Apparition Exam

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene stood by the lane that led into Brightstone Village waiting for the sixth year students to arrive so that they could begin their test. Wearing navy blue robes, Irene finished charming her clipboard so that it would take notes without her having to write them herself. She liked to keep her hands clear while the students took their test just in case a splinching occurred. By now, she hoped that the students would know enough to not have that happen, but she was prepared just in case.

Once all of the students were standing before her, Irene smiled at them. Some looked ready to simply get this test over with, but many of them looked extremely nervous. She could definitely sympathize with them because she had felt the same way when she had completed her exam. She remembered how important the test had been for her and probably for them, since it marked a sort of milestone in a young witch or wizard’s career. With an apparition license, they would be free to travel wherever they wanted.

“Good morning. I’ll just say but a few words before we get started” she said with a smile which quickly crept away as she began to discuss the procedure of the test. “You will have one try to apparate to the location that I disclose to you. The key is to make sure that every part of you arrives at the location. If you get splinched, you fail. If you miss your location, you fail. And obviously, if you can’t apparate for some reason, you fail.” Giving them a minute to allow the information to sink in, Irene finally pointed at the person standing nearest to her, gesturing for the student to move closer. “Good luck everyone. Ok…step up.”

Please post arriving for the exam and listening to the instructions.
Once you’ve done so, I’ll post again telling you the location where you should apparate to :)
Andy arrived at the exam and greeted Ms. Finch with a smile. She felt only nervous that this was an exam but after her last apparation class she had no fear of not being able to perform at all. She just hoped she did not hesitate, did not splinch and arrived exactly where she was supposed to arrive.

Looking about her for the others, she knew she had been eager but this was a bit much. For a brief moment her mind wandered, wondering if she would see Crispin walking along the lane or something but that was doubtful in the extreme. She missed him terribly but knew that what she had done there was no going back from. This morning she had posted an owl to him, with the ring and bracelet he had given her inside. She had been too cowardly to write to him in the end and explain. Andromeda hated herself for that, never having shown an ounce of cowardice before in her life she could not understand why she would now when it mattered most. But she knew the answer deep down... it was because he mattered the most and though sending back his ring and bracelet would hurt him, the telling him in a letter of her betrayal would hurt him more.

She stood with her hands in her jeans pockets looking back up the lane waiting for the others to show.
Having been successful in the final practice session the week before, Ruki felt a lot more confident about his ability to Apparate. Once his mind was clear and understanding of what he had to do, and having the determination to further himself away from his parents, the sixth year believed he could attain his licence with-out much hassle. There where a few nerves running through the ex-Durmstrang, as he walked towards the path-way which lead to Brightstone village. Nerves that where more than likely to amplify over the next ten minutes or so. As he continued to the meeting point, the young wizard began to think about where he would be asked to Apparate to. It was vital that he arrive exactly where asked. Then it hit him slightly. He barely knew anything about the village. Those nerves suddenly became more dominant now, as he spotted two figures just ahead of him. Moving closer, Ruki recognised them as Andromeda and Miss Finch. The sixth year was now caught up in his lack of area knowledge that he over-looked the Ministry official in her navy blue robes. Her attractiveness just wasn't important any more.

Settling himself to the side, Ruki attempted to re-call the places he had walked with Patricia; but shortly began to have a little difficulty in remembering anything but the girl herself. That was the last thing he required today. It wouldn't look good if, when it was his time to take the test, he ended up Apparating to Patricia. Staring in to the distance, the young wizard paid little attention to the remainder of the students who where arriving for the test. It seemed that the more he stared, the less nervous he was. The tactic worked for a while, until Miss Finch began to speak. Swiftly turning his head to the side, Ruki began to listen to the woman; hoping he hadn't missed out on some vital information. As she continued to instruct the group however, Ruki realised he would prefer not to hear what she had to say. The only word which was running through his head was 'fail'. He knew it was possible. But he also knew it was not an option. Taking a deep breath, the young wizard turned his full attention towards Miss Finch; as she wished them all good luck. He was ready to go, and if he failed; then he could take the test at another time.
Irene allowed the students a few more seconds to catch their breath and calm their nerves before she began handing out slips of parchment to them. "On your slip is your destination. I'll be waiting there to be sure that you arrive whole. Take as long as you need." With that, she began handing out the slips of paper to each student and waited for the first student to get ready. It would only take Irene a moment to apparate to each destination.
Andy took a deep steadying breath as she was handed the sheet of paper and read where she was supposed to go. She turned to smile at the others, gave Ruki a wink. Nodded her head at Stephen and Brian, even wished Zura all the best though she couldn't bring herself to be pleasant to Noah; also wishing the others including Violet good luck Andy moved forward. Telling Ms. Finch that she was ready she folded up the piece of paper and clapped her hands as if giving her self a bit of a pep talk.

