Another Birthday?

Taylor Mercer

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Taylor awoke with a stretch and it took her a few seconds to realise it actually was her birthday. She smiled, 'Happy Birthday to me'. She thought to herself as she kicked the blankets off her bed and began to get ready for the day. She didnt plan on doing anything big today. As she was straightening her hair there was a tap at the window. Letting the owl in, Taylor took the letter from her Mum and as she was scanning through it another owl came flying in with a second letter from her Dad. They both said the same thing. Wishing her a Happy Birthday and that they would give Taylor her present at the next Brightstone weekend. Which wasnt very far away. All Taylor really planned to do today was reply to those letters and chill out.

Getting dressed in a grey top and jeans Taylor felt comfortable, which was all that mattered really. She decended down the stairs and ate breakfast in the kitchens. She didnt want any fuss being kicked up really. She decided she would possibly meet up with some friends later, but for now she was fine wandering around, simply knowing she was a teen. Not that it felt much different.

After breakfast Taylor decided to head down to one of her favourite places. The Lakefront. She held a small smile on her face as she stopped under her favourite tree and leant her back against it. Looking out over the lake, her mind pondering over what her parents had gotten for her.
Sam had only realized that it was Taylors birthday as he lay in bed the night before. She had remembered his birthday and he only remembered hers one day before. Some friend I am he thought to himself miserably. But he made a promise to himself to go into Brightstone early in the morning to get her a good gift. After that thought Sam fell into a deep sleep...

The next day he kept his promise. He got up super early to head into Brightstone to get a gift for one of his best friends. He was a bit of a hopeless shopper and really didn't know what to get her, but seeing as time was running out he got her the universal present of a Gift Box of Honeydukes finest candies. Every teenager loved candy..right? Once he returned from his not-to-painful shopping trip he ran up to his dorm to wrap the present. Sam wasn't the best wrapper but he figured since it was a square box it would be easy. That was what he had thought before it turned out a like a three year old had wrapped it.

He was truly ashamed of his wrapping but he couldn't do anything else about it. Taylor wouldn't mind, she wasn't that type of person at all. He looked at the muggle alarm clock on his bedside table at the time and he quickly grabbed his leather jacket from the bottom of his bed and threw it over his outfit. Now to find Taylor he thought for the first time. Where would he even begin? What if Taylor just wanted to spend the day with Scorpius? Scrapping these thoughts from his mind he left his dorm with the present under his arm and began his search.

He started at the great hall and scanned the unfamiliar faces at the Gryffindor table, she wasn't there. He wasn't going all the way up to the seventh floor in search for her so he decided to try the grounds. He looked out on the lawn were a few groups of students gathered but none of them included his friends. He tried the gardens and there was still no sign of her. He was actually enjoying the walk, Sam hadn't much time to himself these days and he liked to have his 'space'. Even if she wasn't at the lakefront or the cliffs the walk would still be worth it. Once he arrived at the lakefront he looked around and finally spotted her.

Sam smiled to himself with accomplishment at the fact that he found her. He walked casually over to her and said with a boyish grin, "Excuse the wrapping. It is one of my weakest points." He laughed handing her the badly wrapped gift and then wrapped his arms around her in a big hug. "Happy Birthday!" Sam said before releasing his friend from the hug. He wondered where everyone else was. "So how does it feel to be officially a teenager?" He asked the question that was asked on everyones birthday.
Taylor was enjoying the mild heat of the just-turned-Summer day. It felt like she had been standing by that tree for hours, when really it had only been ten or fifteen minutes. She turned her head when she heard a familiar voice. She glanced down to see what her Hufflepuff friend was talking about and giggled a little at the present. "You didnt have to get me anything Sam." She grinned with a raised eyebrow, repeating his words from his own birthday not long ago.

She accepted the gift. "Thankyou." She said regardless. It really was thoughtful of him to go to the effort of getting her a gift. She tucked it under her arm, so she could return Sam's hug with one arm. She beamed at him when he pulled away. "It feels great." She said with a small amount of pride. It wasnt a whole lot different, but she could say that she was officially a teenager, which was always a good feeling. "Oh and Ive owled my parents, I should have you gift by the next time I see you." She said grinning, expecting it the day after tomorrow. She planned to catch up with Sam before the Christmas holidays.
Scorpius knew that today was Taylor's birthday, he felt somewhat pathetic that hadn't bought her a gift but he still planned on taking her out for a date in Brightstone in hopes that it would make up for it. The thought of actually going on a date made him nervous all over again, palms sweaty, short breathing and all. The Gossip Magazine had come out a few days ago and once again that stupid Gossip Girl had him pegged correctly. Once again he was feeling guilty for not having talked to Taylor as soon as the second issue had come out, back when the story of Aeon had been printed. He had talked to Luna, and to Aeon - but the only person he should've talked to about it was Taylor. Instead the two had avoided the whole issue as if nothing had happened and now it seemed to be getting worse after the most recent Gossip issue.

