Anthony Kim

Anthony Kim

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2 Inches Essence of Wood Rose



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Anthony- Praiseworthy; Priceless
Nerice- Powerful woman
Kelly- Warrior, war, lively, or aggressive
Kim- Gold

NICKNAMES: I do not have many nicknames. Some people call me Ant, Tony or Kelly. Only family calls me NeeNee.
[ul]What other names does your character go by and how did they get them? Give us details, we love them.[/li][/ul]
BIRTH DATE: August 16, 2010.

BLOOD STATUS: Mixed Blood</FONT>[ul]Not everyone is a Pureblood but then again, not everyone is a Muggleborn. We like the Halfbloods, they're always great fun.
[/li][/ul]SEXUALITY: Heterosexual [ul]Yes, we want to know this. However, I will be watching the amount of homosexuals/bisexuals. This is the 70s and although everyone was rather open with their sexualities, it was still considered a taboo to be gay. It is great fun and an excellent plot but your character shouldn't be based entirely around this.
[/li][/ul]HOUSE AND YEAR: Home Schooled[ul]The year should go along swimmingly with the age. If you are making an original character, you can't fill out the House because the admins will Sort you. Otherwise, canons are relatively open unless they are specifically said to be in a certain House. I will not be putting Sirius in Slytherin. Sorry, that's a no go.
[/li][/ul]OCCUPATION: Interior Designer[ul]If you are a student, please erase this part from your application. This is self explanatory but if you need help deciding a career path for your character, just hit up an admin.
[/li][/ul]AFFILIATION: None. I used to be apart of the Scitorari. It doesn't matter to me if someone is a Scitorari member or an Auror. If you have something to offer me, all is well. [ul]There's a war going on and it's getting closer and closer to Hogwarts everyday. All of the students are being affected by this in someway and they've all made up their mind, one way or the other, about where they stand in this war. Please keep in mind their blood statuses and all that stuff. Seventh years will be being recruited into the Order of the Phoenix soon and students as young as fifth year may be being recruited to the Death Eaters. Some are simply a supporter and that's quite alright. Put that all here.
[/li][/ul]WAND:Cherry Wand 12 1/2 Inches Essence of Wood Rose[ul]Give us the wood, core, length and whatever else you feel. You can look up the mythology behind the creature or how everything works together...or if it doesn't.Give us all!

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FACE DESCRIPTION: I have an heart shaped face. I try to keep my hair long and curly. My eyes are brown and almond shaped. I have wide cheekbones. When I decide to smile it is pretty big and I have really nice teeth. [ul]We want a good solid paragraph of at least eight sentences here or a detailed list of characteristics of your characters face. What color are their eyes? Do they have a unique facial shape? Does anything stand out about their face? Give us detail.
[/li][/ul]BUILD DESCRIPTION:I am 6 feet and 10 inches. I am pretty tall for a girl. I have a flat stomach, and abs from dancing. When I was 12 I found out I was 20 pounds over weight and I became bulimic. I started dancing. I got into shape without having to puke like crazy. I have muscle on my arms and calves. I wear a size 10 in shoes. [ul]Again, we're looking for a good solid paragraph of at least eight sentences or a detailed list of the characteristics of your characters body. We do not promote anorexia or obesity by any means but let's be realistic, it happens. There will be no anorexics with large breasts though. I draw the line when it becomes ridiculous. Consider this carefully and load it up with good quality material.
[/li][/ul]SKIN TONE: I have light brown skin.[ul]We just want you to tell us if your character has the inability to tan or if your character is albino or something. Okay? Okay.
[/li][/ul]FACE CLAIM: Ciara Harris[ul]Self explanatory. There, that wasn't that bad, was it?



