Arethuse Anna Arbuthnoth

Arethuse Anna Arbuthnoth

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mina {main}
Pine wood, 12 1/2", Essence of Unicorn mane hair
Full Name: Aréthuse Anna Amelia Napoléona-Arbuthnoth

Date of Birth: 31st October 2014

Current Age: 12

Basic Appearance: Arethuse is quite long for a normal 12 year old, her frame spanning 5 feet 2" from top to toe. She has shoulder length natural red hair which is often tied up in a ponytail, plus a set of brown murky eyes.




Area of Residence: Hessenheim, Bas-Rhin department, Alsace

Blood Status: Muggleborn

Heritage: Half-french, half-british

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies: Reading fairytales, writing small poems, ballet skiing.

Additional Skills: Dances reasonably well due to the private lessons she takes.

Strengths: Logical, imaginative, book smart, cleaniness, kind and considerate.

Weaknesses: Panics, germ-obsession, childish and naive.

Describe your character in three words: Naive, kind, smart

Favourite place to be: Out on the snow in ski's.

Friends: -

Hogwarts House: N/A, goes to Beauxbatons.

Beauxbatons Hopes and Ambitions: Gaining some friends, explore the library, maybe even a prefecthood.

Best school subjects: Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy.

Worst school subjects: Potions, History of Magic.

Extracurricular Activities: -

Graduation: -

Current Job: -

Plans for your future: Becoming a lawyer

Your Patronus: Swan, for the elegance and innocence.

Your Patronus memory: Her tenth birthday as a disney princess.

Your Boggart: Dragons.

Your Animagus: N/A

Mirror of Erised: She, surrounded by friends and holding an license to practice law.

A page from your diary: N/A

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