Aonghas Fergusson

Aonghas Fergusson

listless; robe-maker; father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
not interested
Oak Wand 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
8/2036 (24)
There's some things I should have said,
I was too afraid,


Say Hello to
Aonghas Darroch Fergusson!

It was just so hard to let you know
Now it's all too late ,

Aonghas Darroch Fergusson

Aonghas - Aonghas is a masculine given name in Scottish Gaelic. It is composed of Celtic elements meaning "one", and "choice".
Darroch - In Gaelic the meaningof the name Darroch is: Strong; oak-hearted
Fergusson - Is a patronymic surname meaning "son of Fergus." The given name Fergus, comes from Fearghas, derived from the Gaelic fear meaning "man," and gus meaning "vigor".

The name Aonghas was given to him for several reasons, as the second son to his parents, they wanted to push into a more traditional name, Rory had always been traditional, but Aonghas was gaelic. It can be pronounced two ways, like Angus, as most people will naturally do or Innes. His parents liked the flexibility of the name, and like to be able to call him either, knowing that the spelling of the name would remain the same. It has been a useful name for them to have whenever tourists come into the store and are looking for a little bit of the traditional feel. Between all of their childrens names, theres enough gaelic to spare. It was also partially due to the parents wanting to push Gaelic a little more upon their children. They hadnt taught it to Bonnie, or Mary, Rory can speak it, but they focused heavily with Aonghas upon his gaelic. Thus they just felt his name, giving him such a name would open more opportunities for them to engage with his name in a cultural manner. Aonghass middle name Darroch, is gaelic essentially for Derek, and was just a middle name that they had both liked. It was the gaelic version because they preferred that version of the name to derk and were happy to give him that name. It is not a name that comes up that often, nor is it one he uses to introduce himself with at any occasion. The surname, Fergusson, is a long standing family name, which has remained in his family for countless generations and the importance of the name passing on is extremely high. Aonghas loves his family and the family nam, he is exceedingly proud of it and of what it means for him during his life. He can do as much as he wants but it doesnt matter. Hell always be set

Aonghas has no nicknames, he has never seen the point, no one in his family has nicknames, so it would be unlikely for him to adopt any either. His family have never struggled with his name, and he has never really required it. The boy had always been called little names by his mother, but those names would only be for her, the rest are no only to refer to him as anything other that aonghas. He knows that some people are thrown off by his name especially when written which would be helped if he went by a nickname that others could refer to him by but hes a little less forgiving when people get his name wrong or attempt to shorten it in any way. He doesnt have any patience for it for himself. He will use other peoples nicknames if they have them, but aside from that he could not care about the nicknames.

Aonghas is currently 14 years old. He has never cared much for birthdays or the fanfare around them, but he will work quite hard to ensure he has a good birthday. Hell work with his parents to create a good birthday, fun for him and the rest of the family, since his birthday is a celebration with all the family and must be reflective of his place within it. He likes a celebration when they have it due to the fact they can most of the time be outside and enjoy some sunshine. His birthday falls soon after his brothers so they did have the occasional shared birthday, which Aonghas didnt mind since his brothers birthday was always more important than his because of his place within the family. So hes never minded sharing it, but he has enjoyed the recent birthdays that were more independent.

August 26th 2036. Like the rest of his family Aonghas was born at home. There was no need for his mother to leave the family home for his birth, and so with the help of hired healers they brought Aonghas into this world with ease. The whole process with him taking just a few hours, he was born on time and in healthy condition. There were no troubles with him when he was born, but unlike his older siblings he was a very loud baby.



