Annie Bethie Key!

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Anna Key

OOC First Name
introducing [color=426F42]anna beth key[/color] !

[color=426F42]they call me her, they call me jane[/color]

this is anna and she's a firstie of gryffindor! she's a little bit of a meanie
until you actually get to know her! she's had a pretty crap life, she's lost
her brother and sister and her parents hate her! her brother's dead, but
her sister's alive still! i'm looking for someone who is currently in first year
to be her lost sister! any house, i don't mind! they are fraternal twins,
unless you don't mind changing your playby to emma watson!

i'm also looking for friends for anna! she will be a loyal friend once you finally
get past the 'tough girl' façade! enemies who don't bother to get to know
anna would be loved too! and possibly some guy she can have a crush on!
she's only eleven, so it wouldn't be serious or anything, but she'd be a little
obsessive about him for a while! help me with this, and you get cookies!!!

[color=426F42]that's not my name! that's not my name![/color]
this template was made by shirogirl11 of CAUTION 2.0. lyrics
are from the 'that's not my name' by the ting tings. please, don't steal.
i'm not going to threaten you, 'cause that's not cool, but neither is
stealing, so ... don't. ♥
I have Grace Raven, she just happens to be Emma Watson :r so yeah I think it could work VERY well, she is in Gryffindor xD and is a first year too! I swaer I didnt just make her :p I think it was meant to be xD lol
anyway she loves working, a bit too much :r is proper because of her upbringing and can speak Italian French and of course English, she likes to look feminine and she accidently insults but in a polite way.

Tell me what you think :)
I want cookies ( :D )

I have Shiloh Denton *points to name and siggie* she is a knid girl. Theres more info in her siggie. Let me know Kay :D
Grace&&Anna: Omigosh. TWIN! I love how Grace is ladylike and Anna.... just isn't. They must meet. *gives cookies*

Shiloh&&Anna: They could be friends? Anna needs to be a little less mean, and Shiloh could help her not to judge people so much?
Yes, they could be friends it sounds fun.. I can't wait :D
Would you mind??
Anna Key said:
Grace&&Anna: Omigosh. TWIN! I love how Grace is ladylike and Anna.... just isn't. They must meet. *gives cookies*
Why Thankyou! *takes cookie*

Anyway it is very funny just how different they are xD and the fact that poor Gracie thinks she is a pure blood :r she will be heart broken :p Im also sure they have met too, in the Gryffindor common room... :r
And the bigger fact is they could help each other too, its quite weird how well this could work out ^_^

And I might be able to help out about the crush thing it depends :r
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