Ariadne Reinhold

Ariadne Reinhold

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OOC First Name
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
The Basics

Character's Name: Ariadne Victoria Reinhold

Character's Birthdate: October 31, 2017

Hometown: Born in Bath, England - currently resides in Queenstown, New Zealand. Has travelled all her life and has not spent more than eighteen months in one location, however.

Blood Status: Half-blood. The Reinholds are an old wizarding family, but their bloodline is not pure.

Wand: Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth. "This wand brings determination, strength and courage to its bearers, however it is a wand for the sly, cunning and ambitious, those who deem kind and welcomingly are not welcomed by this wand. It is the excellent adapt for dark magic and for those that find pleasure in watching people suffer."

Hogwarts House: Slytherin.


Hair: Dark brown, and very long. It's quite wavy, and is never neatly arranged.

Eyes: Greenish brown. Hidden behind thick glasses, because her eyesight isn't very good.

Height: 4'7". A little Napoleonic, but she'll grow. She hopes.

Style: Ariadne doesn't care so much about her clothing. She generally throws whatever on, though she has nice, good quality clothing. She's naturally a messy person, but she can make herself look nice when it suits her. Most of the time, it doesn't, so she sticks to jeans and sweaters mostly.

Other Distinguishing Features: Apart from her glasses, messy hair, and Napoleonic stature, Ariadne is pretty much an average girl. She keeps her pet tarantula, Mars, around her at all times. She has a tendency to walk straight-backed and with an almost regal atmosphere. She also has a small scar on her hand from when a dog attacked her and bit her as a little girl. She's reasonably fearless, but since that attack, she's been deathly afraid of dogs.

A Little Deeper

Personality: Ariadne has always been a spoilt brat. Coming from a wealthy family, and being the only daughter of a single father, Ariadne never wanted for anything in her life, and as such, has never learnt patience or manners. She has a fiery, domineering personality. She is not stupid, but she is quite selfish and often doesn't pay attention to things around her, as she is too busy focusing on herself. She is a Reinhold through and through, though she takes more after her uncle Gabriel than her father (evidenced by the Sorting Hat placing her in Slytherin over Ravenclaw). She is reasonably morbid, holding a strange fascination with death and pain. While she was spoilt, she also spent many years in various places, all alone, so she learnt to entertain herself, by taking things apart and putting them together, by cooking, and by studying wildlife, including her favourite animal, the spider. She gets upset when things don't go her own way, and is incredibly bad tempered - which is shown a lot when it comes to using her (incredibly poor) people skills.

History: Ariadne's mother passed away a mere three months after Ariadne was born, and as such, she remembers nothing of her. For most of her life, it has been just her and her father, Adam Reinhold. She was born in Bath, England, but Adam Reinhold has never been known to stay in one place for a very long time. Soon afterwards, they returned to his hometown of Edinburgh, leaving for America soon before Ariadne's second birthday. They travelled all around the place, never settling anywhere for longer than eighteen months. Ariadne never had an opportunity to make friends, but her bad temper prevented her from even forming any acquaintances. Being a selfish child, she preferred to keep to herself, for in her own opinion, her own company was much better than anyone else's.
When Ariadne was nine, her father met a Miss Elizabeth Foley, and her daughter, Astrid. Adam and Elizabeth were married soon after Ariadne's tenth birthday and they settled in Australia for a year, before moving to Elizabeth's home of Queenstown, New Zealand, at about the time of Astrid's eleventh birthday. Ariadne was not used to sharing with another person, but she and Astrid found they got along quite well. While Astrid found it difficult to come to terms with Ariadne's natural mess, the pair of them found in each other an ally - they were both to be sent to Hogwarts New Zealand together. Ariadne found someone she could easily boss around, and Astrid found someone who she could slyly manipulate and keep in line. Of course, they became best friends quickly. Ariadne and Astrid went to Hogwarts New Zealand together in September 2028 - Astrid was sorted in to Ravenclaw, whereas Ariadne became a Slytherin.

Family: The Reinhold family, despite not being pureblood, is an old family of wizards, known for intelligence and wealth. The majority of the Reinholds have been Ravenclaws at Hogwarts, with a few exceptions (i.e. Ariadne and her uncle, Gabriel).

Adam Reinhold, Ariadne's father, was a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts Scotland, was a prefect, scored extremely well in his OWLs, and works as a Healer, travelling around the world as he sees fit. Being the eldest son of the Reinhold family, he is quite well off, and has treated his daughter, and now new wife and step-daughter, very well indeed (although perhaps too well, in Ariadne's case).

Gabriel Reinhold, Ariadne's uncle and Adam's much younger brother, was in Slytherin. He was lazy, never achieved highly at school (though somehow scraped together a couple of Os and Es in his NEWTs) and generally treated everyone else poorly, including his brother. Neither Gabriel nor Adam like to talk about the incident, but the two of them have been estranged since Josephine died. Gabriel has recently moved to New Zealand in order to make amends, having accepted that he is an adult and must behave responsibly. He also works in the New Zealand Ministry of Magic.

Ariadne's mother, Josephine Williamson, was a classmate of Adam's at Hogwarts. She was a halfblood, relatively intelligent, however, was a little selfish herself. She was on her way to work at Flourish and Blotts when she was accidentally run down by a muggle driver (post-childbirth, she was a little ill and not keen to apparate or take floo powder).

Ariadne's step-mother, Elizabeth Foley, is a fashion journalist for Witch Weekly. She and Adam met while travelling and were married in 2026. Her daughter, Astrid, has quickly become Ariadne's only friend and confidante, despite their obvious differences. Astrid is neat, orderly - to the point of being borderline obsessive-compulsive - and was sorted in to Ravenclaw in 2028, the same year Ariadne was sorted in to Slytherin.

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