Annalie Darkhart

Annalie Darkhart

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Snapped in two.

Annalie Gelinda Darkhart;
she's one of those girls nothing but trouble

[ul][li]the basics</LI>

Well I was there on the day they sold the cards for the queen
A loser hides behind a mask of my disguise and who I am today is worse than other times

full name; Annalie Gelinda Darkhart
annalie; \a-nna-lie\ is a girl's name is a variant of Annalisa (Latin), a Finnish variation of Hannah and a name of Swedish roots. In Swedish the meaning of the name Annalie is: Graceful meadow. Annalie was the name of an angel who fell to Earth after falling in love with a mortal man; the name means "graced with God's bounty" and also "angelic grace."
gelinda; \ge-lin-da\ is a girl's name of Australian, Italian or Old High German origin. This name derives from Old High German name "Sieglinde", composed of two elements: "sigis" (victory) and "linta" (protective shield of linden wood), meaning "the shield, the protection which defends our victory".
darkhart; Of English and German roots, 'dark' a nickname for someone with dark hair or a dark complexion, from Middle English darke, Old English deorc 'dark.' 'Hart' from a personal name or nickname meaning 'stag', Middle English hert, Middle Low German hërte, harte.
nick Name;Annalie doesn't have any well known or widely used nicknames. She, on occasion gets called Anna by her family and her very close friends. She has been called some rather nasty names by others but she doesn't respond to any of them.
birthdate; Twenty-Seventh of October 2013.
current age; Annalie is currently twenty-nine years old.
gender; Annalie is a female.
hometown; Annalie was born in Dunedin, New Zealand.
heritage; Annalie is one half English one quarter Australian and one quarter Scottish.
dialects; Annalie has a light Kiwi accent with occasional English pronunciations. Annalie doesn't know any foreign languages.
residency; Annalie currently lives in Levin, New Zealand.
blood status; Half-Blood.
blood type;Annalie has O positive blood. O positive blood is the most common blood type with 38.4% of the population having O positive and is always in demand. However Annalie doesn't believe in donating blood so won't donate blood ever.
relationship status; Single.
sexual orientation; Questioning.
health status; Annalie is healthy.
occupation; Gossip Column Writer for a local newspaper in Levin
wand;Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth - This wand brings determination, strength and courage to its bearers, however it is a wand for the sly, cunning and ambitious, those who deem kind and welcomingly are not welcomed by this wand. It is the excellent adapt for dark magic and for those that find pleasure in watching people suffer Snapped in two.
allergies; Annalie has no known allergies.
pets; Annalie has never had any pets of her own. She was once the co owner of a dog named Scruffy that belonged to her ex sister. Since Scruffy died she hasn't got any further pets because of time limitations and the fact that she doesn't want another pet.​
And when the lights all went out we watched our lives on the screen
You don't know what I've done I'm wanted and on the run I'm wanted and on the run
play by; Odette Annabelle
years used;
twenty one | twenty two | twenty three | twenty four | twenty five | twenty six | twenty seven | twenty eight | twenty nine
previous play by; Hailee Stienfeld
years used;
fifteen | sixteen | seventeen | eighteen | nineteen | twenty
previous play by; Grace Fulton
years used;
nine | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen
natural hair; Annalie has chocolate brown hair, it is naturally fine and straight however she has had it permanetly waved. She has it parted to the side and it hangs to her shoulder blades.
eyes; She has dark brown eyes.
height; Annalie is above average height at 5 feet 8 inches or 172cm tall.
weight; Annalie weighs 140lbs or 63kgs
complexion; Annalie has pale ivory skin without and freckles
Annalie has a scar on her arm from falling of her bike when she was seven.
birthmark; Annalie has a small birthmark that's in the vague shape of Italy on the inner side of the right knee.
smile; Annalie isn't known for smiling unless it is maliciously but when she does she has a wide grin that makes her eyes sparkle.
body; Build Annalie has a slim build but she an hour-glass figure. She has some defined muscles in her legs and arms and is toned.
body modifications; Annalie has both her ears, her tongue and belly button peirced.
dominant hand; Annalie is right handed but can use her left hand for something things.
style; Annalie's style is very casual, she pretty much lives in jeans and boots with a variaty of floaty blouses occasionaly married with a wasitcoat. She always pairs it with a nice necklace and bracelet or two. Annalie isn't very label concious but does prefer more up market clothing due to the quality.​
I hate the ending myself but it started with an alright scene
So I'm taking this moment to live in the future release me from the present
five words; Vindictive, bitter, mischevious, confident and stubborn
vindictive; Annalie is a sucker for getting revenge she posesses the inability to let things go and thoroughly enjoys plotting and exacuting revenge on those who have wronged her. She gets a kind of sick pleasure out of her and she just loves to do it for fun.
bitter; Annalie holds on to her resentment and hurt throughout her life and therefore is a very jaded in her personality. She uses this well of hurt and anger to fuel her revenge, so more often then not her irrational dislike of someone is more fueled by her past anger and bitterness rather than the actual situation.
mischevious; Annalie has always loved getting up to mischeif and loves nothing more than to do so. But rather than doing it in a playful way she leans more towards intending harm on the other person.