A step forward, a slight turn. The three D's were never more focused in her head as anything ever was and within seconds she had disappeared from their side... and apparated somewhere else.
After her words had been aired, Ruki watched Miss Finch as she called Andromeda forward. Breathing out steadily, the young wizard was thankful he could wait a short while before having his own attempt. As the Ministry official began to speak once more, Ruki took a step forward to receive a piece of paper; giving the woman a smile as a thank-you. Moving back, the sixth year read the location he had been given; and suddenly felt lost. Patricia worked in one of the shops during her free time, but the young wizard couldn't remember which. It had been a year ago since he met her in the village for her birthday, and she had already left the store by the time he had arrived. Glancing at the paper, Ruki attempted to picture what his destination looked like. He simply couldn't put name to store, as he stood, once more, staring into the distance. Hearing a clap, Ruki distractedly turned his head to the side; and spotted one of his friends vanish. Andromeda had once again successfully dis-apparated. Whether or not she had been completely successful in her arrival was something he could ask later.

- - -

With time ticking on, and a few people also having success in dis-apparating, Ruki decided he should make an attempt rather soon. The longer he waited; the more he became nervous. Holding on to nerves could result in the loss of concentration; and possibly the severance of a body part. The landing elsewhere wasn't as much of a worry, but it would be nice to be successful first time around. The sooner he could Apparate, Ruki knew, the better. With enough practice, the young wizard could freely travel across the world in search of a home to call his own; which was one of the items weighing on his mind on a regular occurrence. Choosing where he would live was the difficult part though, as the Galleons to pay for it where already available.

Stepping forward as Miss Finch returned from the another student's destination, Ruki took a deep and steady breath; as he told himself he could complete the task. The young wizard had managed to re-call the location of Honeydukes, and picture clearly what the front of the store looked like. Remembering the last lesson in the Great Hall, the sixth year felt calm. He had been determined to reach the doors then, and was determined to purchase himself a nice treat for successfully Apparating now. Stood close to the Ministry official, Ruki caught her eye; and, having intended to inform the woman that he was ready, suddenly forgot what it was he was doing. He had been captured by the beauty of her eyes. "I..", the sixth year stammered slightly; un-able to find any words to say. Not having noticed the woman's features at this distance before, Rukevra Vanderzuk was simply lost in a sea of blue.

You know it's serious when the full name is used. :r xD
Returning back once more, Irene looked at the few students who were left. Glancing to see who would step forward next, Irene crossed her arms as she waited for the boy to leave for his destination. She could smell his destination in the distance, the chocolate from the store wafting down the lane and making her wish that this test could be over soon so she could go get some.

Readying herself to apparate as the student took on a look of concentration, Irene was surprised when he turned to her and seemingly froze. "Are you alright?" she asked with concern. She'd seen students before panic right before it was their time to attempt their apparition and she hoped that wouldn't be the case with this sixth year. He had made noticeable improvements the class before and it would be a shame if she had to fail him.

It took several seconds, and a question from the Ministry official to snap the young wizard back to earth. Shaking his head as if he was in a trance, Ruki looked towards the ground; not fully sure of what had come over him. "Err..", he whispered. "I'm.. I'm okay.", the sixth year responded; looking up-wards once again. Ruki had learnt about Veela several years ago, but couldn't tell if the woman before him was one; or if this slight crush, if it could be called such a thing, was part of the messy feelings that had recently been causing havoc with his stomach and mind. He had only seen Miss Finch on four occasions, and spoken a handful of partial words to her; but already he felt compelled to know more about her.

Drowning in butterflies, Ruki took a stream of deep breaths; attempting to re-focus his mind on the task ahead. He still had to complete the Apparation test. Thinking only of a piece of delicious chocolate, the sixth year closed his eyes; and calmed himself. It was now or never. He could see himself out-side the store. Feel himself on the ground in front of the window. See the treats on the opposite side. Smell the mouth-watering odours as they poured from the open door. The sound of voices in the village. The sound of laughter; foot-steps; and even a woman muttering about " concern for other people!". With another deep breath, Ruki opened his eyes to inform Miss Finch he was ready to try; when he paused. His mouth hung open for a moment, as, right before him, Honeydukes bustled with students of all ages; talking and laughing about the sweets they had just purchased. Several of them paused in their conversations as they left the store, glancing at Ruki as if he was wearing a dress. Blinking, the sixth year looked around him; and turned his back to the store. Amazed, and completely shocked, the young wizard almost jumped for joy; as he was now stood in the village. He had managed it. He had managed to Apparate.