Name: Morag Fergusson
DOB: April 1999
Relationship: Mother.
Occupation: Seamstress/Mother
Blood status: Pureblood


Name: Colin Fergusson
DOB: June 1994
Relationship: Father
Occupation: Robes Maker
Blood status: Pureblood


Name: Bonnie Fergusson
DOB: July 2018
Relationship: Half sister.
Occupation: Shop Assistant
Blood status: Mixed blood


Name: Graeme Fergusson
DOB: October 2022
Relationship: Half brother
Occupation: Quidditch Professional
Blood status: Half blood


Name: Mary Fergusson
DOB: March 2025
Relationship: Sister
Occupation: Dead
Blood status: Pureblood


Name: Rory Fergusson
DOB: July 2030
Relationship: Half brother.
Occupation: Too Young
Blood status: Pureblood


Name: Liusaidh Fergusson
DOB: July 2042
Relationship: Sister
Occupation: Too Young
Blood status: Pureblood

Colin Fergusson, born in Bridge of Orchy, Scotland in the family home, in June 1994. Now working as a Tailor in the family robes business.
He attended Hogwarts Scotland, where he was a Hufflepuff, he had relatively average grades and more of an interest in Quidditch. Following school, he trained hard and became a keeper for the team Pride of Portree in Skye, it was then that he met his first love, Rosemary Macleod, and he knew that his family wouldn't approve of a muggle, they weren't strict as a family, they just didn't want any muggles or muggleborns in the family, so the entire relationship was kept secret. It became increasingly difficult to do so, but they produce a son, Graeme, at which point he told his father about the relationship. He left Rosemary and the son he loved very much when his son turned three, and continued to do so until his father told him to either marry her and forsake the Fergusson family or leave her and her son and become the head of the family business. He chose the latter and left her, keeping in contact until his first son was about 6 or 7. He missed him dearly but never really talked of it in the family. His father to ease up on time arranged a marriage with an old friend, Jim Abernethy who had daughter that needed married, and so in the winter of 2025 after they'd already had one daughter. In the July of 2030, Rory was born. He was very happy to have a second son, and has spent a lot of time raising the boy, showing him the ins and outs of the family, work and quidditch. He always preferred Rory to Rory's older sister Mary who was doted on by her mother. They had a second son almost ten years later, named Sean. His daughter died in the December of 2040 after she fell ill at school and wasn't able to recover, because of this death, he fears losing his other son and has decided to en-roll him in the Hogwarts in New Zealand, since a Hogwarts is better than nothing. He loves all of his children, and feels a deep of sense of loss over no spending more time with his daughter.

Morag "Abernethy" Fergusson, born in Abernethy, Scotland, in April 1999, she works with her husband but also primarily as her mother, prior to that pursue a career in magical law. Morag is the only child of her parents.
Morag attended Hogwarts Scotland, where she was a Hufflepuff. She graduated from Hogwarts with near perfect grades and also immediately began working for the ministry in London, she worked there for two years before she fell pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, Bonnie Abernethy. She continued to work there and raising her daughter alone until early 2024 when her father brought her back up to Scotland so that she could marry him. The two got along very well, and in the very early stages of the relationship, she fell pregnant and the wedding was pushed to the winter of 2025 after the child had been born. Morag brought her first daughter with her to live with the family and changed her name to Fergusson to reflect the family she was now a part of. She had a son five years later after much trying, and very little success, and then a second son almost nine years after that, again after much trying. Morag was always very close to her daughters and her daughters were always very close, losing Mary was the hardest thing to ever happen and it broke her heart, she is desperate to have another daughter.

Half Brother Graeme Fergusson, born , attended Hogwarts New Zealand, Hufflepuff
Half Sister, Bonnie Fergusson, born July 2018, attended Hogwarts Scotland, Hufflepuff.
Half Brother, Graeme Fergusson, born October 2022 attended Hogwarts New Zealand, Hufflepuff.
Sister, Mary Fergusson, born March 2025, attended Hogwarts Scotland, Hufflepuff, died in December of 2040 after a case of Scrofungulus took a turn for the worse, she was taken to St. Mungoes but they were unable to help her.
Brother, Rory Fergusson, born September 2037.
Sister, Liusaidh Fergusson, born July 2042.