Trying to rid his mind of all those thoughts, Scorpius left the Ravenclaw tower in a white shirt and black jeans, his usual casual attire and in his hands he held a birthday card for Taylor. A birthday card, how thoughtful, he thought to himself frustrated that he hadn't spent his time wisely the first time Brightstone was open. Now he had to make sure his Christmas gift to her was amazing to make up for his card and date.

He had no idea where she'd be so he roamed the halls a while, lingering around the Gryffindor common room entrance for a bit but something told him she wouldn't be there. He had tried the Great Hall and still nothing, so he decided to go outside and check one of Taylor's favorite places of the school. When his grey eyes landed upon her and his best friend Sam, he grinned. Immediately his heart began pounding faster and the squirming in his stomach began, the usual whenever he saw his girlfriend, however this time it was mingled with nervousness at so many things. "Hey," he greeted the two with a crooked smile when he was within earshot. "Happy birthday," he said to Taylor warmly. "Thirteen was it? So young," he joked. Being about two months older was hardly something to brag about. "This is for you," he said, holding out his card with an embarrassed smile. I bet Aeon would give her something great he thought bitterly before shaking it off as he ran a hand through his messy hair.

On the front of the card said the words "Happy Birthday Taylor" in bold gold letters, seemed simple enough. However Scorpius' favorite part was of course the inside. On the left was a picture of the two of them, his favorite picture, well their favorite picture, which they had taken down in the dungeons with the moving camera she had gotten him for Christmas. He had considered putting in his most favorite picture of her that he had taken when she visited his home in Ireland, but he liked it too much to give it up. And besides, he had a double of the one they had taken in the dungeons. On the right hand side Scorpius had written a note that read:
To Ms. Fantastic,

Happy birthday! I wish there were more options to say on someone's birthday, how about Congratulations! You're a whole year older!
I just wanted to give you this picture of us that we took almost a year ago, it's one of my favorite pictures that I have of you. Even though we weren't even together back then, it just goes to show you that I thought you were fantastic the moment I met you and still do, always will. Have a great birthday!


P.S. Madam Puddifoots this weekend? A birthday date.
"Sorry it's not much," he said to her with a small shrug.
Taylor heard a familiar 'hey' and her heart did its usual flip, but she felt a nervousness creep up as well. They still hadnt talked about that stupid Gossip Magazine. Taylor was torn between whether they were going to ignore it again, or if they were going to talk about and sort things out. She didnt even know what she wanted to do anymore. She smiled sweetly, trying to push away the mild hurt and jelously she had felt by the words in the magazine. It was her birthday and regardless of what it had said, she did want to see her boyfriend. "Thanks." She said in regards to the 'Happy Birthday' and the card that he handed to her.

She examined her name on the front in gold letters, before opening the card and instantly seeing her favourite picture. She smiled warmly. As she read the words any thoughts of hurt and anger slipped out of her mind. The butterflies erupted and as she read the last word she was smiling foolishly. She looked up and gave Scorpius a gentle smile, the gratitude flaring in her eyes. She shook her head in protest as he said it wasnt much. "Its perfect." She admitted, wanting to hug Scorpius and not let go. Not let him run off to Aeon or worse Luna. Her smile faded somewhat. There was the pang of jealously. Refusing to think about that now, she looked over at Sam and gave him a wide smile to let him know she hadnt forgotten him sinse Scorpius's arrival. "And I cant wait." She said, quickly looking back at Scorpius, referring to the P.S of his card.
Scorpius grinned in response to Taylor's reaction to his card and her response to his date proposal. He nodded his head once as if acknowledging that he knew what she was talking about and turned back to look at Sam. "Hey mate," he said with a grin. His grey eyes caught sight of a gift for Taylor looking very badly wrapped and Scorpius burst out laughing. "Let me guess, it's from Sam?" he said in jest. Though really he shouldn't be one to laugh, he was no better either, not wrapping was one of the perks of getting a card at least.
"For the last bloody time you don't have to get me anything!" Sam said laughing although he was perfectly serious. Before he could say anything else Scorpius arrived, "Hey!" He greeted him in return. Sam then stayed silent as Scorpius gave Taylor his gift, it was a little awkward for him standing there but he shoved his hands into his pockets trying to be as casual as possible.

When Scorpius began to laugh at his present Sam scowled jokingly, " wrapping isn't my strongest point but-" Sam paused, "-why am I even defending it?" He laughed along with Scorpius. He couldn't even wrap a simple box, next time he would get some one else to wrap his gift. As he looked over once more he continued to laugh, it really was a pathetic excuse for wrapping and he wished there was a gift inside that would make up for the wrapping but it was just a simple box of sweets.

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