confident; Annalie's confidence is both a blessing and a curse. It makes her a very approchable person as she presents as some one who knows what they are doing and is very at ease within herself. However it tends to also get her into trouble as she also has the problem that she speaks her mind without even thinking about how it would affect the other party.
stubborn; Annalie is very set on her ways and find it's very hard to change her mind or the way she is thinking. It's her way or the highway.
fears; Annalie is very afraid of snakes. And also of losing her kids, she didn't want kids growing up but now that she has them she couldn't picture her life without them.
patronus form; Lynx
patronus memeory; The when she first laid eyes on either one of her daughters right after they were born.​
It was the roar of the crowd that gave me heartache to sing
I'm obsessing all these questions why I'm in denial that they tried the suicidal session
chinese year; Year of the Snake. Snake carries the meanings of malevolence, cattiness and mystery, as well as acumen and divination. In some places, people believe that a snake found in their court can bring delight. However, in most cases, this animal is considered evil, which scares people from the bottom of the heart. There are some idioms in China indicating the danger of this animal, for example, once bitten by the snake twice shy of ten years.
zodiac sign; The sign of the Scorpio represents people born October 23 - November 21, when the Sun is placed in Scorpio. This reflects upon ambition, mystery, passion and hidden aggressiveness. In Greece it is called Scorpion and in France goes by the name Scorpion but the Latin origin of the October 27 zodiac sign, the Scorpion is in the name Scorpio. People born on October 27 can be defined as free and attractive. They seem to only sweep others of their feet because they always remain cold, poised and focused. Just like a true Scorpio they are introspective and caring, but only to the people who have won their interest. They enjoy journeying and all settings when they can feel in charge. They hate being taunted and being confronted with any type of sudden transformation. The best setting for those born under this sign combines the two big pleasures of Scorpio, enigma and travel.
positive traits; Unpredictable, mysterious and meticulous are traits of interest for these natives. Although these might not seem classic positive benchmarks, there are indeed means by which these people attain their objectives. They are also curious and friendly and enjoy spending time exploring their interests. They try to listen to their intuition but are also well grounded and logical although at times their stubbornness and emotions stand in their way.
negative traits; Possessive and most jealous, these natives need to learn to cool things those with those whom they care about because otherwise their overly attached manner of taking things might have a greater impact that they can imagine. They shouldn't as well let past mistakes hunt them down because this is what they do and really prevents them from enjoying their lives at their fullest. They can also be quite resentful and easily hurt others without thinking of the consequences.
planet; Pluto. This planetary ruler symbolizes farseeing and reliability and also reflects on power. Pluto is most associated with the unconscious and unknown.
element; Water. This is an element of great transformation, with a different flow than the others and benefits people born under the October 27 zodiac sign when it comes to sentimental values and transforms them into great listeners. Water combined with fire makes a situation boil.
birthstone; The lucky birthstone for those born under the October 27 is represented by Topaz. Topaz suggests friendship, constancy and altruism. The zodiac birthstone could be used in accessories and jewelry items. This birthstone is thought to reveal new ways of interaction with the outside world and also enhance innate characteristics of an individual. Did you know that the most valuable shade of topaz is called Imperial topaz? Another gemstone considered lucky for Scorpio natives is Garnet. It is the symbol of adaptability and equilibrium.​
It was a lie when they smiled and said, "You won't feel a thing."
Please use discretion when you're messing with the message, man
marital status; Never been married
relationship status; Single
previous partners; Anton Dementyev
sexual orientation; Questioning
purity; Inpure​
And as we ran from the cops we laughed so hard it would sting
These lyrics aren't for everyone, only few understand
|pre-magical education|
educated at; Kaikorai Primary Shchool in Dunedin, New Zealand
favourite subject; Maths
least favourite subject; Music
|magical education|
educated at; Hogwarts New Zealand
house; Ravenclaw - Expelled 6th Year
favourite; subject Charms
least favourite subject; Potions​
If I'm so wrong so wrong so wrong how can you listen all night long? night long night long
You don't know my brain the way you know my name you don't know my heart the way you know my face
<COLOR color="#45221D"><SIZE size="50">one; Crush Crush Crush - Paramore
two; HeavyDritySoul - Twenty One Pilots
three; The Ghost of You - My Chemical Romance
four; Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes
five; Semi-Automatic - Twenty One Pilots
six; The Kill (Bury Me) - Thirty Seconds to Mars
seven; Sucks to be You - Emma Blackery
eight; The Greatest - Sia
nine; Crazy = Genius - Panic at the Disco
ten; Your Call - Secondhand Serenade​
<SIZE size="50">​
Now will it matter after I'm gone? Because you never learn a goddamned thing.
You don't know what I've done I'm wanted and on the run I'm wanted and on the run
<FONT font="Georgia">