Grandparents Fergusson;
Grandfather, Colin Fergusson, born June 1964
Grandmother, Caitlin Fergusson, born July 1964
Grandparents Abernethy;
Grandfather, Jim Abernethy, born November 1973
Grandmother, Melissa Abernethy, born March 1970
Father's brother;
Uncle, Stewart Fergusson, born December 1998
Married in Aunt, Fauna Fergusson, born December 1998
Cousin, Fauna Fergusson, born April 2020, attended Hogwarts Scotland, Hufflepuff
Father's youngest Brother;
Uncle, Angus Fergusson, born August 2000
Married in Aunt, Sian Fergusson, born October 2000
Cousin, Caitlin Fergusson, born May 2022, attended Hogwarts Scotland, Slytherin, has a son, Angus Fergusson Jnr, born December 2040
Cousin, Kilda Fergusson, born September 2026, attends Hogwarts Scotland; Gryffindor.
Cousin, Caladh Fergusson, born April 2033, attends Hogwarts Scotland; Hufflepuff.
Children of siblings:

Nephew, Fraser Fergusson, born October 2048 to Graeme Fergusson (half brother) and Maya Corby

Aonghas has a very good relationship with his family, due to when he was born, and the ages of his cousins and siblings he has grown up constantly surrounded by family. He doesn't remember his sister that died, but he knows the effect that her death had on their family. Both of his parents were very close to him in the years growing up in the family and especially so when his older brother Rory left for Hogwarts. He has spent a lot of time with his father learning about the family business and has always been very close to his father. He knows that he can do whatever he wants when he's old enough to have a career, but having spent so much time around his family doing that sort of thing, there's nothing that he would want more than to remain a part of the family business. He is close to his little sister and he's close to his cousins. He is probably the closest to his father than of any other person in his family. He is very loyal to his family too.

The family has three cats, one dog and two owls. Rory has one of the cats as his own, and he named it Ferb, it's a tabby cat which he got when he was 9 years old as just a kitten, he loves his pet and cares deeply for it. He doesn't spend much time with the rest of the pets in the family, but will if he attends Hogwarts New Zealand take one of the two family owls, a black owl named Nessie. he doesn't care much for owls, but does prefer Nessie.


Aonghas has always been very proud of his status, his blood as well as just his familys wealth and status. His views upon blood have always been very much in line with the rest of his family, he has learned through conversations with his cousins and siblings that it's not always good to be so outwardly proud of his blood and outwardly nasty to others who are not. He prefers spending time around people like him, but he'll be open to making friends and being nice to people of all kinds of blood status. He wouldn't however marry or get with someone who he wasn't sure was either pureblood or at a push mixed blood. he very much agrees with his family's principal at least within his own branch of it, that there should always be a pureblood line.

Bridge of Orchy, Scotland

Bridge of Orchy, Scotland, this is a very small town, though more accurately a hamlet in the Argyll and Bute region of scotland. It is located in Glen Orchy and they have an entire complex of houses which is hidden from the muggle world, but easily located by wizards, the Fergusson family have remained in these houses since the early 1700s and have rarely moved since, it was in the 1700s where they set up the family business of robe making and have become very wealthy from it. Supplying largely to rich wizards and witches, looking to avoid the hustle and bustle of diagon alley or Hogsmede.

There's never been a place he's wanted to live more than where he currently lives, he likes being close to his family, he likes spending with them, this does extend out to wherever his family is. He's always felt a close insular bond with his family wherever they are, so Aonghas is the only one to spend much time with his older half brother Graeme in Skye when he was at a few quidditch games and he certainly still loved being there. But, really if he could have his own little house maybe not necessary within the family plot but within the village he would happiest.

FIRST HOME: His first and likely only home for his entire life, is the complex of houses that he and the rest of the Fergusson clan live in. He loves his family and is very close with them all. It is quiet and secluded and they make enough money to live very well, he is never really without people to play with, and does occasionally play with other magical children who come to the shop his family own. It is his first home, and it's where he knows he'll spend all of his life. It's in the country he loves filled with all his family. They would all surround him, and there was always someone to spend time with. It holds all his childhood memories and he can't wait to be able to live there again permanently again.

