Aramis Gatton

Aramis Gatton

Active Member
Yew Wood, 14" Kelpie Hair Core, Sturdy

Aramis David Gatton
she is the brightest star in the night sky // she is the one who got away

There's a place we used to be
There's a face that I used to see
There's a picture with you by my side
There's a moment that I want to find.

GIVEN NAMES aramis david gatton
BIRTHDATE november 15th 2001
OCCUPATION jobbing author
COUNTRY new zealand

I don't know where to start
Or how to begin
But I know I love you still.

on the 9th of january, 2030, aramis gatton and his muggle
girlfriend, emily whitehouse, were attending the local theatre
to watch an amateur dramatics group performing. at roughly
nine that evening, the two exited the theatre in high spirits.
emily, her usual giggly self, managed to drop her handbag.
her lipstick rolled out from the bag and into the road, and
emily decided to follow it. she failed to notice the oncoming
vehicle, and only too late did aramis see it, also. she was
taken to the nearest a & e where she remained in a critical
condition for three days before her death.

aramis attended emily's funeral on the 18th of january, but
had to be escorted from the property after a drunken dispute
with a former school friend of emily. both men have avoided
each other since. aramis soon developed a drink problem, and
his career as an aspiring author began to crumble before his
eyes. he was dropped by a heartless publisher, and turned
even more to relying on alcohol for the support he lacked.

aramis has always blamed himself for the night in question,
and strongly believes that had an ambulance not been
called, he could have contacted a wizarding healer for help.

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