Anouk Elir

Anouk Elir

Well-Known Member
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Full Name: Anouk Imoen Elir
- Birth Date: 7 / 7 / 2010
- Current Age: 10
- Basic Appearance: Kind of small for her age, she’s usually found looking a little scruffy, despite her parent’s efforts to tidy her up. She is also hardly ever seen without a small mischievous grin splayed across her face.
- Parents: David Elir and Cassidy Elir
- Siblings, if any: Kain Elir (older brother by 9 years)
- Pets, if any: often found wriggling around in hidden pockets, she has a fondness for her pet rat Kipper.
- Area of Residence: New Zealand
- Blood status: Half Blood

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why):
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

(All characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? An Otter
- What would their Boggart be? Her Brother Kain
- What would their Animagus form be? A Ferret
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Herself, far from trouble, in a field with her family together happily.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Her parent’s faces when they saw her acceptance letter to hogwarts.

- Write an example roleplay by your character:

A tremor ran silently down her spine.
She looked around the train cabin slowly, noting the details her brother had described to her in the first excited letter back from hogwarts.
Fixated, it wasn’t until one of the boys snored a little and rolled over that she remembered she wasn't in here alone.
A little tense, she watched him carefully, making sure he wasn’t about to wake up and stare at her again as he had from when he got on the train up until he fell asleep.
"I'm not that different..." she mumbled down to kipper in her hand, the rats nose twitching as he smelled around for food. He scurried into her pocket, scuffling up the biscuit he found with great squeaks of joy.
She sighed to herself quietly, her appearance had always bothered her a little, unnaturally white, with dark looks yet luminous blue eyes. It wasn’t the looks themselves that bothered her, more the way people stared at her as if she was some oddity. Her parents put it down to selective genetics, mumbling off about her great grandmother every time she brought it up.
Shoving this from her mind, she watched out the window counting down the seconds until they were meant to arrive.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

-scribbles and small pictures of squares line the borders of the page-

Today, nothing notable happened.

Kipper ate some form of insect, moderately amusing

Got on the train, very amusing, until I was told off for making faces on the glass. Then it was moderately amusing.

Got stared at, not amusing

Thought about -the word is messily scribbled out making it impossible to decipher-

-The entry ends halfway down the page and more scribbles cover the bottom-
Hello Anouk and welcome to HNZ :D !
Here's a few question's for you, you can answer them in or out of character, whichever you prefer, but I'll ask them out of character!

Why would Anouk's patronus be an Otter?

Why would her boggart be her brother?

Does Anouk get along with her parents?

In the Mirror of Erised, why would Anouk see herself far from trouble in a field with her family together happily?

What House is Anouk hoping to be in and what subjects does she think she will enjoy most/is she looking forward to?

Thanks, Ellie :)

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