Aonghas has realised when he was in his third year that it really didn't matter what he thought he was. It wouldn't matter if he was gay or asexual, he would need to get married and married to someone who who would be able to produce a pureblood child. Aonghas doesn't mind this, but he knows that it will just be something he has to live with. Something that others might find a little frustrating, or find annoying but he doesn't mind it. It'll be for the greater good.

Currently officially Aonghas is single but he has a loose agreement with Katia Hensel to get married. He does refer to her as his future wife, but he knows that they aren't not official. They haven't made it official official, though he has been thinking that. as a fifth year he should do so. Aonghas likes Katia, she's a good friend and she understands his situation a lot being in the same one, so he's quite happy to share this with her.

Aonghas has never had a crush on anyway, in his mind it won't matter if he's crushing on anyone he won't be able to act on any of it. He knows that he wouldn't be able to date most people, and with the agreement with Katia in place he doesn't bother much with it. He doesn't really look at people in that way either.

Aonghas' first kiss was with Katia Hensel


Aonghas will never have any past relationships for a while.

Aonghas is not interested in people in this way at all.

Too young
What we had was beautiful ,
I didn't want to wreck it all
Aonghas has short brown hair, his hair is very similiar in style to that of his older brother, it's kept at a similiar length and style because it's his mother that cuts it for them. He likes the way his hair is, it's soft and thick and stays in place when he needs it to. He likes it the way it is and would change very little about it

He has never and likely will never dye his hair. Aonghas has always liked his dark brown hair, it's the only aspect about him that he takes entirely from his mother, since his father used to be ginger.

Pretty much everyone in his family, Aonghas included has dark brown eyes. He has always liked this strong family trait that they have. Where others might've found it boring, he has always loved the way that his eyes were. They don't need to be bright or stand out much, they suit him and his face, his hair colour and his style. it's a connection to his family and just good to him.

Aonghas has a couple of birthmarks and a few freckles upon his face, but no scars. at least none yet. He likes the way that he looks. He takes after his father in most aspects, everything but in a fewer amount of freckles which he gets from his mother.

Aonghas has a rounder build for his age group, he's not quite as thin as his brother has always been, he's stockier, broader shoulders and rounder face. He takes after his father in terms of build far more so than his mother. He is the only of the children to take after his father in this manner. He is of average height for his age group and will likely become as tall as his father and his brothers. He is very energetic and sporty, he'll join any sports club that he can. He also is a little short sighted and therefore will occasionally wear glasses within classes.

O (+ve)
As part of going to New Zealand for school it was necessary to figure out his blood type just on the off chance he was in a muggle part and got injured. It is unlike to ever happen, but his father didn't want to take any unnecessary risks.

Left Handed
He was mostly taught to read and write by one of his uncles who is left-handed and therefore he became left handed because of that too. Mimicking what he saw the other man doing when he was learning to write.

Much like most of his family, Aonghas has a thick scottish accent, he's spent time around people, not just in his family sound just like him. He's never interacted with people who didn't either understand him or who didn't speak like him, and will likely face problems in New Zealand with being understood, but he likes how he sounds, it's normal to him.

Much like most of his family, Aonghas was raised on english and gaelic. He really liked learning gaelic and applied himself far more than any of his other siblings. He's the most fluent in it of anyone in his family. He can of course still speak english and much like most of his family has a working understanding of scots.

Aonghas is slightly allergic to carrots and to blueberries. both are relatively mild and he can eat the occasional one of either but he does opt to not do so.

Aonghas doesn't have much of a style yet, most of his clothes are bought by his mother who likes to keep him in casual but expensive clothes. He doesn't care much about what he wears, it's never really bothered him before. He likes the clothes that his mother picked out for him, to him those are some good well fitting, long lasting clothes, so he'll take those in whatever style that they come in. Due to the fact that his mother does buy all of his clothes, and is frequently updating them, it could be argued that Aonghas dresses very in style.

