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Full Name: Aran Jaymie Reynolds
Date of Birth: May 15th, 2006
Current Age: 25
Basic Appearance: Aran is on the taller side, with pale skin which doesn't have any freckles (unlike his siblings.) He does however have a couple of tattoos. On his arm, he has a sign for Taurus, his astrological sign. On his ankle, he has an 'L' for his sibling, Levi . Finally, he has signs for 'family' and 'loyalty' on his opposite arm.
He has brown hair with traces of red, he usually grows it out so he can spike it up. However, when summer comes around, he shaves it to help keep cool. Aran has a habit of forgetting to shave, so more often than not he has a five o' clock shadow. His eyes are blue green, taking after his father.
Personality: This boy is very personable. He loves to meet new people, no matter what they're like. Aran tries to please as much as he can, so, he's developed the skill to be very charismatic and funny. Unfortunately, this has turned him into a bit of a player, though he doesnt want to be one.
He has a large amount of ambition, which is probably why he was in Slytherin while at school. He's constantly coming up with new ideas or daydreaming about certain things.
Father - John Reynolds
Aran is closest to his father, treating him as if he was a friend or brother. This is mainly due to his mother not being in the picture for the most part.
"What can I say about dad? He's great, and I love him to death... Wow that sounded really cheesy didn't it?"
Mother - Luz DeLeon
Luz and Aran aren't very close. At a young age she left John and Aran and never came back, only calling on birthdays and Christmas. But now, he visits her every so often in Spain.
"She may not be perfect, but she is my mother. So I kind of have to love her, and I do."
Half-Brother - Levi Reynolds
Levi and Aran are extremely close, and Aran often gives him advice on everything from clothes, to school, to girls. Moreso now than ever.
"Hehe... Levi will end up being a ladies man just like his brother. Though, I'm the better looking one... Just kidding... Oi, that was kind of mean..."
Area of Residence: Aran now lives on his own in London, though always comes to visit his family in Australia, Ireland, and Spain on occasion.
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Heritage: Spanish and Australian
Interests or Hobbies: Aran, like most men, loves to watch quidditch games and sometimes play. Though, he's not very good at it. One of the things that he loves and is pretty good at, is that he loves to sketch and draw. This can range from cartoons to portraits, and he'll always draw something for the people he cares for.
Strengths: He's charismatic, ambitious, and is always willing to do anything for someone he loves.
Weaknesses:He can be a bit of a player, a jerk sometimes, and can be a little dense.
Describe your character in three words:
Favourite place to be: His favorite place to be is at home, sprawled out on the couch, watching TV and pigging out on junk food.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin. This was due to his blind ambition and somewhat jerk-like personality. A minor contributor was Aran's silver-tongue.
Best school subjects: Care of Magical Creatures, Potions
"Care of magical creatures was easy... All you needed to do was be nice, pay attention, and then you got a great grade. Easy A."
"Potions just comes easily to me, though I understand why people wouldn't like it... One time I blew off my eyebrows."
Worst school subjects: Transfiguration, Charms
"To be frank, I'm not good with a wand... At all."
Current Job: Unemployed, living off the money he gets from painting portraits of people or doing odd jobs for his father around the house.
Plans for the future: All Aran wants, though it's a bit unexpected, is to get married, have a kid or two, and have a storybook ending. Hopefully get a steady job too, but his family is his main priority.
Patronus: His patronus is a black bear. This is because like Aran, they are very protective of their family, and quick to hurt anyone that would threaten the safety of them. Also, he can sleep as deep as a black bear can in hibernation.
Patronus memory: When casting his patronus, he remembers one of the few Christmas mornings that he had when his parents were still together. Although he loves his family now, a part of him wants nothing more than his parents to be married and happy together, but, that's impossible now that John had gotten remarried.
Boggart: His boggart is him as an elderly man, alone. This is due to his development of an abandonment complex as a younger child, brought on by his mother leaving.
Mirror of Erised: If he were to look into the Mirror of Erised, he would see himself, with a lovely wife (or husband) and a baby. They would all look perfectly content and not have a care in the world.
Trying To Find A Love Supreme
Love Supreme
<i></i><SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="100">Love Supreme

