Archibald Cornelius Wilkes

OOC First Name
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Rigid Ivy Wand with Unicorn Hair Core

I can hold my breath, I can bite my tongue
Within a minute I was all packed up

Character Name
Archibald's full name:
Archibald Cornelius Wilkes
Reason or meaning of name:
Archibaldl's first name means True and Bold, and is of Scottish origin. His name is shared with his late maternal grandfather. His middle name was decided by his mother, it means Horn and is derived from the Latin word 'cornu'. While his last name, Wilkes, is inherited by his father, and is of German origin, and means Resolute protector.
Archibald's nickname/s:
Archie by his small family, Wilkes by the majority of his friends and co-workers.
Reason or meaning of nickname:
Archie does not like the name Archibald, as he feels it is for a man much older and more serious than himself. He prefers the sweeter, shorter Archie. He is referred by his last name by his friends and co-workers because he feels that 'Archie' is too colloquial for the workplace, while Archibald was not a favourite of his, and being called 'Mister' remains him of his father. Wilkes it was.
Birth date:
January fourteenth, two thousand and nine.

<SIZE size="50">I can stay awake for days, If that's what you want
I don't wanna go
Physical appearance
Thirty years, one month.
140 pounds
Body build:
Archie is not an athletic man. He is slim, and a little lanky. While he does do light exercise in order to keep himself relatively fit, he would never be described as a particularly sculpted man.
Shape of face:
Archie has a small, slender face with a prominent nose and ears, and rounded eyes under thin eyebrows. He has large lips that make his face crease slightly when he smiles, but overall, his head is rather small looking, his nose down-turned and in the centre.
Shape of mouth:
Archie as large lips, and his small always involved his teeth being shown.
Eye color:
Archie's eyes are a bright, light blue. They are rather expressive, and often reveal his emotions.
Glasses or contacts:
Archie has perfect vision and does not need glasses nor use contacts.
Skin tone:
Pale and freckled. Archie burns easily, and once this is done, little freckles appear. He rather likes his freckles, although does not want any more of them than he's already got.
Hair color:
Type of hair:
Archie has wavy, dry hair that he prefers to keep short. The sides and back are often shorter than the top, and he rarely has a fringe as he prefers to have his face clear. His hair is controllable and even when long in the past has not been known to knot, nor become quickl greasy..
Archie has a naturally soft voice, ranging on the more high to moderate side. He has a Cardiff English accent, having grown up and until recently lived there.
Physical disabilities:
Usual fashion of dress:
Archie is frequently in a smart-casual manner, and prefers a professional environment.
Jewellery or accessories:
Archie has no jewellery.
Blood Status:
Mixed Blood. Archie's parents are both magical.
Blood Type:
O Positive
Eddy Redmayne

But I'm only human, And I bleed when I fall down
Sudden words are hard to speak
Most favoured colour:
Least favourite colour:
Archie prefers spicy foods.
Archie will read almost anything. He enjoys reading.
Form of entertainment:
Archie, for entertainment, will read, or go out and spend time with friends. He enjoys mostly group activities, such as board games, and chess.
Archie is a workaholic, and finds himself reading reports, or re-writing reports as a form of calming down should he become frazzled. Even if the cause of his anxiety is work, he will simply move onto something else.
Mode of transportation:
Apparation and flu powder.
Most prized possession:
Archie has no prized possessions.

I can turn it on, Be a good machine
When your thoughts are all I see
Optimist or pessimist?
Avid optimist.
Introvert or extrovert?
Daredevil or cautious?
Logical or emotional?
Archie swings between both.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?
Methodical and neat.
Prefers working or relaxing?
Working. Archie has no idea how to relax.
Confident or unsure?
Animal lover?
Definitely. He especially loves fish.

I'm only human, And I crash and I break down
When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky.
Archie enjoys urban exploration and if he is feeling bored and outside is nice, he will go off and do this. Otherwise, he will occasionally make candles, something he rather enjoys. He gifts them to friends and family should he make too many to use himself.
Plays a musical instrument?
Archie does not have a musical bone in his body.
Plays a sport?
Archie is far too clumsy for this.
How would Archie spend a rainy day:
If alone, he would make candles, if with others, he would either play a board game, or just hang out with them.
Nervous tics:
When nervous, Archie can become fluster, red in the face, and has trouble constructing words at all.
Usual body posture:
Archie has reasonable body posture, and has a hyper-attentive mind, making him very conscious of the physical signals he is giving to others. Therefore, he will often try to present open and pleasant body posture.
Archie, when speaking for long periods of time, will move his hands around. Otherwise in short conversation his face and head are more animated. He tends to fidget and have trouble sitting still. However, when nervous, he will be stiller than a statue.

