Apolla Dreamer

Apolla Dreamer

New Member


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Now What Shall We Call Her?:

First It Shall Be: Apolla
A Name Is Nothing Without A Meaning: Apolla is the feminine version of Apollo. According to Greek Mythology, Apollo was the god of the sun.
Second, Maybe: Zamira
A Name Is Nothing Without A Meaning: The name, Zamira is and Albanian name, and the feminine form of Zamir. Its meaning is "good voice." It is the name of her mother
Finally, She Shall Be: Aisling "Dreamer"
A Name Is Nothing Without A Meaning: The name Aisling is and Irish Gaelic name, meaning "dream" or "vision." It was changed to Dreamer because of Apolla's mother.
A Rose By Any Other Name: Nicknames include Apple, Aisling, Aisha (pronounced eye-sha) Dreamer, Polly (she hates this one) Appy, Zamira, Zammy, Mira, Mirry.

And When Did She Come To Be?

Of The Twelve Months: June
The Number Being: 13
Making Her Star Sign: Gemini
Significance Of Her Star Sign: Gemini, 'The Twins'. Traditionally people with the Gemini sign have positive and negative traits.
Positive: Adaptable, witty, intelligent and lively
Negative: Nervous, superficial and cunning
The Year Has Importance Too: 2014
Chinese Zodiac Could Help: Year of the Horse
And Her Element Shall Be: Fire
Traits of Her Zodiac Would Be: Strength, energy, and an outgoing nature

When She Smiles At The Mirror, Does The Mirror Smile Back?

She'll Stare At You With Her: Gray eyes that turn green during Spring and Summer
Her Wild Locks, Blowing In The Wind Are: Reddish-orange, and quite curly
So, What Shape Is Her Face: Oval
Tall? Short? Stand On Your Tiptoes: Average height, about 4"5
You've Been Inside Far Too Long, My Dear: Pale complexion, freckles all over her face and shoulders
You Look Like You Robbed A Department Store: Clothing style is more practical than fashionable, though her sister loves fashion and Apolla owns quite a lot of clothes. She prefers to wear hand-me-downs from her cousins than buying new clothes. She loves necklaces, but hates earrings.
Other Features We Should Know About: Scar on her stomach from when she got her appendix taken out. Small scars on her face and arms from a car crash.

If You Met Her, What Would You Think?

At First She Seems: Shy, quiet and distant
But Then You Befriend Her And She's: Bubbly, friendly and witty
But Make An Enemy Of Her And: She has a wicked temper, and easily gets mad

She Likes:
Death: Not really a like, more of a fascination. Apolla often wonders what would happen when people die. A lot of people close to her have died, and she is curious about the unknown
Writing: Apolla doesn't speak, so she always carries around a notebook. She usually uses sign language to communicate, but as most people don't understand sign language, she writes in her notebook so she can still 'talk' to them
Bright Colours: Loves neon and fluorescent things. They seen so vibrant and happy
Fairies: She loves their pretty dresses and their tiny little wings. She collects fairy statues.
Dragons: Apolla is in awe of dragons. They are powerful, and huge, and still able to fly. She dreams of riding a dragon one day (psh, never gonna happen)
Thunderstorms: She is fascinated by the light show that is displayed during such storms, but also has a fear of lightning hitting her house
People: She loves to observe people, and see how they act in certain situations

She Hates:
Love: She believes love is stupid. She's seen her siblings and friends falling in love, and having their heart broken. She does not want to fall in love, and would happily be single her whole life
Silence: Silence scares her, as she believes monsters will come and kill you if it is silent for to long. She was told that was true when she was a child, and it is still stuck in her mind. Also, when she was a child, Apolla was locked in the (noise proof) basement of her house when she was in trouble. Apolla doesn't talk, so she can't talk to stop the silence. Silence mades Apolla go a little crazy. She will often turn the nearest surface into a imaginary drum kit, just to disrupt the silence. She may do this in the middle of an exam.
Snakes: Since her holiday in Australia, Apolla is paranoid a snake will sneak into her room during the night and bite her (despite the fact she lives in NZ)
Sports: Since her step-father forced her to play every single known sport he could in order to get her away from the house, Apolla hates sport. She is terrible at all sports as she has terrible hand-eye co-ordination
Glasses: Apolla is short-sighted, and has to wear glasses. She refuses to wear them, thinking they make her look ugly. She has figured out many ways to break them and make it look accidental. Unfortunately, her mother is a witch and can repair them with magic
Water: Fear of drowning, fear of stepping on sharp object/poisonous animal in the water. 'Nuff said

The Strong Will Survive, Or Will They?
As Apolla is a normal human being, she has weaknesses as well as strengths.