How's that for an Apparation. :cool: .. Also, +2 for member title reference. :correct:

If the village wasn't closing to students in a few days, I would have Ruki attempt a request for Irene to join him on a date. =))
Irene gave the boy an encouraging smile as he indicated that he was alright. Since he seemed ready, Irene decided to head to his destination and await him, considering that she might be the cause of his nerves. She figured that the fact that she was a ministry official and the person who was going to either pass or fail him might be causing him anxiety.

With the smell of chocolate and other assorted candies wafting through the doorway as students came and went, Irene leaned against the storefront awaiting his attempt. When he suddenly appeared at the storefront, Irene nodded her head in approval and gave the guy a small clap. Her clipboard hovered beside her, scribbling that there seemed to be no sign of splinching and that he had arrived on target. "Excellent work Mr...Vanderzuk" she said, consulting her clipboard for his name. "I would say that is a pass. Enjoy the rest of your day. You are free to go now." She smiled at the boy and offered him congratulations before readying herself to head back to watch the last students make their attempts.

:lol: Oh dear!

((OKAY. I'm sorry I didn't post in the lessons, just really not inspired. :( And, like, I boycott interactive RP on principal. ;) :p but yeah. Just...just pretend I attended. :r ))

Violet had never been more nervous in her life. No exam had gotten her this nervous, she hadn't even felt this bad on her Sorting. No Quidditch match had messed with her anxiety levels to this extent. She hadn't been able to eat (though she had forced down some toast in the end), she had barely slept the night before - which was awful, but she hadn't been able to help it.

For today, Violet was taking her test for her apparition licence. And while she'd successfully done it in the lessons (after her first attempt ended up in her splinching her pinky finger on her right hand, that is), she wasn't sure she'd be able to do it again now. But she had to, she couldn't fail this. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she screwed up. And as much as her parents, and her brother, and Aries had all reassured her that it would be fine, Violet was still completely terrified.

Nodding at those around her, Violet looked at her note with her destination. She was to apparate to outside the Hog's Head, which wasn't a place she frequented, but with all the time spent in Brightstone Village, she knew what it looked like fairly well. She waited as Andy and Rukevra did their apparations, both succeeding, and then it was her turn. Oh God, oh no... she thought, her face as white as a sheet as she stepped forward. Wetting her paper dry lips, Violet took a deep breath. The three Ds. Destination. Determination. Deliberation. I think I got the order wrong. I hope they're the right D words. Well, what other D words would there be, I wonder? I'm losing the point.

Taking another deep breath, she thought carefully and thought of the Hog's Head, her destination, and tried not to overthink and let her mind wander. Which, unfortunately, she had a tendancy to do. Closing her eyes, Violet envisioned the Hog's Head, envisioned herself standing there...and she was gone.

If she was asked to explain how she did it, Violet would not be able to answer. She'd long since given up on trying to find logical explanation for magic. It wasn't logical at all. just happened. Especially in this case. One moment, she was with the group, the next, she was outside the Hog's Head, looking thoroughly disorientated. However, when she realised where she'd landed, a smile spread across her face, and she sighed in relief. She'd done it, she'd really done it! Beaming, Violet giggled to herself. She was so relieved. She couldn't wait to tell Aries, or Angus, or Lucy...or her mum... Clapping her hands together, Violet waited for the instructor to pass her. At least, she hoped she would. Everything seemed to have been done right, so surely she passed.

((ffff this is bad, I'm sorry I'm half asleep/have no muse))
Returning from Honeydukes, Irene waited for the next student to attempt their apparition. She vaguely remembered the girl who was waiting to go next, but knew that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. The only students she really remembered were the ones who were terrible at apparition and had splinched themselves numerous times. If they were doing what they were supposed to, she barely paid attention to them, placing more of her attention on those who might fail.

Apparating to the Hog's Head to await the girl's arrival, Irene glanced at the clipboard so she could note the girl's name for when she told her whether she'd passed or failed. Bellamy, she noted to herself just as the girl arrived. Giving her a quick glance to be sure that neither a pinkie nor a hair barette had been left behind, Irene gave an approving nod as her clipboard finished its note-taking. "Excellent job, Ms. Bellamy. A strong pass. I hope you enjoy your day. You're free to go now." With that, Irene sighed and readied herself to return to the lane for the last student's attempt.

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