Ares Taylor

Ares Taylor

Well-Known Member
Full Name: Ares Taylor
- Birth Date: 3rd March 2010
- Current Age: 12
- Basic Appearance:
Hair: short and messy dark brown hair.
Eyes: piercing dark brown
Height: 5’1

- Parents: Xavier and Claudia Taylor
- Siblings, if any: Peyton Taylor
- Pets, if any: Eclipse (White Raven)
- Area of Residence: Brisbane, Australia
- Blood status: Half Blood

- Hogwarts House (And why): Ravenclaw – was quite shocking to Ares as he is not interested in school work. But the hat knows all and although he rarely shows it Ares is very intelligent.
- Best school subjects (And why): DADA – Ares loves duelling and learning how to defend himself.
- Worst school subjects (And why): History Of Magic– Ares finds it extremely boring.

- What would their Patronus be? a fox
- What would their Boggart be? Losing everything
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) a fox
- What would your character see if he looked in the Mirror of Erised? Himself, wearing the Ravenclaw quidditch uniform, (with a captain badge pinned on) holding his final years report in one hand (with top marks), and a trouble making pin in the other (representing that he had been a part of a trouble making association)
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? the time he and Oliver had placed several wads of brightly coloured chewing gum on the teacher (whom they hated)s chair and she had walked around the rest of the day unaware of the brightly coloured chewing gum on her butt.
Hello Ares,

just a handful of questions -

1. You are now a second year Ravenclaw - how do you feel on making it this far?
2. Has it been everything you hoped it would be?
3. For a Ravenclaw to find a subject as interesting and indepth as HoM to be extremely boring, do you think the sorting hat may have made a mistake?
4. When you say 'losing everything' would be your boggart - could you be more specific?
5. Why would you wish to be part of a "trouble making" association? Once again not the logical path or choice for a Ravenclaw.
6. Are your parents a witch / wizard?
7. What are their occupations?
8. Is your sister older than you and how do you get on with her?
Thanks Andy!

1. You are now a second year Ravenclaw - how do you feel on making it this far?
Im quite pround that I've made it this far. Every year the work gets harder, and as I dont put much effort into school, I believe passing first year was a great achievement.

2. Has it been everything you hoped it would be?
Not quite. I'd hoped that there would always be alot of mischief going on, even if on a small scale, and there has been at times but occasionally its quite quite which is quite disapointing. Also the work is harder than I hoped for.

3. For a Ravenclaw to find a subject as interesting and indepth as HoM to be extremely boring, do you think the sorting hat may have made a mistake?
I believe the hat made a HUGE mistake. But maybe it just didnt know what to do with me cause I cant imagine fitting in in Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Griffindor either.

OOC= Ares is naturally bright and used to do outstandingly in class, problem was he became bored of it, as back then there was no competition for him. Deep inside Ares is interested in his work he's just bored. But he's about to realize how much school work does mean to him

4. When you say 'losing everything' would be your boggart - could you be more specific?
Im terrified of losing everything I have, my friends, my family, my home. My biggest fear is of being alone with no where to go and no one to go to.

5. Why would you wish to be part of a "trouble making" association? Once again not the logical path or choice for a Ravenclaw.
It would be interesting and fun. Its funny how people rarely associate Ravenclaws with trouble because I can easily imagine at some point sevaral individual Ravenclaws who will get sick of always doing the right thing and you know what? They will be the best troublemakers. Why? Well because trouble making can be done by anyone, but the best plans require brains.

6. Are your parents a witch / wizard?
Yes both of them are magical. My mother is mugglebord and my father is halfblood.

7. What are their occupations?
Dad works for the ministry of magic in the muggle department and mom is a shop assistant.

8. Is your sister older than you and how do you get on with her?
Shes younger. Our relationship is hot and cold, there are times when she respects me and I really enjoy her comany but just as suddenly she can become a little brat and get on my bad side

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