Your words in my head, knives in my heart
To the beat of our hearts at the same time.
Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Type of childhood:
Archie had a relatively lonely childhood. He had no cousins near his age, and no siblings, and so spent the majority of his time with his mother, whom was his main carer. If not with his mother, he was over his grandparents house, which was one of the few opportunities he had to make candles, which his grandmother did to pass the time and make a little extra money, something Archie continued throughout his life. Without other children to regularly play with, his childhood before school was rather lonely, and filled with adult company, making him a quiet, very analytical and reasonable boy who sort of had a little competition with adults, trying to outsmart them (and on occasion succeeding). It was a lonely childhood, but he enjoyed it enough.
Archie has one fish, Maxwell, a purple fighting fish.
First memory:
Archie's first memory that he can recall was when he was a young boy, less than five. He was at home with his parents, and it was very late at night. He needed to go to the bathroom, so he got himself up, and went. However, it was rather cold, and he was very tired, and the next thing he knew, he was being carried back to bed by his father, who was laughing to himself.
Childhood hero:
Archie's childhood hero was Hermione Granger.
Dream job:
Archie, when a child, wanted to be a dragonologist. He dropped this dream rather quickly, however, when he saw a dragon for the first time at thirteen. Then he decided a much simpler idea - business.
Archie attended Hogwarts Scotland, and was sorted into the house of Ravenclaw. Through his father, he had expectations of the school, and his father had hoped for Gryffindor (as that had been his house) but had doubted that would be the house for Archie. It took his father having to wrestle him onto the train to get Archie to go to the school, and he had on several occasions tried various methods of escape before reaching the castle itself. Being sorted into Ravenclaw made him feel nothing special, as he did not want to be at the school in the first place. However, in his third year he began to fall in love with the school beside himself, and came to greatly enjoy his time at the school. He made good friends, and often spent his free time in the Ravenclaw Common Room making candles with his friends; finding it a find group activity to do should they ever be bored that quickly turned into a budding little business that was rather profitable. He achieved reasonable grades, and stayed out of trouble. He became a prefect, and graduated with good friends, grades, and memories.

I'm only human, Just a little human
I made a promise that I'll come home soon.
Current location:
United Kingodom, in a reasonably sized one bedroom apartment.
Currently living with:
Archie currently lives in a little place by himself, and his pet fish.
Archie is a hotel manager for Atlantis City, and loves his job. He talks frequently with his co-workers and has a good relationship with all of them. He tends to arrive early and stay late, and works closely with the owner, Callum Copperworth, whom he will only ever refer to as Mr. Copperworth, regardless of the circumstance.
I can take so much, 'Til I've had enough
Bring me back, bring me back to you.
Drives and motivations:
One of Archie's main drives is knowledge, and learning everything there is to know about his subject areas. He also greatly enjoys succeeding, and this will often push him onward. He enjoys a good challenge, but for the reasoning of learning something new.
Immediate goals:
To continue working.
Long term goals:
To live a comfortable, happy life.
How Archie plans to accomplish these goals:
Well, first off he's working. Fortunately for him, his goals are very achievable. He is not one to set his entire life out perfectly, step by step, but he does realise mile stones that must be reached. He is happy to work his entire life, and so remains doing so. He's acceptably happy so far, so he sees no reason to change.