PATRONUS: I can not produce a patronus.
[ul]Does your character have a very strong memory that they consider the best experience they've ever had? Can your character produce a Patronus charm? Remember that Death Eaters usually can't produce one, it might have some affect on your character's development. Include the animal that the Patronus takes/would take and why. This should be mentioned in the history in someway because it's obviously taken some sort of impact on your character right? A paragraph of eight sentences will suffice.
[/li][/ul]DEMENTOR: I remember when I was 15 and my tutor, Carolina, used the Cruciatus Curse on me because I refused to practice my spells because I had just finished my hour of dancing and was tired. It was so painful. I never ever defied her again. I will give attitude, but refusal has been hard for me ever since that day. I do not want to go through that type of torture again.[ul]This is where you put your character's worst memory. Please don't say "She/He doesn't have one because nothing bad has ever happened to them." That's a Mary Sue/Gary Stu and it will immediately be laughed off the site. Sorry. Give this thought and make sure it's included in the history in some way. It had to have had a lasting effect on your character to be the strongest worst memory, right? A paragraph of eight sentences will suffice.
[/li][/ul]MIRROR OF ERISED: I see myself with three small children. I want my children to know me even if the life I live is not to their liking. I have always wanted a children. [ul]We all have dreams. Some of them are little and silly but others are all-consuming. Tell us what your character would see if he or she stood in front of the mirror. Don't be shy now. We want to know all. A paragraph of eight sentences will suffice.
[/li][/ul]BOGGART: My boggart is blood all over the floor with a mixture of human hair. I hate the sight of blood. It makes me want to puke. I do not like hair that is on the ground. Whether it is human, animal, real, or fake. It makes me want to gag, and I will beat you up if you leave hair in my bathroom.[ul]Sometimes people are afraid of things that go bump in the night. Sometimes a spider is enough to curl your toes. And sometimes, your biggest fear is seeing everyone you love die and leave you alone. Whether it's silly or deep and serious, we want to know what your character is afraid of. It needs to have a physical form of some sort but we're flexible on that. Explain why. Don't just slap something down, really think about it. A paragraph of eight sentences will suffice.
[/li][/ul]AMORTENTIA: I like the smell of chai tea, books, new shoes, cherries, and peppermint toothpaste.[ul]You can have a maximum of five smells here. Don't worry, you don't have to write a paragraph, you can just list them if you want. But we would like to know why if you feel up to it. That can always be explained in the personality or the history, though. Anyways, this is basically what turns your character on. =)
[/li][/ul] STRENGTHS: I am fiery, devoted, fierce, persistent, and independent. [ul]How about a minimum of five strengths? It shouldn't be too hard, you just have to explore your character really deep. We honestly don't want to see superficial stuff here but we'll accept that unless it gets to obnoxious. You may list this as well.
[/li][/ul]WEAKNESSES:It is hard for me to refuse direct orders, I am sometimes too persistent that I put my life in danger, I have too may requirements, spoiled, I hate the sight of blood, and my Unnatural aim to be perfect.[ul]Same thing as above, only for the reverse. This should reflect your strengths but oppose it at the same time. Make your character a living, breathing piece of literature.
[/li][/ul]HOBBIES/QUIRKS: I like to dance. Dancing is a way to express myself and a way to keep me in shape. I love to cook, so if I ever have a date he does not have to waist money on me because I can already cook. I practice the Dark Arts daily, so my skills will not falter when I need to battle. I shop for sneakers. I am never caught wearing heels or out of date shoes. I am a fashionista. I am always in style. I have a really great fashion sense for a Death Eater. I love giving people a hard time. Doing whatever I can to make people feel bad makes me happy. [ul]You must have a minimum of five hobbies and/or quirks. We want you to have a well fleshed out character, so don't skimp on the details. You can make a simple list, if you so desire.
[/li][/ul]LIKES:Dark Arts, Reading romance novels, Cooking, ruining people's days, dancing, and sitting in parks.[ul]The minimum here is 10 but we encourage you to put more. Okay? Really get into it. List form is perfectly fine.
[/li][/ul]DISLIKES:I hate Muggles and Muggle borns, Muggle sports, wasting my time, people who are always smiling, electronics, and pizza.[ul]The same as above, only the reverse. Make them well balanced.
[/li][/ul]GENERAL PERSONALITY: I am very difficult when I want to be. I am have a hard time refusing to do things, like answering certain questions or direct orders. I get tense when it comes to the topic of family. I do not like back talk, although I give it all the time. This is very hypocritical of me. I do not smile often even though I grew up with much to smile about. In the deep depths of my soul I feel this huge growing hole. It is painful (figuratively). I like to cause others pain I can because of this. I hate Muggles. I was teased and bullied by Muggles in school when I was a child. They are heartless and to not know how much of an annoyance they are. I want to cause them as much pain as they have caused me. It is hard for me to make friends because I judge by appearance. If someone appears worthy I will let them close to me. I am a cold person. I have a cold tone of voice and I am reluctant to give people details on my personal life. If I am around friends I can be funny, but I have a dark humor. I would not get along well with people who are perky and bright. I do not often give compliments. I do not trust many people because I do not want to get hurt.