Loyal: She is fiercely loyal to her friends, and will do anything to protect them (yes, even killing someone)
Musical: Apolla loves music. She likes musical instruments, and plays several. Music is her true love
Kind: Apolla is kind to everyone, or at least tries to be
Forgiving: Mostly. Depending on what someone has done. Usually she will forgive them the instant they apologise, especially if the person is a friend of hers. She can hold a grudge if she wants to

Gives Up Easily: Apolla tries to avoid disappointment, and by doing so, she gives up extremely easily
Extreme Personality: One minute she'll be happy, and the next she'll be upset. She does not know why

* I'll add more strengths and weaknesses as I find them. I need to RP with her a bit first.

They Love You, Or Do They?

Her Mother Happens To Be: Zamira Tahlia Dreamer, Muggleborn witch. Tries to be a good mother to Apolla, but often overlooks her because of her other children. Since all her other children are quite loud, Apolla gets pushed away.

Her Father, Who Is He: Who knows, who cares. Zamira says he was a pureblood wizard, but Apolla doesn't care. It was a one night stand, and Zamira fell pregnant with twins

Oh, So We Have A Twin: Artemis Dreamer, Witch. Apolla is never without her sister Arty. They grow further apart during their time at Hogwarts.

Friends Leave, Sisters Stay: Ana Dreamer, Witch. Elder half-sister, looks after Apolla. Apolla is very close to her. | Wisteria Dreamer, Witch. Younger half-sister. Possibly one of the best friends Apolla has. | Lena Dreamer, Squib. Elder half-sister. Doesn't particular like Apolla.

Other Siblings: Apolla had various other siblings, but most don't need to be mentioned. Apolla also lives with her cousins.

Stepfather, Don't Even Try To Be My Father: His name is Trent. He is a wizard. Apolla and Trent hate each other.

How She Came To Be Who She Is Today

Apolla's mother, Zamira, used to be Zamira Aisling. Unfortunately, her parents disowned her when they found out that she was a witch. So she translated Aisling in to Dream, and became Zamira Dreamer. She attended Beauxbatons, and because of this she has a French accent. But enough about Zamira, this is Apolla's history!

Zamira was married, and had several children. She found out she was pregnant, and it wasn't her husband's baby. Her husband left her when he found out she had cheated on him, and she remarried. When Apolla was born, Zamira's new husband, Trent instantly disliked her. When Apolla was very young, she was told she had a very good singing voice. She spent all of her time singing, ever since she learnt how to talk. She won many competitions, even though she was only a child.

When she was seven, Apolla woke up one morning with a sore throat. She was worried, and told her mother. Apolla had a serious throat infection, and the doctor told her not to talk for a while. Apolla had never been good at anything apart from singing, so she was heartbroken. Singing was the only thing she loved, so she ignored the doctor's orders, and carried on singing. Her throat infection never really went away because of this, and Apolla began losing her voice. By the time she turned eight, she had lost her voice completely. At age eleven, Apolla can only speak in a whisper, but prefers to use sign language as even whispering can hurt her throat. She uses sign language, or writing, unless she has to perform spells in class.

So, that's mostly Apolla. Only took me three hours to do this! xD
All questions are hugely appreciated, as I would love to develop Apolla more. Ask away!
Just two questions;

--why disobey the doctor if it could jeopardise her singing voice? Surely she'd want to get better?

--did the doctor reccommend anything other than not talking as a remedy? Seems slightly unrealistic.

Nice character dev btw,
--why disobey the doctor if it could jeopardise her singing voice? Surely she'd want to get better?
Apolla was seven at the time, and didn't really understand the consequences. She is quite stubborn and doesn't like doing what she is told.

--did the doctor reccommend anything other than not talking as a remedy? Seems slightly unrealistic.
No, because the doctor was a very stupid doctor. Unrealistic, yes. Possible, also yes. Possibly...

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