I can hold the weight of worlds, If that's what you need
When we both wake up underneath the same sun.
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<B>Good personality traits:
Archie is very honest, but not bluntly so. He is also rather reasonable, and logical, and willing to listen to all sides of a story before coming to a conclusion. He has a strong sense of justice, and wants to have people feeling inspired to be better, as opposed to stomping on them. He's a believer and a glass-half-full kind of guy. He is very loyal and has a strong morale code that he would never break, and would always encourage others to avoid behaviour he feels is unbecoming of them through positive reinforcement.
Bad personality traits:
Archie can become overwhelmed, and is often too stubborn to go asking for help. He can also be rather shy and awkward upon first meeting, and so can find relationship building to be difficult. His shyness can make him appear aloof and disinterested.
Most common mood:
Sense of humour:
Archie has a witty sense of humour. He would much rather something like stand-up comedy as opposed to pranks, and enjoys verbal sparring and silly little games.
Enraged when:
Archie hates being lied to.
Archie's soft spot:
Greatest strength:
Archie feels that his greatest strength is public relations. He is very good at talking with people, and getting them to listen to him. He also gains great pleasure in working hard, and so is not an employee whom slacks off.
Greatest weakness:
One of Archie's greatest weaknesses is the fact that when he is shy, he almost becomes an entirely different person. This often happens around people he is attracted to, and he often finds himself outright avoiding them, as opposed to trying to overcome his awkwardness.
Biggest regret:
Archie's biggest regret so far was not apologising to his grandfather for being a typical child before his death.
Biggest accomplishment:
Archie does not feel as if he has had any particularly big accomplishments just yet.
Archie's darkest secret:
Archie tries his best to be always honest, and so does not have any 'dark secrets', however, a secret he does have is that he likes his boss.
Does anyone else know?
Nearly the entire staff. They have a betting ring going.

You build me up and then I fall apart
Time stops, I wish that I could rewind.

