Annie Shark

Annie Shark

The Basics
Name | Annie Juliet Shark
Birthday | Augest 17th, 2011
Current Age | 10
Hometown | Sydney, Australia
Ancestry | 1/2 English, 1/4 Ireland and 1/4 Australian
Blood Status | Mixed Blood

Hair Color | Blonde Hair
Hair Style | Long, flowing curls
Eye Color | Blue
Height | 5' 0"
Weight | 63 lbs
Build | Thin yet curvy

Father | Frank Stephen Shark (43)
Brief Description | Mixed Blood - Unspeakable

Mother | Alice Jane Shark (37)
Brief Description | Half Blood - Stay at Home Mother

Adoptive Brother | Markus Kaspar Vanderburg III (10)
Brief Description | Mixed Blood - Anti Social Disorder

Sister | Kasey Helen Shark (6)
Brief Description | Mixed Blood

At Hogwarts (to be New Zealand)
House | Gryffindor or Ravenclaw
Graduated | Not Started Yet
Your best subjects | Transfiguration
Your worst subjects | Flying
Extracurricular activities | TBA
Favorite place at Hogwarts | Cliffs
Least favorite place at Hogwarts | Quidditch Pitch

Patronus | Jackrabbit
Boggart | Bears
Animagus | Snow Leopard
What would be seen in the Mirror of Erised | TBA
Memory used to create a Patronus | When she spent the whole day with her Oma [Grandmother], who she admires greatly.
Hello Annie,

just a few questions for you...

1. What exactly is unspeakable about your father being mixed blood?
2. To what extent is your brother anti-social?
3. Why did your parents adopt?
4. How old were you when they adopted Markus?
5. Why do you think transfiguration would be your best subject?
6. What qualities do you think you would bring to Gryffindor or Ravenclaw?
7. Why would your boggart be a bear?
Thank you Andromeda.
Feel free to ask more questions if you have any more

1. What exactly is unspeakable about your father being mixed blood?

I meant that his job is an unspeakable for the ministry of magic :p
2. To what extent is your brother anti-social?
Markus is just a very socially uncomfortable person and perfers to be on his own.
3. Why did your parents adopt?
If I remember correctly they went to his orphanage for volunteerism and they met him and they got on so well they decided to adopt.
4. How old were you when they adopted Markus?
I was ten.
5. Why do you think transfiguration would be your best subject?
My Dad has told me a little bit about what we would be learning at Hogwarts and I was most interested in Transfiguration, and usually when I am interested in something I do better with it.
6. What qualities do you think you would bring to Gryffindor or Ravenclaw?
Ravenclaw: I work extremely hard at everything I do and have a good work ethic.
Gryffindor: I wouldn't say that I'm extremely brave, because I haven't had the chance to show my bravery, but I do try my best to face my fears head on.

7. Why would your boggart be a bear?
I'm just really scared of bears, I've watched too much of the discovery channel. ;) :p
:) sorry about that Annie,

a few more then if that's alright, I am finding your character and your family intriguing ;)

1. What is your relationship with Markus like?
2. Does he understand about the magical world?
3. Is it hard to get to know Markus?
4. How do you feel about another child your own age in your home?
5. How do you think you'll fit in at Hogwarts?
6. What music do you like?
7. I love the different animals you've chosen for your boggart, patronus and animagus, why did you choose a snow leopard?
8. What is it about your grandmother that you admire greatly?
9. Why do you think you'll like the cliffs at Hogwarts?
10. Why don't you like flying?
It's no problem Andromeda,
In fact yaye for questions!
I enjoy them, gives me something to do :p

1. What is your relationship with Markus like?

We are surprisingly close, I think it's because we are the same age and were forced to get on because he hardly goes outside of the house with out Mom or Dad forcing him to try to socialize.
2. Does he understand about the magical world?
Yes, his orphanage was one for wizards and witches because his parents were an important part of society in Germany during their life.
3. Is it hard to get to know Markus?
Yes, very, it is almost like trying to deal with a young child with aspergers but Markus and I can handle it.
4. How do you feel about another child your own age in your home?
At first I was a little confused why my parents felt the need to adopt another child, when they already had two but after a few months of aprhensiveness I was comfortable with the situation and embraced him as my own brother.
5. How do you think you'll fit in at Hogwarts?
I think I'll fit in just fine, there hasn't been a person yet that hasn't loved me.
6. What music do you like?
I like any and everything, except modern country and screamo and metal music.
7. I love the different animals you've chosen for your boggart, patronus and animagus, why did you choose a snow leopard?
Well thank you Andromeda. :) The Snow Leopard is endangered, and yet it still manages to work hard and live as successfully as it can while many are being murdered, illegally, for it's beautiful pelts. Hard Work and determination are both traits I believe that I have or will have in the future.
8. What is it about your grandmother that you admire greatly?
My Oma isn't the type of person to let someone walk over them, she is a very strong willed, stubborn lady and just so happened to be right about just about everything.
9. Why do you think you'll like the cliffs at Hogwarts?
I often hike with my cousin when she visits so I have a natural inclination to be near mountainous regions.
10. Why don't you like flying?
It's not that I don't like flying, I just don't have the patience to learn it, there are so many things to do in a day and spending time on brooms, zipping around the air just isn't a good use of time.

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