In a intimate relationship I let my guard down, but I am always prepared to put it back up. I am more vulnerable around my fiance because I trust him fully with my heart and my life. Relationships are hard for me to keep going because I am used to pushing people away, so the person I am with has to be willing to handle all of my baggage and insecurities. I will always do my best to do the same. To my family, I am kinder, but I am strict. I want my children to grow up with manners, and I do not want them to have the childhood I have had. I encourage my children to make friends. I do not want them to be lonely. I do not want them to find out about my past as a Scitorari member.
[ul]Hell yeah we want you to write more! Don't just reiterate everything you've said previously because we'll catch you and probably flay you alive. Just kidding. =) However, we ask that you explore them to the marrow. Make them have layers, even if they are incredibly superficial. We'll love you if there's a reason for your character being a ***** or a complete bully. We ask that this has at least 600 words, or four decent sized paragraphs, meaning eight sentences with excruciating detail packed into everyone. It's not hard and we aren't asking for a novel but we do want a quality answer.



[ul]Right now, we don't want to know where your character lives. We want the backgrounds. Is your character German and Welsh, Russian, or English? Keep in mind that the United Kingdom is a Melting Pot as much as anywhere else and your character probably belongs to a few.
[/li][/ul]HOME TOWN/CURRENT RESIDENCE: Queenstown, New Zealand is my hometown. I have lived here my whole life. I have traveled to Italy, Africa, and Europe though.[ul]Where was your character born? Have they lived there their entire life? If not, where have they lived? Do they travel a lot? Anything and everything of that nature goes here!
[/li][/ul]FINANCIAL STATUS: I charge high prices for my work. It is well done, and many have said that it is worth the money. I have more than enough money to support my family on my own. My husband also brings in a fine amount of money from his work and his father's side of the family. For awhile, I struggled finding stable work. This is not so now. [ul]We aren't all rich and neither are your characters. Give them a real background, okay?
[/li][/ul]FAMILY RELATIONS: I Know who my real parents are, but I have never met them. I used my gift of legilimency to get the information out of Chris Kelly, my adoptive father. My mother is Doctriene Jameson. She was part-giant, so that makes me one quarter giant. She was only 19 when she had me, and she was in an abusive relationship with my father. She was not able to take care of me, and she did not want me to live in an abusive household. My father's name is Luke Jameson. He was a half-blood. He dropped out of Hogwarts Scotland, in Slytherin, when he was fifteen. He them started to drink and he became an alcoholic. He was very possessive of my mother, but she did not think of it that way. He often beat her to 'show her her place'. When she ended up pregnant at 19, and she stopped believing that she deserved all the abuse she got. A few months after I was born my father left and my mother was not able to support me alone. I have two cousins, Julian and Jessica Lainge.[ul]We actually want a paragraph of at least eight sentences telling us all about your character's family. His or her parents and siblings and distant relations. Everything's up for grabs here.Do they get along with them or wish them dead? Whatever. =)
[/li][/ul]RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Marrried[ul]Taken, single, ready to mingle, married... Yeah, we want to know. Give us detail if you want. If not, it's all good.
[/li][/ul]PET(S): Snowy owl named Jeffy.
GENERAL HISTORY:I grew up without knowing anything about my real parents. A wizard, Chris Kelly, found me at his doorstep wailing in the middle of the night. As I grew up he spoiled me and whenever I didn't get what I wanted I would throw horrible tantrums and he saw that I was a witch. Before he tried his best to never use magic around me. From when I was 5 to 10 I attended Muggle schools. Plural because I always went from school to school to try and get away from bullies. Strange things would always happen when I was around other people. I have a scar on my left arm from getting beat up by some older kids. When I found out I was a witch I believed it was the perfect chance for me to show Muggles that they belong below wizards and Muggle borns should not be able to learn magic. When I turned 11 I got accepted into Hogwarts New Zealand, but Chris saw that I did not react with others. I got a tutor named Carolina and she was very strict. She would tell me to always strive to be perfect. I took a special interest in the Dark Arts and then in Lord Voldemort. I believe that blood status and purity is important. I can not stand Muggles or Muggle borns.

