average weight. And glasses, which look great on me!
- I'm very sure of myself. Some people say that I'm cruel - hah! I just like to have fun, that's all. Okay, maybe I can be mean at times, but it's all in good spirits...right?
Well. Anyone who disputes that is a loser.
I'm pretty awesome. What? You don't think I am? Hang on, just let me get my tarantula...
- I live with my mother, Janice...Janice isn't that nice of a name, not like Ariadne. Janice is so plain and boring! Ariadne at least sounds a lot cooler and is a lot more interesting. Anyway, I live with my mother and her new husband, Theodore. More like Theodork, right? Anyway, he has his daughter, Astrid. Astrid Helena Foley. Not nearly as fine as my name, but at least Astrid is nice enough. She doesn't get on my nerves, I don't set the tarantulas on her.
Besides, she's practically my sister!
- Okaaaaaaaay, I may have said tarantulas, but in truth I've only got one. His name is Mars and he's the best friend a girl could ask for! He does everything I say and he scares people half to death, which is even better!
Area of Residence:
- Queenstown, New Zealand. It's so booooooooring! I was born in England and it was quite lovely and then I got taken to this boring place and it's no fun at all! There's nothing to do!
Blood Status:
- Half-blood, bluh. Dad was a wizard, pretty sure, though I don't know much about him. Mum's a witch, about fourth or fifth generation or something. Being a pureblood would be so much cooler, but I guess it'll have to do.
- Yeah, I was born in England, my parents descend from...all over Europe, but enough about them, what about me?
I was born about eleven years ago and I was just the most wonderful baby girl the world had ever seen. Clearly. Home was very nice I think, I can't remember much about it but then dad died and mum moved us to New Zealand. Boring! Then she met Theo-dork and married him and yada yada yada. That's all so booooooooring! Besides, my future is way more exciting! I'm going to learn to read and manipulate minds and I'm going to make sure I get my own way all the time, because really, I'm awesome.
Special Abilities:
- I can get spiders to do whatever I want.
Well, just Mars, but that's a start!
I'm also very manipulative.

Interests or Hobbies:
- I like insects. People get creeped out by them, which is what makes them so great. Spiders are even better! Theo-dork is arachnophobic, so I like to chase him with Mars...until Astrid makes me stop, that is. Bluh, she's no fun. I also like to create things. I always have great ideas. I can't wait to try Potions class, it's going to be so much fun!
Additional Skills:
- Did I mention I am very creative? I tell the best lies. And I tell them very well.
- Well, I'm very confident, obviously!
- Psht, me? Weak? Never!
I don't remember asking you to contribute, Astrid.
Describe your character in three words:
- Confident, ambitious, and...
Cruel? Me? Well, maybe...I guess I'll just go with that.
Favourite place to be:
- In my cold and dark room with Mars. It's all the company I need.
- Well, Astrid's my friend...and psht, other people are stupid. Stupid stupid stupid! I have Astrid on my side, and Mars, too. Other people are for my amusement.
Hogwarts House:
- I haven't got one, but I reaaaaaaaally hope I get in to Slytherin!
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- To be the very best! I want to learn how to close off my mind and read other minds too. And Potions, I really want to learn Potions. It seems so interesting.
Curses and jinxes and hexes will be loads of fun, too!
Best school subjects:
- n/a
Worst school subjects:
- n/a
Extracurricular Activities:
- I haven't got any at the present...Quidditch is for suckers.
Plans for your future:
- Something awesome, no doubt. I'll have to find something that suits me, hehe.
Your Patronus:
- A spider, obviously! Tarantula, specifically.
Your Patronus memory:
- When I got my darling pet Mars, he is the best tarantula ever!
Your Boggart:
- Hmmmmm. Afraid of anything? Me? No way!
Shut UP, Astrid!
Your Animagus:
- A spider. A BIG one.
Mirror of Erised:
- I'd see myself as the prettiest, most successful girl in the world, with all the power. All of it.
A page from your diary:
- Keep a diary? Me? Please, why would I waste my time like thaaaaaaaat?