Nathan Niehaus
Stripped away the walls I built ,
Like no one ever has,

Aonghas likes quidditch more than most things. He knows that while he likes it, he won't be able to do it much. He finds it relaxing and just a way to spend time away from everything else. He likes spending time outside in New Zealand, he likes the geography of it, he likes the weather and he likes how it feels. Aonghas likes his siblings and likes spending time with most of them. Aonghas likes spending time with friends and he likes spending time alone too. He's the sort of person who'll remove himself from situations when he's had enough. He likes snacks and is the sort of person who'll seek out snacks more than meals.

Aonghas really hates not being in control, there are not a lot of things that he is in control of in his life and increasingly he hates when he has to give up any sort of control additionally. He hates dark magic and he hates the pressure of pureblood families. He hates that his parents threw his brother out just for wanting something different. He hates that he has so much pressure on his shoulders to follow a very set path that he feels very listless.

Aonghas wants to bring even more success to his family's business and to the family itself. He would rather have that than anything else. He wants to be sure the when he's old enough he plays a role within his family and is able to be someone who they look fondly upon when he passes his role on to his own child.

Aonghas is very close to his family, and losing any of one of them would be easily devastating to him. He was too young to remember his sister's death but he knows the trouble and problems that it brought to his family, he has seen first hand the last effects of it, and of having to send Rory away for so long. He has felt the keen loss of that in his family and would hate to lose anyone else, or someone in a more permanent fashion.

A Pheasant, he loves the little creatures.

When he got his hogwarts letter to Hogwarts New Zealand, his father had said there was no guarantee he would be accepted, since with rory at least the application for it had been back by the recent death of his sister, so he was very nervously awaiting the letter and finally got it. It was the best day ever to him.

Probably when one of the family owls died. He had gotten pretty close to the creature and was very said when he died.

Aonghas would admit that though he loves his family, he finds the legacy that it has and what they need to continue exceedingly daunting. He would rather that they were a simpler family that just made a lot of money and had some status.

Aonghas always been a happy person and his life has been very easy, but he knows there are tensions within his family so he would see a tension-less family. Where everyone was able to talk to one another with ease and where people wouldn't not spend time around them because of something that happened in the past.

For now the smell would be the faint air of whisky, he's obviously too young to taste it, but he doesn't mind the way it smells, the smell when near a distillery, the smell of it from a bottle or when someone's clearly been drinking it. It's a faint air that he really loves.

He's always looked up to his grandfather on the fergusson side, who took the small business that their family had before him and really built it out into something that is known respected and profitable. He likes his grandfather's work ethic and enjoys learning from him.

Aonghas has never held any religious beliefs, he's been raised in a purely magical family who never really entertained things that were seen as muggle like religion. He's heard about different religions and he's spent time in churchs or other places of worship because of his mother's interest in them, but he's never believed in any of it, he's never thought it to be true and he knows there are ghosts in the magical world so there has to be something after death, which is all he's happy with knowing.


Virgos are often put down badly by many astrologers and written up as being fussy and narrow-minded. But when a Virgo shines, there is practically no sign to match their inner light. An in-tune Virgo is a treat to meet. They are efficient, have strong ethics and need to see the practical worth of any undertaking. When a Virgo is confident within themselves they are the most successful, structured and creative of all the signs. They set very high standards in anything they consider important and can be critical of others whose standards dont reach their own. Many Virgos can be found working in the "service to others" industries, ranging from welfare work, doctors, school-teachers through to practising natural forms of healing like massage, herbal remedies etc. There is ingenuity around this sign, a kind-heartedness, which unfortunately is sometimes played upon by others for their advantage. Virgos can often become victims of relationship power-games, where they are mistreated. Creative and sensitive, Virgos are delicate people who, like rare and special orchids, require individual treatment to fully blossom into their true unique beauty. Shy, they are happy to allow others to take centre-stage and often generate their time and energy into making those they love happy or successful. Virgos are givers and when the chips are down and you need a friend, the one available during those testing times when you need advice or companionship the most, is likely to be a Virgo. Virgos understand human frailties better than most, because they are so deep and reflective themselves.