History Before School
Archibald was born on the fourteenth of January, right at mid-day. He was a rather small child, being less than 5.5 pounds, and was four weeks premature. He was the first, and only child of Aileen Wilkes nee McIntosh and Jonas Wilkes. His family was a small one, being an only child, while his mother too, was an only child. His father had two sisters, and while one was married, the other remained single and had no offspring, but was a brilliant godmother. Archie's family was, however, tight-knit, and often worked together. His aunt, Lea, had three children, and these cousins were all much older than himself and provided no playmates. He spent more time with his grandparents on both sides, or his other aunt, Nadine, than his cousins, who were all very energetic and boisterous. Archie was much more of a placid child, and did not speak openly to others outside of his immediate family until he was seven years old, something that caused him some serious trouble in school, leading his parents to have him homeschooled instead. However, this isolation caused him to be rather blunt, to the point where whenever he spent time with other children, he often came off as slightly malicious, as he had no concept of politely explaining his opinion, rather than stating it as a clear fact.
At a young age, Archie became interested in reading, a skill he picked up much before he would construct a proper sentence. By the age of five, he was reading novellas, and on occasion would look over his father's shoulder and correct him in his letter writing, something both his parents found amusing. However, this precocious behaviour that his parents rather respected, made him a difficult child to befriend, especially with regards to his older cousins (the youngest of which was five years his senior) as he would only return any letters they should send as long as they had appropriate spelling and grammar, and when they came to visit, he would often try to educate them on appropriate writing techniques. One day at a family gathering, he got into an altercation with his older cousin and that was the end of his private play with them, so from the age of seven, he often only had adult company, if any company at all. He tried many times to 'get out' and enjoy the company of other children, but soon found that he did not especially like the children around him, and was particularly terrible at nearly all forms of sport. He frequently caused himself harm whenever he tried to engage in sporting activities, such as breaking his arm trying to ride a horse by falling off, breaking his nose during a friendly game of cricket after his batting partner hit the ball and they both ran, his batting partner's bat hitting his face, whilst playing Ping-Pong he nearly choked to death on the ball, he sprained his ankle playing tennis, and when he tried archery he cut his arm open as the string recoiled. Because of these accidents, his magical father didn't even bother trying to introduce him to magical sports, and it was decided that sports and Archie should never meet again.
At the age of nine, Archie showed magical inclination after accidently changing the colour of his grandmother's dress. Previous to this he had shown no magical talent, and it was assumed by his father that he had none, so this development was exciting for him. Archie's mother was more concerned, wondering if it would be safe to not train him in magic, however, her worries were calmed by her husbands explanations, and life soon returned to normal for Archie, except now his father would mention him perhaps attending magical school. It was also this time that his family suffered a loss, in that his maternal grandfather, his namesake. Archie had been close to his maternal grandfather and paternal grandparents (his maternal grandmother having been deceased before his birth). The thought of leaving home to return to a school environment, along with the stress of losing one of his grandparents, was so strong, that at the age of ten he ran away from his home, and travelled via train from Cardiff to Glasgow, Scotland, where his aunt Nadine resided. The trip took just under six and a half hours, and he arrived at his aunt's house after dark. His parents were immediately contacted, and after some persuading, he was taken back home that night.
History During School
In twenty-twenty, Archie turned 11, and began school at Hogwarts Scotland. At first, he tried to reason with the sorting hat, attempting to convince it that he had no place at the school. Because of this, his sorting was the longest of the year, and he and the hat found themselves disagreeing. In the end, Archie was unable to convince the hat, who assured him that he did have a place at the school, and was sorted into the house of Rowena Ravenclaw. His youngest cousin, Leon, at the time was a sixth year Gryffindor, and he was little help to Archie as he attempted to adjust to his new life. He frequently wrote letters to his aunt, grandparents, and parents, explaining to them how horrible his life was, and that he would never forgive them. His first year, semester one was mostly spent with him in the hospital wing, as his Flying classes began. He was a terrible flyer, and always found himself either colliding with others, or just outright crashing - when he could get the broom off the ground in the first place. There was no-one quite as bad at flying as he was, and this was a source of embarrassment for him. His second worst class was Potions, and he frequently found himself having to hastily dive for cover in later years, and eventually just outright dropped the subject, mostly for his own safety and the livelihood of his eyebrows. He excelled at History of Magic, Charms, and Herbology, and his two electives that he carried into 7th year, Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. He had at first taken Care of Magical Creatures on top of these, but within the first few lessons, after nearly breaking his neck on several occasions before the class even began, he decided that for his health he could avoid the 'great outdoors' and stick to more indoors lessons. He would later go on to achieve good grades in both Defence Against the Dark Arts, and Astronomy, however, DADA did take a lot of extra study for him, and was by no means an easy class. In his second year, however, he was still unsure of his placement at the school, and was still refusing to enjoy himself. He rarely spoke to other students, and barely acknowledged professors, and his grades suffered. However, during this year he lost another grandfather, and felt awful for all the disgruntled letters he had sent his family. During his second semester, second year, he began trying to turn his academic life around, and found a spike in his grades, and some nice people to hang out with.
After his cousin graduated, and he entered third year, Archie was in full-swing, finding that he rather liked school. He had a small circle of fellow Ravenclaws that he spent the majority of his time with, and a few friends sprinkled throughout the other three houses. He did on occasion go into forbidden areas, such as the forest, throughout his school life, but mostly entered these areas alone as he saw no sense in taking a group when he simply wanted to look around and move about quietly. He had never been a fan of Quidditch, and this did not change during his time at school. He never played the game, and while he did go to cheer on his friends, he never truly cheered for his house, as he finds the game boring. The areas he mostly snuck out to were the restricted section in the library, and the forbidden forest, but he could also be frequently found in the Astronomy tower looking around on a clear night at the stars. He remained close to his parents, writing to them regularly, as well as his aunt and grandmother, whose suggestion of making candles at school during his spare time he took to heart, with some of his friends, and the small group of Ravenclaws were soon making some money to spend during Brightstone weekends. Whilst his mother was outraged to hear him doing this, finding it to be absolutely silly, his father found it amusing, and his aunt, a business woman, found it to be a brilliant idea, and wished that she had thought of it herself.
Archie, with help from his friends and professors, slowly began to exit his shell over the course of his school career. Whilst confidence had rarely been an issue for him, tact had been something he lacked, and he gained a lot of it over his years of schooling. He formed strong relationships with his friends, and in his later years found himself on relatively good terms with most of the people in his year, as he developed a more tactful, understanding, and reasonable personality and becoming much more optimistic about the future and his place within it. He thrived in the Ravenclaw house and at the school itself. He rarely engaged in dating, as it had never been a priority for him, and he often avoided the subject altogether. However, over his seven years of schooling, he dated three times, all with varying degrees of success. He first dated a girl in fourth year, but this only lasted a month, as the girl became high maintenance, and he quickly lost interest. His second relationship was also with a girl, and this lasted a little longer, occurring in sixth year, however, it too failed after she cheated on him, but by this time he had lost interest and was (quite frankly) grateful that he didn't have to be the 'bad guy'. His third and final relationship occurred in sixth year, and moved onto seventh, until graduation, and was with another Ravenclaw boy. Archie broke off the relationship after graduation, because his boyfriend wanted to get married a year later, and Archie found that to be the most awkward thing possible. They did not part on good terms.
<SIZE size="50">History After School
</i><SIZE size="50">
He graduated twenty twenty-seven, having become prefect, and achieving reasonable grades in his NEWTs courses. Rather than jump right into the workforce, having not truly decided what it was he wanted to do, he took a year off from doing anything major, and returned home to be back with his family. He spent a few years with his grandmother, especially, as she had become ill and he took care of her at her home in Whitchurch, Hampshire. During these years, he and his grandmother made candles, and became closer, while he kept in regular letter-contact with his parents (coupled with the occasional visit). Upon his first year staying, in January, he met a young muggle gardener that he assisted in procuring potato seeds, and after a few months of hearing excuses from the man as to why he had not left Whitchurch, they began a relationship. While he was tempted to reveal his magic, he was warned against it by his grandmother, for concern of how the muggle man would react. However, the spring of twenty thirty-four, he was proposed to, and after some deliberation, and speaking with his family and friends about the decision, decided that it would not work as he had no intentions of revealing his magical nature to his would-be husband, nor was he willing to leave magic behind for the sake of love. As could be expected, their relationship broke down very quickly and the situation caused Archibald to feel very upset, but he felt there was nothing to be done.
After spending five years tending to his grandmother's health, she insisted that he get out and do something more with his life than care for her and wallow in old wounds, and so he did. Archie left his grandmother's home, and moved to Scotland, where he would work with his aunt, Nadine. His aunt controlled a series of taverns in Scotland, and he helped her run them, becoming a sort of manager in an unofficial sense. He found that he enjoyed the world of business, and his trustworthy face and gentle demeanour made life easier for his more abrasive aunt as she could at times push potential business away, rather than to her. He began building a life in Scotland, and on his second year of living in the country, he entered his third long term relationship with a Scottish wizard that broke down after their third year after his partner wanted to relocate to America, and Archie wished to remain closer to his family. He was not as torn up over the break up as he thought he would be, and moved on rather quickly. He continued working with his aunt until his mother caught ill, and decided that it would be best to return to Cardiff to be with her. He stayed with his parents for a few months, before becoming slightly claustrophobic and in need of the previous freedom he had had in Glasgow with his aunt - namely, his own place and some space, as well as a job that kept his busy and preoccupied.
Archie relocated to London, and his parents were not impressed by the move. It was quite a couple hours' travel to London, but it was intentional on his part. He was nearly thirty and desired to live a little more outside the bubble of his childhood, and expand upon himself as some of his school friends had. He moved into a small single bedroom apartment that he rather liked, and went about looking for a job. In late twenty thirty-eight, Archie applied for a position at a newly brought hotel, Atlantis City, and intended to apply for a job in customer relations - preferably working on the front desk. However, upon arriving to his interview, and a rather short interview later, Archie felt horrible at how quickly it had all gone. However, he was later contacted and hired, and he happily went to his knew job location, only to find that he was not hired for what he went for, and found himself a manager. Among other things, such as occasional secretary, concierge, accountant, head of marketing and advertising, front desk supervisor, event planner, and virtually anything else that his employer, Mister Copperworth, saddled him with. He enjoys his numerous duties greatly, as he is one that needs to be kept occupied, and there is never a boring or slow day at Atlantis City.

