Ansel Blanchard

Ansel Blanchard

Active Member
Full Name:
- Ansel Blanchard
( pronounced as ahNSEHL , a variant form of the English, German, and Spanish name Anselm in the English language.Germanic~Protected by God, Old French~Related to a noble man )​
</i><COLOR color="firebrick">

Date of Birth:
- September 30

Current Age:
- 14

Basic Appearance:
- Ansel is a part-veela, He has raven-colored hair and his eyes are piercing blue that is so pale and vivid that it makes one think of electricity or a laser beam. He is of an average height and he has a light built.

- Ansel usually portrays a cool, cocky and aloof outward appearance. However, in truth, this is only because he does not want people to get involved with him and cause them trouble. He is actually very kind, caring, and in a most unnoticeable way, helpful to others. He is more bearable and a little nicer than his brother.


Anna-Sophia Blanchard
Anna Sophia is Ansel's veela grandmother. She is very controlling and she has a very domineering personality.

Alfonse Blanchard
Alfonse is Ansel's grandfather. He is a very doting grandfather and is very protective of his family. He is the voice of reason that holds that whole family together.

Albert Blanchard (father) (part-veela)
Albert is Ansel's father. He is intelligent, logical, extremely rational, and has a foul mouth. He is very controlling too but not as much as his older brother, Kier.

Eclair Altman Blanchard (mother)
Eclaire is Ansel's mother. She is good-natured and caring towards her family.

Carsten Blanchard (Brother)
Carsten is Ansel's older brother. He is mischievous and easy to anger. Like their father, he has a foul mouth too and is really rude.

Adrianne Kaethe Blanchard
Adrianne is the youngest daughter of Eclaire and Albert. She's very bubbly and clumsy at times, she's the one that brings smile and happiness to the family.


Area of Residence:

Blood Status:
- Half Blood

- Part-French, Part-German

Interests or Hobbies:
- Ansel's interest is on music. He plays various musical instruments. He is also into books, and at times, muggle sports.

Additional Skills:
- He can play the saxophone. He is multilingual. (French, German, English, Japanese, Spanish, Italian)

- Logical, Protective, he stands out even without trying

- Arrogant and Aloof, doesn't care at all at times.

Describe your character in three words:
- Trustworthy, Cocky, honest

Favourite place to be:
- In his room, or somewhere were he can relax and contemplate.


Hogwarts House:
- He's supposed to be attending Durmstrang

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:

Best school subjects:

Worst school subjects:

Plans for your future:

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart:

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:

<COLOR color="#CC0066"><FONT font="Georgia">~Family~​

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