Aonghas' personality has change a lot since he was a child. He was very much under his parent's thumb, the favourite child of his father after his sister's death. He had a lot of different things he had to deal with and tended to get away with a lot. But mostly he wanted to prove himself as more than just his father's son, or just a name, so he'd always. worked hard. Him working hard is one of the few traits that have continued. Though he now finds it utterly pointless part of him wants to prove it anyway, that he can do well if he puts his mind to it. He's a loyal friend and actively will help those around him. He doesn't believe that he should use his status to only help those in his family. He's very bitter towards his parents and very eager to make changes. Aonghas is struggling with listlessness and just general apathy towards his own life.

Last edited:

The hardest part was never known,
If we were meant to last ,

Oak Wand 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather

Oak has always been respected by nearly all world cultures. Admired for its strength and size it represents strength, endurance and power. Oak helps promote both observation and intuition. Oak provides a very balanced energy and is skewed neither toward the light or the darkness.

Aonghas argued to get his wand in New Zealand, he knew he could've gotten it from London but. didn't want to. He wanted his wand and everything else to all come from New Zealand. It was why he really liked the wand he ended up getting. He though. it was a sleek wand with a solid wood and a good core. He liked that it was a wand of strength and of balance. He knew at that point in. his life that he needed the balance that a wand could provide him with.

Hogwarts New Zealand

Aonghas had always known he would go to Hogwarts and he was pleased that he could go to Hogwarts New Zealand, after his brother's actions he knew. that his role at Hogwarts New Zealand might not happen. His father didn't want any more people bbeing lost to New Zealand, but he still wasn't entirely trusting of Hogwarts scotland, so Aonghas was pleased to get to see Hogwarts New Zealand instead. he'd admit that knowing hogwarts he wasn't too bothered about how the school itself looked. To him it was rather secondary, he liked it enough but it was just in his mind a school.


Aonghas had a lot of nerves going into sorting, he knew his brother had ended up in Slytherin, and though he knew his parents wouldn't necessarily mind where he ended up, he did want to end up in Hufflepuff. For him it was just the necessary house in his plan. He felt eager to be sorted so that he could get started but he knew also that there was a lot of pressure for him, so when he did get Hufflepuff he was rather happy about it.

Aonghas Fergusson was pretty eager to be sorted, with his less than satisfactory summer holiday in scotland, he’d come to New Zealand on a slightly negative note. His family being at the forefront of his mind. He had not expected to leave for New Zealand with his brother having been kicked out of the house and family. He’d barely seen the older boy in the lead up to the school semester, which had only been a few days but he felt nervous, and Aonghas didn’t usually feel nervous. The train ride in had put his mind somewhat at ease, especially because he had spent the time with his brother, and asked about the school which had put him a little at ease. He wanted to be sorted, and he wasn’t sure where. He thought it would be best to follow the family and not Rory. Slytherin would be a fine option for him, but he didn’t think following Rory would be the best idea, especially if that path might lead him to also being kicked out the family and Aonghas was more loyal to his family than he was to one specific person in it. He would admit that while he would try and encourage his brother to see the error of his ways, Aonghas wouldn’t mind if he became head of the family. He liked what his family did, was proud of what they had created and very willing to continue it. They worked for their status, well, not the blood aspect, but everything else. His brother was throwing away a lifetime of security, Aonghas was just hoping school would enhance his skills and provide a seven year fun before he settled into life.