I can do it, I'll get through it
The pieces of us both, Under every city light

Aileen Wilkes nee McIntosh
Relationship with her:
Archie has a very good relationship with his mother, and the two are very close. Even now, he will still regularly visit his parents at their home in Cardiff, or invite them for a day out in London. He helps his parents financially if it were ever needed, and knows that they would do the same. He writes to them daily, and visits them once a week. He often goes with his mother to the movies, and shopping.
Jonas Wilkes
Relationship with him:
Archie is very close to his father, and writes to him regularly. He will on occasion go with his father to watch Quidditch games, even though he himself does not enjoy them, and enjoys walks in magical areas with his father. He brings his father, along with his mother, to spend time with him in London at least once a month, and visits them weekly.
Archie had no siblings.
Relationship with them:
See above.
Other important family members:
Archie, at the time of his birth, had three grandparents, one maternal grandfather, Archibald McIntosh, and his paternal grandparents, Ernest and Anja nee Albrecht. Two parental aunts, Lea (65) and Nadine (60). One paternal uncle (in-law), Aristo. Three male parental cousins, Aleksey (41), Nikola (38) and Leon (35). Three female paternal cousins (in-law), Elisabeth (43), Alissa (38), and Giselle (34). Seven male cousins once removed, Kameron (18), Anton (15), Emory (12) and Daxon (8), Daryl (13) and Ellis (10), and Murphy (8). Four female cousins once removed, Lara (16) and Hetti (10), Lauren (7), and Maisie (8).

