Archturus Engel


I can hold my breath, I can bite my tongue
Within a minute I was all packed up

Character Name
Archturus' full name:
Archturus Sirius Engel-Eberhardt
Reason or meaning of name:
Archturus' two chosen names are the names of stars in the sky. His mother is an astronomer, and so named her sons with names relating to some of her favourite stars in the night sky - however their first names are spelt slightly differently. Archturus is named after Arcturus, and the addition of an H in his name is for uniqueness. He rather likes his name, finding it to be meaningful and special.
Archturus' nickname/s:
Archturus has never been given a nickname, beyond affectionate little names given by family members.
Reason or meaning of nickname:
Archturus never really connected with other children, being painfully blunt and observant. His thick skin meant that he tended to challenge others, and this would push them away. The most used name other than his first name was Mister Eberhardt - by teachers when he would get into trouble.
Birth date:

<SIZE size="50">I can stay awake for days, If that's what you want
I don't wanna go
Physical appearance
Turning eleven.
Archturus finds it counterproductive to weigh himself. He's not fat, so he doesn't care.
Archturus has no idea of his height.
Body build:
Archturus is a small boy, and is not one to frequent exercise. In fact, he openly despises it.
Shape of face:
Archturus has a small, slender face with a prominent nose and rounded eyes under thick eyebrows. He has average lips that make his face crease slightly when he smiles and bring about dimples, but overall, his head is rather small looking, his nose down-turned and in the centre, and his chin small.
Shape of mouth:
Archturus has thin lips, and tries not to show his teeth when he smiles.
Eye color:
Archturus has blue eyes.
Glasses or contacts:
Archturus has perfect vision and does not need glasses nor use contacts.
Skin tone:
Archturus has pale skin that is easily burned. He avoids the sun, wearing sun screen when he does go outside, and has few freckles on his flesh.
Hair color:
Type of hair:
Archturus has short, brown hair that he does not pay much attention to. It his a medium length, and does not knot easily. It is rather thick, and if not washed, does not tend to get very greasy. On most occasions, his hair is rather dry.
Archturus has a quiet, effeminate voice. He often speaks very clearly, and with confidence.
Physical disabilities:
Usual fashion of dress:
Archturus prefers to wear jeans, with shirts that depict images of various things he likes, such a bands, movies, and funny quotes and memes he likes.
Jewellery or accessories:
Archturus has no jewellery.
Blood Status:
Muggle-born. As far as he knows, he is the first wizard in his family.
Archturus has yet to fully integrate into the magical world, and therefore does not yet have an opinion. However, he will soon learn this blood status is very important. He is a stubborn boy, and does not play nice when told he is below others. He is proud of himself, and his family, and finds magic to be merely another part of himself - and he is perfectly able to wield it just as well as anyone else, in his opinion.
Blood Type:
O Positive
Freddie Highmore

But I'm only human, And I bleed when I fall down
Sudden words are hard to speak
Most favoured colour:
Dark, cool colours. Such as dark blues, purples, and cooler greens.
Least favourite colour:
Bright warm colours - such as pinks, yellows and hotter greens.
Archturus will eat virtually anything.
Archturus is not fussed when it comes to reading.
Form of entertainment:
Archturus loves his technology. He loves watching his favourite television shows, listening to music, and playing video games. If there's a blackout or something, he might pick up a book and read.
Archturus draws on things, however he has no talent in art. He has a chemistry set he plays with, as well, and will often look at stars and other celestial things with his mother.
Mode of transportation:
Public and private muggle transport.
Most prized possession:
Archturus has no prized possessions.

I can turn it on, Be a good machine
When your thoughts are all I see
Optimist or pessimist?
Archturus likes to think himself a realist.
Introvert or extrovert?
Daredevil or cautious?
Logical or emotional?
Archturus swings between both.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?
Methodical and neat.
Prefers working or relaxing?
Confident or unsure?
Animal lover?
Archturus is not a huge lover of animals, but likes looking at them if he doesn't have to care for them.

I'm only human, And I crash and I break down
When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky.
Archturus' hobbies include star gazing and rock collecting, as well as playing his favourite video games, and reading old comics.
Plays a musical instrument?
Archturus does not have a musical bone in his body.
Plays a sport?
Archturus hates group play.
How would he spend a rainy day:
Archturus would play video games.
Nervous tics:
Archturus is not easily made nervous. He has a very bold nature.
Usual body posture:
Archturus has sloppy posture.
Archturus is very animated when he communicates, and moves his hands along with his head as he speaks.

Your words in my head, knives in my heart
To the beat of our hearts at the same time.
Type of childhood:
Archturus has one family dog that he does not spend a lot of time with. His name is Kevin, and is an old beagle.
First memory:
Childhood hero:
Dream job:

I'm only human, Just a little human
I made a promise that I'll come home soon.
Current location:
Currently living with:
His mother, Elisabeth Eberhardt-Marie, and his younger brother, Altaeis Sarin Engel-Eberhardt.
Archturus is currently a child, and is very busy behaving like one.
I can take so much, 'Til I've had enough
Bring me back, bring me back to you.
Drives and motivations:
Immediate goals:
Long term goals:
How Archturus plans to accomplish these goals:

I can hold the weight of worlds, If that's what you need
When we both wake up underneath the same sun.
</i><SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">
<B>Good personality traits:
Bad personality traits:
Most common mood:
Sense of humour:
Enraged when:
Archturus' soft spot:
Greatest strength:
Greatest weakness:
Biggest regret:
Biggest accomplishment:
Archturus' darkest secret:
Does anyone else know?

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