In April of 3030, I started to training to become a Legilimens. Carolina decided to start training in the ability because she saw I was getting lazy and not doing much with my life. Training was strict and tough. I felt like giving up a few times, but Carolina kept pushing me. Within the next year I was a official Legilimens. On November 14, 2029 I started to date Cherrie Kim. Cherrie and I met on a beach and we hit it off very well. Our interests and personalities are very much alike. Cherrie is not a Death Eater. He is a psychologist and a counselor. Cherrie and I spent a lot of time together, and and we wrote letters to each other when he was away in France. Like any other couple, we had arguments and disagreements, but we always knew how to calm each other down. I started to put my love of fashion and design to use and became a interior designer for a magical company that specialized in the fashion and architecture industry. I have also done makeup and clothing for models. In 2031, I started to mentor Mizelea Brooks in Legilimency. I no longer am training her in Leglimency. It did not work out. We were too different, and I became unwilling to teach her. November 6, 2031, Cherrie proposed to me. He said that he loved me and wanted to start a new life with me, in marriage. I never thought that I would be getting married at the age of twenty one, but both Cherrie and I know the consequences of having children outside of marriage. Now, I am very busy with organizing our wedding and sending invitation to his family. I am also learning Korean and French so that I will be able to communicate with his part of the family. December 28, 2031, I married Cherrie Kim. I started a new career as a Interior Designer

Soon after our marriage, on the March 3, 2023, I got pregnant with our first child. Anwar Jefferson Kim was born on December 30, 2023. He has my darker complexion, and he was a very energetic as a child. He always followed Cherrie around. He is very much a daddy's boy. In May 2025, I found that I was pregnant again with our second child. Kyung Mi Ashlei Kim was born January 12, 2026. Anwar adjusted well to his sister. He always wanted to hold her, and he hated to see her cry. He was not fond of her waking the family up in the middle of the night, but he got used to it. I found out in June of 2026 that I was pregnant again. This time, my husband laughed at the news. He felt proud that he had gotten me pregnant so many times. We started looking at new homes. Our family was getting bigger, and we needed a home to accommodate to it. We moved to a new home in near Obsidian Harbour. The children were sad that they had to move neighborhoods, but they easily made new friends. JaQuan Luke Kim was born on April 2, 2027. I started to be harder on Anwar because he was the oldest child. I expected him to be more mature than the rest of his siblings. Anwar started school at Durmstrang in 2035, a year late because he birthday was after the first of September. Kyung Mi did not like the fact that she was no longer the youngest, and we started to call he Ashlei, because she just stopped responding to Kyung Mi out of her stubbornness. I got pregnant again in November of 2035. I had Jake Taehyun Kim on July 4, 2036.



Mean Lady said:
Anthony stared at all the little children playing in the park. Their parents watched from afar at their kids playing and interacting with each other. The fountain in the middle of park was a pretty sight. Cherubs spitting out rainbow colored water. The park was only accessible to those who had magic. The park was not far from her apartment. Anthony always came to the park to relax, and cool off from all her training. Watching the little children laugh, play and fall helped her think. She loved children, but seeing some of the families they came from disgusted her. Poor and with no opportunities. Tony grew up with many opportunities for different professions. This made her glad that her real parents left her with Chris, but it also made her feel pain. She grew up with maids and loneliness. If she had been with her real parents, who she had never met, she would've grown up with a warmer personality. She would probably not be as screwed up as she is now. Muggles killed her smile. They killed the good girl she could have been.

The memories of her childhood began to flood into her head. She was nine. At lunch she had accidently made an older students spaghetti explode all over them. At recess she was cornered by the student and her posse. They pushed her to the ground and started to kick her. They stomped on her, pulled her hair and punched her. They called her a 'freak', a 'loser', and told her she was 'screwed up'. The teachers pulled them off and called an ambulance because Anthony was not conscious. She had a huge cut on her left arm. Chris transferred her to another Muggle school. The cut had turned into a scar. A permanent reminder on why she hated Muggles.

Muggles were ruthless and afraid of what was better than than them. Mudbloods were disgusting and did not deserve to learn magic. They should just all die. A ball rolled and hit her foot. "Miss, can you give us our ball?" a child called out to her. Anthony bent over and picked to ball up. She stared at it for a while before sunk her nails into the ball and it watched . "Of course." and she tossed the piece of rubber at the child with a fake smile. She got up and left the park hearing, "Mommy! Mommy! That mean lady ruined our ball!" She loved kids, but she loved the sad look on people's faces a lot more. Ruining a person day made Anthony's day ten time better. Even if it was something petty like ruining a child's ball. She just loved it.




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