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- Knotted 9 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Full Name:
Antonia Valshka Valkyrie
Date of Birth:
March 3rd, 2027
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Her hair is a dark chestnut brown though can easily look black on some occasions. It is either long, reaching the top of her chest and slightly curled or it's cut short so it hangs an inch above her shoulders and it's straight. Her eyes are a muddy mix between brown and green which she is not very fond of. Her build is short and lithe and she always seems to walk with a little bounce to her step. The only distinguishing feature on her body is the birth mark on her right shoulder which just looks like a splodge and is nothing distinctive.
Antonia is a bit of a brat, she doesn't care much for other people and always thinks that she is above and better than everyone else. It is why she normally tends to keep to herself, steering clear of large groups of people and never really opens up to anyone, the only people she is close to her is family. Most of her time is spent reading up on the Dark Arts, a subject she has always found very interesting, or practicing her Quidditch skill. Though she will never admit it to anyone, Antonia always feels lonely though she makes no move to get to know people. It is almost as if she is a little nervous about making connections with people, she trusts no one and believes there are no good people out there, getting close to someone will only end with her feelings getting hurt.
Her Pure-blood father Graham Valkyrie, her Half-Blood mother Victoria Valkyrie and two younger brother Zachariah and Nolan Valkyrie.
Area of Residence:
Okura, NZ
Blood Status:
Mixed Blood
Special Abilities:
The ability to keep a grudge a lot longer than normal.
Interests or Hobbies:
Most of her time is spent in the library reading up on the Dark Arts or out in the back yard flying around. She also takes an interest in swimming and often travels to the beach only a short walk from her home.
Additional Skills:
None, really.
A good sense of character, loyal, protective, intelligent, eager.
Brat, anti-social, trust issues, slightly nervous, unlikable.
Describe your character in three words:
Hard to like
Favourite place to be:
In the air on a broom.
Hogwarts House:
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
She just wants to pass with good grades and learn everything she possibly can- making prefect and getting on the Quidditch team would also be nice, but she can certainly live without that.
Best school subjects:
Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Worst school subjects:
History of Magic, mostly because she just doesn't care.
Extracurricular Activities:
She doesn't do extracurricular, the only exception would be Quidditch and she does plan on trying out.
She should graduate in 2045
Current Job:
Plans for your future:
She hasn't really made any plans past her studying.
Your Patronus:
Your Patronus memory:
Don't have one yet.
Your Boggart:
Both her brothers dead in front of her.
Your Animagus:
Mirror of Erised:
Unkown at this point, she is perfectly happy with her life and doesn't really desire anything greater than that.
Antonia Valshka Valkyrie
Date of Birth:
March 3rd, 2027
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Her hair is a dark chestnut brown though can easily look black on some occasions. It is either long, reaching the top of her chest and slightly curled or it's cut short so it hangs an inch above her shoulders and it's straight. Her eyes are a muddy mix between brown and green which she is not very fond of. Her build is short and lithe and she always seems to walk with a little bounce to her step. The only distinguishing feature on her body is the birth mark on her right shoulder which just looks like a splodge and is nothing distinctive.
Antonia is a bit of a brat, she doesn't care much for other people and always thinks that she is above and better than everyone else. It is why she normally tends to keep to herself, steering clear of large groups of people and never really opens up to anyone, the only people she is close to her is family. Most of her time is spent reading up on the Dark Arts, a subject she has always found very interesting, or practicing her Quidditch skill. Though she will never admit it to anyone, Antonia always feels lonely though she makes no move to get to know people. It is almost as if she is a little nervous about making connections with people, she trusts no one and believes there are no good people out there, getting close to someone will only end with her feelings getting hurt.
Her Pure-blood father Graham Valkyrie, her Half-Blood mother Victoria Valkyrie and two younger brother Zachariah and Nolan Valkyrie.
Area of Residence:
Okura, NZ
Blood Status:
Mixed Blood
Special Abilities:
The ability to keep a grudge a lot longer than normal.
Interests or Hobbies:
Most of her time is spent in the library reading up on the Dark Arts or out in the back yard flying around. She also takes an interest in swimming and often travels to the beach only a short walk from her home.
Additional Skills:
None, really.
A good sense of character, loyal, protective, intelligent, eager.
Brat, anti-social, trust issues, slightly nervous, unlikable.
Describe your character in three words:
Hard to like
Favourite place to be:
In the air on a broom.
Hogwarts House:
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
She just wants to pass with good grades and learn everything she possibly can- making prefect and getting on the Quidditch team would also be nice, but she can certainly live without that.
Best school subjects:
Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Worst school subjects:
History of Magic, mostly because she just doesn't care.
Extracurricular Activities:
She doesn't do extracurricular, the only exception would be Quidditch and she does plan on trying out.
She should graduate in 2045
Current Job:
Plans for your future:
She hasn't really made any plans past her studying.
Your Patronus:
Your Patronus memory:
Don't have one yet.
Your Boggart:
Both her brothers dead in front of her.
Your Animagus:
Mirror of Erised:
Unkown at this point, she is perfectly happy with her life and doesn't really desire anything greater than that.