Anya Tyler

Anya Tyler

OOC First Name
11 inches. Cherry wood. Unciron hair center.
The Basics
Character's Name: Anya Tyler
Character's Birthdate: October 5, 2019
Hometown: London, England
Blood Status: Half-blood(Note: Purebloods must be approved)
Wand: Cherry wood, 11 inches, uncorn hair. Very flexible.(All the information on it you can provide)
Hogwarts House:Ravenclaw
Hair: Blonde, down to her chest.
Eyes: Blue
Height: 4' 2"
Style: When she isn't in her Hogwarts robes, she likes wearing the color blue. Usually t-shirts and jeans, but she wears skirts too.
Other Distinguishing Features: None
A Little Deeper
Personality: She's usually quiet and keeps to herself, but around her friends she's really energetic and hyper.
History: Anya's father went to school here, so she's grown up well aware of her magic. Her mother passed away when she was four, so her dad and her live with her grandmother, who is also a witch.
Family: Spencer Tyler (Father): 42 years old, healer at St. Mungo's, pureblood. Ashanty Tyler (Mother): deceased, muggle-born witch, was a receptionist at St. Mungo's before her passing. Jeannie Tyler (Grandmother): 65 years old, retired, pureblood.

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