Antonia Valkyrie

Antonia Valkyrie

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 9 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Boomslang venom Core




[ full name ] Antonia Valshka Valkyrie
[ etymology ] Antonia "priceless", "praiseworthy" and "beautiful"
[ nicknames ] Toni, Ant
[ blood status ] Mixed Blood
[ birthday ] March 3rd, 2027
[ age ] 12
[ star sign ] Pisces
[ symbol ] The fish
[ element ] Water
[ ruling planet ] Neptune
[ stone ] Bloodstone
[ pets ] A half Bengal cat, half Kneazle called Benji
[ wand ] Knotted 9 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Boomslang venom Core
[ length ] On the shorter side of things, this wand offers excellent control and aim - easily an extension of one's own arm.
[ style ] The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
[ wood ] Yew wands are extremely powerful in both the dark arts and in battling against the dark arts: good and evil, life and death - the wand's wood straddles the in-between carefully and it is the wielder that draws it to one side or the other.
[ core ] Wands with a core of boomslang venom are good for use in transfiguration work. It is known to boost jinxes and hexes.
[ flexibility ] Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its weilder.
[ hogwarts house ] Slytherin




[ hair ] Her hair is a dark chestnut brown though can easily look black on some occasions. It is either long reaching to the top of her chest and slightly curled, or it's cut short so it hangs an inch above her shoulders and it's straight.
[ eyes ] A muddy mix between brown and green. She doesn't much like her eyes.
[ height ] Short for her age, Antonia is currently 4-foot-5.
[ weight ] She comes in around 71 lbs.
[ style ] Antonia is usually found in casual clothing, a t-shirt and pair of jeans when she isn't wearing his typical school clothing and she will never been seen in a skirt unless she has to wear one. When she's in school clothes she never likes wearing the cardigan and will try and get out of wearing his robes as much as possible, option to walk around with her shirt and tie when she can.
[ marks ] With no scars on her body, the only distinguishing feature she has in the birth mark on her right shoulder which just looks like a splodge and is nothing distinctive.
[ playby ] Antonina Vasylchenko



[ personality ] Antonia is a bit of a brat, she doesn't care much for other people and always thinks that she is above and better than everyone else. It is why she normally tends to keep to herself, steering clear of large groups of people and never really opens up to anyone, the only people she is close to her is family. Most of her time is spent reading up on the Dark Arts, a subject she has always found very interesting, or practicing her Quidditch skill. Though she will never admit it to anyone, Antonia always feels lonely though she makes no move to get to know people. It is almost as if she is a little nervous about making connections with people, she trusts no one and believes there are no good people out there, getting close to someone will only end with her feelings getting hurt.

[ history ] Okura has always been their home, both her parents were born there and it was where she was born and went to school before Hogwarts. It is really the only place Antonia will ever call her proper home and she doubts she will ever leave properly, she couldn't fight the heart to. For awhile it was just her and her parents, but one child was never enough for Graham and Victoria Valkyrie and so they had two more, Zachariah and Nolan one year after each other. Though the two boys were younger than her by a couple of years and she was the only girl, Antonia was always there for her brothers and was always around to protect and look after them. It was how she had been brought up, to care for her family, and so she did, they were the only people who really understood her and they were the ones she could get close to without feeling nervous.

Life was easy for them, they had enough money to survive properly and both parents worked in the Ministry. While they weren't around as much as Antonia would have liked, she never really minded because they always came back and never abandoned her. Their home was large and spacious, only a short walk away from the beach and plenty of room in the back yard to practice Quidditch away from the prying eyes of Muggles and lots of room to run around. It was the perfect life and the prefect place to raise three children and her parents did quite happily without a care in the world. Not much bothered them, they were all each other had with no uncles or aunts or other family to worry about. It was just the five of them against the world and that was all Antonia ever wanted for them.




[ name ] Graham Valkyrie
[ age ] 43
[ blood status ] Pure-Blood
[ hogwarts house ] Slytherin
[ occupation ] Ministry Worker
[ playby ] Ben Affleck


[ name ] Victoria Valkyrie
[ age ] 47
[ blood status ] Half-Blood
[ hogwarts house ] Ravenclaw
[ occupation ] Ministry Worker
[ playby ] Sandra Bullock


[ name ] Zachariah Valkyrie
[ age ] 10
[ blood status ] Mixed Blood
[ hogwarts house ] N/A
[ occupation ] Student
[ playby ] Alex Dunstan


[ name ] Nolan Valkyrie
[ age ] 9
[ blood status ] Mixed Blood
[ hogwarts house ] N/A
[ occupation ] Student
[ playby ] Volodya Averianov



this was made by calypsoarcelia of caution 2.0. don't steal this! if you want it, just use it!​

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