name; Cashlin Erica Darkhart
age; 49
playby; Rachel Weiss
rpyer; Tenile

name; Moriarty Darkhart
age; 49
playby; Kristoffer Polaha
rpyer; Micah

name; Aurelia Itzel Cashlin
age; 10
playby; Landry Bender
rpyer; Micah

name; Mikki Loralai Darkhart
age; 6months
playby; NA
rpyer; NA

|sister - adopted|
name; Aimee Paige Darkhart
age; 30
playby; Taylor Momsen
rpyer; Micah

|brother - adopted|
name; Tate Darkhart
rpyer; Tenile

name; Annabeth Darkhart
age; 75
playby; Brigitte Bardot
rpyer; NA

name; Enriques Darkhart
age; 80
playby; Aiden Shaw
rpyer; NA

name; Claudio Darkhart
age; 51
playby; Garrett Hedlund
rpyer; NA

name; Francessca Darkhart nee. Sanchez
age; 50
playby; Mariska Hargitay
rpyer; NA

name; Rohana Mae Darkhart
age; 24
playby; Elizabeth Gillies
rpyer; Micah

name; Sebastian Darkhart
age; 21
playby; Anthony Neely
rpyer; Micah

name; Meighan Darkhart
age; 20
playby; Diana Hopper
rpyer; Micah

name; Scarlett Toussan nee. Darkhart
age; 53
playby; Jill Hennessey
rpyer; NA

name; Gregorie Toussan
age; 52
playby; Matt Corby
rpyer; NA

name; Mika Toussan
age; 25
playby; Ulrik Munther
rpyer; NA

name; Ludovic Roux
age; 25
playby; Pascal Grob
rpyer; NA

|cousin once removed - adopted|
name; Sacha Toussan-Roux
age; 9
playby; Mirabelle Lee
rpyer; NA

