Anthony Kelly

Anthony Kim

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2 Inches Essence of Wood Rose
Anthony Nerice Kelly
Your voice is all I heard

"We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are."-Anaïs Nin

Give me reason, to prove me wrong!
The Character

Name: Anthony Nerice Kelly
Nicknames: Kelly and NeeNee
Age: 19
Blood Status: Unknown
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Playby: Ciara Harris

Wash this memory clean
The Personality

Likes: Dark Arts, Reading, Romance Novels, and Cooking.
Dislikes: A lot of things.
Strengths: Fierce, Fiery, Devoted, Persistent, and Willing to to whatever it takes to win.
Weaknesses: Spoiled, hates the sight of blood, and My Unnatural aim to be perfect
Boggart: Blood, I have hemophobia.
Patronus: I can not produce a patronus.
Mirror of Erised: I see myself with three small children. I want my children to know me. Even if I do not lead a life that they view as good.
Amortenia: Blueberry muffins, Chai tea, and old books.

Let the floods cross, the distance in your eyes
The History

Parents:Mother: Doctreine Jameson (nee Lainge), Occupation: Housewife, Blood: Mixed
Father: Roger Jameson, Occupation: Dead, Blood: Half
Adoptive Father: Chris Kelly, Occupation: CEO of Kelly Fashion&Design, Blood: Half
Cousin: Jessie Lainge
Occupation: Ministry of Magic
Full History: I grew up without knowing anything about my real parents. A wizard, Chris Kelly, found me at his doorstep wailing in the middle of the night. As I grew up he spoiled me and whenever I didn't get what I wanted I would throw horrible tantrums and he saw that I was a witch. Before he tried his best to never use magic around me. From when I was 4 until I was 10 I attended a Muggle school. I didn't get along with kids well because they would always talk about their problems. I wouldn't want to hear it because I had everything that I ever wanted. When I turned 11 I got accepted into Hogwarts, but Chris saw that I did not get along with other people well and decided to home school me. I got a tutor named Carolina and she was very strict. She would tell me to always strive to be perfect. I took a special interest in the Dark Arts and then in Lord Voldemort. I believe that blood status and purity is important. I can not stand Muggles or Muggle borns.

Give me reason to fill this hole, connect the space between
The Puppeteer

Your name: Luvesha or Lovi
Age: 13-15
Experience: since October 2011, still newbie.
How you found us: Google Search Engine
Time zone: Portland, Oregon
<SIZE size="50">Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
The Credits
This application template was created by KISS THE GIRL @ Caution.
Please don't steal it!

Across this new divide!
Hey there, I have a few questions for you, hope you won't mind.

1. Which of her nicknames does she like the most?
2. What is her birthday?
3. If she were sorted into Hogwarts, what house do you think she would be in and why?
4. Can you go into details on some things that she dislikes, including what annoys her?
5. Does she see herself as married in the future?

I'd ask more, once family and such is filled out.
Here are some answers to your questions. :)

1. Anthony prefers Kelly because NeeNee is like a name only her adoptive father calls her.

2. Her birthday is August 16, 2010.

3. If Anthony went to Hogwarts I believe she would be sorted in Slytherin. Slytherin because she grew up with money and was spoiled to death. She doesn't get along with other people well because she judges people off of what they look like. If she wasn't home schooled she would have been a bully.

4. She highly dislikes people with low bloods status '(muggle borns), taking pictures, Muggle sports, wasting her time on things she views as stupid, people who are always smiling, electronics, and pizza.

5. Anthony is a very serious and tense person. To guys she is not very attractive because she has a lot of requirements. She doesn't have a very exciting life either, so she is rather boring. She has a lot of things she wants for herself now. She does not see herself married in the future.

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