I can take so much, 'Til I've had enough
My heart wants to come home, I wish I was, I wish I was...

How Archie feels about himself:
Archie is relatively confident in himself, and feels that he is a hard worker and resilient. However, he feels that he can be a little hot and cold, and swings between fierce professionalism, and playfulness, so he wishes that his behaviour and mannerisms were more level and predictable.
One word Archie would use to describe himself:
What does Archie consider his best personality trait?
Archie believes that his loyalty and determination are his best personality traits, equally.
What does Archie consider his worst personality trait?
Archie believes his shyness is detrimental, as well as his habit of avoiding change.
What does Archie consider his best physical characteristic?
Archie loves his freckles, and doesn't understand how anyone could dislike freckles.
What does Archie consider his worst physical characteristic?
Archie does not like his nose, especially after it was broken.
What would Archie most like to change about himself?:
Archie would make himself less prone to shyness. He finds it annoying and embarrassing that he can be crippled so easily at times.

I can fake a smile, I can force a laugh
And they're shining as we fade into the night

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Zodiac and Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year Sign:
About this Chinese New Year Sign:
Oxes are known for diligence, dependability, strength and determination. Having an honest nature, Oxes have a strong patriotism for their family, have ideals and ambitions for life, and attach importance to family and work. Having a desire to advance and great patience, Oxes can achieve their goals by consistent efforts. They are not influenced by others or the environment, but persist to do things in accordance with their ideas and capabilities. Before taking action, they will have a definite plan with detailed steps and add their strong faith and physical strength.
Lucky Numbers:
1, 4
tulip, morning glory, peach blossom
white, yellow, green
North and south

Zodiac sign:
About this Zodiac Sign:
Capricorn is the cardinal earth sign of the zodiac. It can be likened to the oldest and most valuable tree in the forest. Capricorn's are usually sure-footed, and thoroughly practical and determined. They are down to earth, and matter of fact, not liking liars or those with lofty, airy-fairy dreams without a set-structure to carry them out, as well as being incredibly perceptive. However, they are also very cautious, and do not like change, leading them to be a little shy and self-conscious. They are not afraid of hard work, and often thrive in the business environment, but do not frequent risky ventures. They are committed, and rarely bring attention to themselves, preferring to work individually and tenaciously. They like to understand where a person is coming from before opening up to them completely, and can come off as awkward and cold upon first meeting as they are very self-sufficient and independently do their work, and it is a rare thing for a Capricorn to ask for assistance, preferring to take over all issues themselves in order to see it done. They work by the phrase 'expect the worst, and hope for the best', keep a level-headed outlook in most areas of life. They are socially conscious, and fear being publically humiliated, and so prefer to be behind the scenes in most areas of life. Everything has its place and every place has a thing, and they should never be anywhere else. Structure and tradition are important to Capricorns, and their loyalty is bested by none, while generosity is also a common thing shared, while their word, once given, is virtually binding.
To economise.
Lucky gemstones:
Blue sapphire, amethyst, green emerald, green tourmaline, diamond and lapis lazuli.
Lucky numbers:
5, 8, 14, 26, 35, 41, 44, 60, 62, 86 and 88.
I can dance and play the part, If that's what you ask</COLOR><i></i>
<COLOR color="#000">My heart wants to come home.

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<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">Miscellaneous
</i><SIZE size="50">
Archie is not an animagus, however he expects that if he had have become one, it would have been something related to a feline - or at least he hopes it would be. He rather likes cats.
Archie, when he is capable of producing a patronus, conjures a small tabby cat.
Archie speaks two languages, English, and German. English is his first language, while German was mostly picked up through his German grandparents. He knows enough to move through the country comfortably should he need to, but he is much more comfortable with English.
Sexual Orientation:
Archie is homosexual, and shows interest only in other men.
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Rigid Ivy Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Wand Description:
Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: Ivy wands are best suited for social wizards and witches who adapt well in difficult situations and thrive. They also seem to have a knack for healing magic.
Core: The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.
Flexibility: Rigid: A difficult wand to control and sometimes broken under little force, but powerful in a fight.
Theme Song:

Coding ; Done by Tenilee
Lyrics ; Human - Christina Perri
& Beside You - Five Seconds of Summer


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