Aonghas walked into the great hall with the rest of his class group, and as they walked through the hall took the time to spot his brother at the slytherin table and give the boy a wave. Aonghas hadn’t had a whole lot of time to meet anyone else, he hoped he wouldn’t be the only one like this. Though he knew that it wouldn’t take too much effort to make friends. He knew he’d have to make a little effort and remember to not press too much on how much more important blood was and how his lot in life would be set. He would need to be friendly and he didn’t want to get into any trouble or as little as possible. He didn’t want to be too much in his brother’s shadow. Aonghas knew he could’ve gone to Hogwarts Scotland, his father would’ve let him, but Aonghas had decided he wouldn’t want to. Spending time away from home, making friends and having fun could be done in New Zealand, in Scotland there would be a little more pressure on him. He wanted the distance to give him time to grow. He wanted to follow the family, he wanted to marry a pureblood girl and have his life set. He liked what his family did, wanted to work to make it better. Aonghas looked towards the front of the room as the headmistress got started and the hat sang his song. It was exactly like how he’d been brought up to know. He listened as the names began being called and he was thinking about which house he could be sorted into. For traditions sake in his family he was hopeful of Hufflepuff but he knew no matter what he’d be fine. He find friends and he’d manage. He hadn’t interacted with this many kids before but he was confident and bold, home proud but never boastful, determined but realistic.

"Fergusson, Aonghas"

His name was called out and Aonghas stepped forward, holding his head up high and stepping towards the stool. He held his head high, he was upholding the family name, no matter how little that might mean to most of the people in the hall, he had to represent his family and he would work hard at this school to be respected for more than just what his name tended to bring him. He was nervous but excited, eager but tentatively nervous about what house he might end up in. But his father had always taught him to trust in the hat, and so he’d listen to his father as he always did, and trust it. Aonghas watched the hat be placed upon his head as his gaze lingered on the hall in front of him. He greeted the hat politely and would just let it do it’s thing.

Dropped out

Fifth year - Y36 S1
Fifth Year - Y36 S2
Sixth Year - Y37 S1

N/A - Dropped out before he graduated



None yet

First Year Grades
Potions: OHistory Of Magic: ODefence against the dark arts: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: OFlying: P

Second Year Grades
Potions: OHistory Of Magic: ODefence against the dark arts: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: O

Third Year Grades
Potions: OHistory Of Magic: ODefence against the dark arts: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: O

Fourth Year Grades
Potions: OHistory Of Magic: ODefence against the dark arts: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: O

Sixth Year Grades
Potions: OHistory Of Magic: ODefence against the dark arts: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: OApparition: Pass


OWL Year Grades
Potions: OHistory Of Magic: ODefence against the dark arts: OCharms: O
Transfiguration: OAstronomy: OHerbology: O

Aonghas doesn't think he has a best class at all. He puts in the necessary work for each of his classes but they all to him are as pointless for his future life. He refused to take any elective classes and does thing he won't stick around for the NEWTs, but has otherwise always worked hard in the classes with none that are his favourite or that he does better in than others.

Much in the same was as Aonghas doesn't have a best class, he also does not have a worse class. He has classes he dislikes, but really it's more that he's frustrated with how little this will mean in the grand scheme of things. In particular he dislikes astronomy for how small it makes him feel, how silly all of his problems with his family make him feel.

Every day I think about the truth ,
I wish I was

Aonghas has never had a dream job, since he always knew that he would work in his parent's company he never bothered to think about it. He would like to play quidditch professionally but it was never a dream of his. He's just always grown up knowing what he would do that he never bothered to think that much about it.


Robe-maker. He works at his family store and very soon will be running it.

Aside from helping out in the family business over the breaks, Aonghas has not had a school job that he earned on his own merits. Going back home and helping at home prevents this.



Aonghas is rather indifferent to his job, he does like doing the more physical elements of it, but doesn't really like dealing with people and he doesn't particularly like the running of the store and the work involved in that.

Started in July 2053



His co-workers are mostly his family so he gets along well with them.


I wish I was ,
Brave enough to love you

Coding Done by me
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