Date of Birth: May 15th, 2006
Current Age: 25
Basic Appearance: Aran is on the taller side, with pale skin which doesn't have any freckles (unlike his siblings.) He does however have a couple of tattoos. On his arm, he has a sign for Taurus, his astrological sign. On his ankle, he has an 'L' for his sibling, Levi . Finally, he has signs for 'family' and 'loyalty' on his opposite arm.
He has brown hair with traces of red, he usually grows it out so he can spike it up. However, when summer comes around, he shaves it to help keep cool. Aran has a habit of forgetting to shave, so more often than not he has a five o' clock shadow. His eyes are blue green, taking after his father.
Personality: This boy is very personable. He loves to meet new people, no matter what they're like. Aran tries to please as much as he can, so, he's developed the skill to be very charismatic and funny. Unfortunately, this has turned him into a bit of a player, though he doesnt want to be one.
He has a large amount of ambition, which is probably why he was in Slytherin while at school. He's constantly coming up with new ideas or daydreaming about certain things.

Father - John Reynolds
Aran is closest to his father, treating him as if he was a friend or brother. This is mainly due to his mother not being in the picture for the most part.
"What can I say about dad? He's great, and I love him to death... Wow that sounded really cheesy didn't it?"

Mother - Luz DeLeon
Luz and Aran aren't very close. At a young age she left John and Aran and never came back, only calling on birthdays and Christmas. But now, he visits her every so often in Spain.
"She may not be perfect, but she is my mother. So I kind of have to love her, and I do."

Half-Brother - Levi Reynolds
Levi and Aran are extremely close, and Aran often gives him advice on everything from clothes, to school, to girls. Moreso now than ever.
"Hehe... Levi will end up being a ladies man just like his brother. Though, I'm the better looking one... Just kidding... Oi, that was kind of mean..."
Area of Residence: Aran now lives on his own in London, though always comes to visit his family in Australia, Ireland, and Spain on occasion.
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Heritage: Spanish and Australian
Interests or Hobbies: Aran, like most men, loves to watch quidditch games and sometimes play. Though, he's not very good at it. One of the things that he loves and is pretty good at, is that he loves to sketch and draw. This can range from cartoons to portraits, and he'll always draw something for the people he cares for.
Strengths: He's charismatic, ambitious, and is always willing to do anything for someone he loves.
Weaknesses:He can be a bit of a player, a jerk sometimes, and can be a little dense.
Describe your character in three words:
Favourite place to be: His favorite place to be is at home, sprawled out on the couch, watching TV and pigging out on junk food.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin. This was due to his blind ambition and somewhat jerk-like personality. A minor contributor was Aran's silver-tongue.
Best school subjects: Care of Magical Creatures, Potions
"Care of magical creatures was easy... All you needed to do was be nice, pay attention, and then you got a great grade. Easy A."
"Potions just comes easily to me, though I understand why people wouldn't like it... One time I blew off my eyebrows."
Worst school subjects: Transfiguration, Charms
"To be frank, I'm not good with a wand... At all."
Current Job: Unemployed, living off the money he gets from painting portraits of people or doing odd jobs for his father around the house.
Plans for the future: All Aran wants, though it's a bit unexpected, is to get married, have a kid or two, and have a storybook ending. Hopefully get a steady job too, but his family is his main priority.
Patronus: His patronus is a black bear. This is because like Aran, they are very protective of their family, and quick to hurt anyone that would threaten the safety of them. Also, he can sleep as deep as a black bear can in hibernation.
Patronus memory: When casting his patronus, he remembers one of the few Christmas mornings that he had when his parents were still together. Although he loves his family now, a part of him wants nothing more than his parents to be married and happy together, but, that's impossible now that John had gotten remarried.
Boggart: His boggart is him as an elderly man, alone. This is due to his development of an abandonment complex as a younger child, brought on by his mother leaving.
Mirror of Erised: If he were to look into the Mirror of Erised, he would see himself, with a lovely wife (or husband) and a baby. They would all look perfectly content and not have a care in the world.