|cousin once removed - adopted|
name; Aubrey Toussan-Roux
age; 9
playby; Anais Lee
rpyer; NA
Well if you think that I'm wrong this never meant nothing to ya
I'm obsessing all these questions why I'm in denial that they tried the suicidal session
<COLOR color="#45221D"><SIZE size="50">Smile though you're heart is aching; smile even though its breaking - Annalie, out looking for her sister Aimee to give her a piece of her mind is caught by Briar Rowan
A Russian Holiday - Annalie heads to Russia on a family holiday over winter break. Giving her parents the slip she bumps into Anton Dymentyev.
Snooping is what I do best - Finding herself alone in the Ravenclaw Girls Dorm Annalie does some snooping to gather ammunition to bully some more of her fellow class mates when she comes across a very personal letter between Lapis Lazuli and her mother. Annalie promises not to tell if her fellow Ravenclaw does what she says with no exceptions.
What is your problem? - After purposely walking into JazzyMae Smile's legs Annalie proceeds to give her a piece of her mind when she is interrupted by the deputy headmaster Takuya Blaze and proceeds to lose 110 points from Ravenclaw and scores detention to boot.
Why are you so cruel to me? - Annalie finds her favourite victim Samual and decides to give it her all leaving him sobbing on the Great Lawn. Katie Swan comes to comfort him.
Had a nice day, until YOU - Down in the Hogwarts Garden's Annalie finds Danielle Warbeck and decides to prey on her insecurities about her weight.
I hate you. - Whilst bullying a Hufflepuff first year she is interrupted by Tamalia Kaster and some heated words are exchanged.
A Mentor Of Sorts - Annalie discusses her havoc with Epiphany Bones, comparing notes and giving advice.
Why do I have to be here? - Annalie considers skipping her detention with Takuya Blaze but decides to go.
You again? - Annalie follows Kate Moon out into the Forbidden Forest to give the Hufflepuff girl a hard time.
You'd better not say anything - Annalie runs over the ground rules of her blackmail with her victim Lapis Lazuli.
The first test - Testing the waters of the new found power she has over Lapis, Annalie makes Lapis carrying a large pile of specially issued heavy books.
Come one come all to this tragic affair - Annalie corners Lapis Lazuli after class to get her to bully her favourite target Samual Kaster.
The end game - Annalie, satisfied with Lapis' ability to follow her intructions to do her dirty work for her cracks out the final part of her blackmail. To get Lapis to torture her sister Aimee.
Everybody! Listen up! - Furious with Lapis' inability to fulfil her wishes to torture her sister Aimee, Annalie decides to announce to the school the news about Lapis' mother.
Justice is not always right - Tamalia Kaster is fed up with Annalie bullying her little brother and things escalate into a brutal physical fight which is then broken up by professors.
For the second time in history - After getting to a brutal physical fight with Tamalia Kaster both girls are taken to see the headmistress with their respective HoHs where they are both expelled.
No time for Games - Recently expelled Annalie ends up bumping into Samual Kaster - her favourite target for bullying at Hogwarts - while he is out with his younger brother and decides to taunt him.
It's time you go. - Annalie arrives home after being expelled, her mother Cashlin is waiting for her and isn't pleased at all to hear that her only daughter has ruined her future. Things get heated and Annalie is kicked out.​
You're just a sad song with nothin' to say about a life long wait for a hospital stay
So I'm taking this moment to live in the future release me from the present

pre hogwarts;
Annalie was born on the twenty-seventh of October 2013 at 6.34pm to Cashlin and Moriarty Darkhart in Dunedin, New Zealand. Her birth was difficult and complicated and resulted in a emergency c-section. The procedure while usually straight forward rendered her mother unable to have any further children. She was born weighing in at 8 pound 1 ounce and was thusly named Annalie Gelinda Darkhart. The first year of Annalie's life was fairly uneventful, she hit all of her milestones and was the apple of her parents eye. Shortly after her first birthday, Annalie's parents wanting to have a sibling for her but unable to have one biologically decided to adopt a child. After a few weeks of visits Cashlin and Moriarty settled on Aimee Van Laar Veth a two year old girl living in a local orphanage after being given up mere days after her birth. Her name was changed from Aimee Van Laar Veth to Aimee Darkhart and she came home as one of the family. The two girls got on like a house on fire, quickly slipping into a typical big/little sister relationship. Annalie was a happy go-lucky kid with a lovely sense of humour and was rather precocious and intelligent. At the age of two however Annalie's parents noticed that she was constantly squinting and standing very close to things in order to see them. Taking her to the optometrist she was diagnosed as short sighed and was prescribed glasses. It was also this year that her older sister Aimee started at preschool leaving Annalie home alone with her mother, a change that certainly affected her personality, growing a little more quiet as she no longer had to fight for the attention of her mother. Shortly after she turned three Annalie too started at preschool, joining her sister. Whilst at kindergarten the pair were inseparable, spending every possible moment together, laughing and playing to their hearts content, much to the envy of some of the other children at the school who were used to receiving Aimee’s undivided attention the year previous. In 2017 her older sister turned five and left kindergarten leaving Annalie alone once more. But this was the perfect opportunity for Annalie to grow her own personality and strived, becoming popular as well as slightly more advanced in her learning than her peer group. 2018 marked the beginning of Annalie's primary school education. She joined her older sister and Kaikorai primary school where she easily made friends and quickly showed the junior teachers that she was a very bright student, working at a level close to a year above her age. Discussions about whether to put her up a year did come up but were quickly dropped when the thought that perhaps putting Annalie in the same year as Aimee would encourage a potentially damaging competitive aspect of their relationship. So Annalie stayed in the year below but was set more challenging tasks than her fellow classmates. In 2021 Annalie's sister Aimee got sick she was diagnosed with Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma and spent many months in and out of hospital undergoing chemotherapy and Annalie felt her first twinge of jealousy towards her sister who was taking up all of her parents time. So to try to gain some of the attention back to her Annalie worked exceptionally hard to get further ahead in school, read advanced text books in the Darkhart family library when she had the time spare. However this was all done in vain when Aimee was scheduled for surgery to get the tumor removed. While Aimee was in recovery Annalie took to roaming around the parks around her house as her parents didn't even notice as they were so worried about their eldest daughter. Shortly before Aimee was discharged her friend and ward buddy passed away, throwing her into what was to be a brief downward spiral. Aimee became depressed, spoke very little, began failing at school and even tried a cigarette much to Annalie and her parents horror. Annalie finally thinking it was her turn to get all the attention instead of her loser of a sister was sadly mistaken when suddenly Aimee's needs became paramount once again to get her out of this depressive slump. Bitter Annalie watched from the sidelines again. In 2023 Aimee received her Hogwarts letter and went off to school being sorted into Slytherin. Annalie being left home as an 'only' child once more relished this year as once again all focus was back on her and her achievements.​
In 2024 Annalie arrived at Hogwarts with an anxious excitement, her older sister had been sorted into Slytherin and Annalie, fully sucked into the preconceptions that kids sorted in Slytherin were bad kids, didn't want to follow in her footsteps. She was lucky in this and was sorted into Ravenclaw. Annalie's first few years at the school were largely uneventful. She was a good quiet student with an eagerness to learn. She was a happy-go-lucky kid who was just enjoying being at the school with her sister, all previous problems left behind. However Annalie's fifth and sixth years at Hogwarts were to be by far her most eventful as her personality and attitude did a complete 180 from the sweet, caring girl she had pretended to be for all those years and became the b!tch she had truly been all along. She was done with trying to please her parents who had put enormous pressure on her to be a good girl and ace student but had always focused their time on Aimee and constantly helped and supported her through all the bad times and bad grades. Annalie felt she didn't get the recognition that she felt that she deserved and decided to take it out on her sister first. Snooping around her mothers office at home over the summer of 2029 Annalie stumbled across what she could only describe as a gold mine. Adoption papers for her 'sister' Aimee. Cashlin and Moriarty had never mentioned that the oldest Darkhart girl was adopted and this was the perfect opportunity to knock Aimee down a few pegs. Right around Christmas when the family should have been celebrating Annalie stood up under the guise of reading a speech to announce that Aimee was adopted and that their parents had been lying to her the whole time. Understandably heart broken Aimee ran off in tears leaving disarray in her wake. Annalie thoroughly scolded for her tactless approach was thrilled at the affect it had, had on her older sister. However this elation didn't last as it was soon apparent that her parent's were going to once again completely ignore her and instead focus their efforts on Aimee helping her come to terms with news of her adoption and also help her find her birth parents Annalie decided it was best to try again. Back at school Annalie let Aimee settle into life as an adopted kid before she upset her once more. Once Aimee had all but calmed down from the episode over Christmas, Annalie went out searching for her sister to terrorise her some more but was rudely interrupted by Briar Rowan and decided it wasn't worth her time to deal with her as well. Over the winter break of 2029 Annalie and the family travelled to Russia for their holiday. While the rest of the family were shopping Annalie gave them the slip and met Anton Dementyev a local russian boy who she bumped into, literally - who was to become her boyfriend.

2030 began the start of Annalie's sixth and ultimately final year of Hogwarts New Zealand. Whilst in the Ravenclaw girls dormitory one afternoon Annalie found herself alone and decided do some snooping to gather some gossip material on her fellow class mates, which is when she comes across a letter addressed to a fellow Ravenclaw named Lapis Lazuli outlined some very intimate details of her family life, namely that Lapis' mother was a Deatheater and had killed her father. Armed with this fantastic ammunition to ruin the girls life and her reputation as a Ravenclaw prefect Annalie is excited to spread it around when Lapis returns to the dorm unexpectedly and notices Annalie snooping. Annalie struck with an idea tells Lapis that she won't spread the information around the school if Lapis does what she asks without question. Reluctantly the other girl agreed and thus began the blackmail. While walking to corridors Annalie purposely walked into Hufflepuff JazzyMae Smile's legs in order to cause trouble. However just mere minutes into her verbal tirade she was interrupted by the deputy headmaster Professor Takuya Blaze. He being a bias Hufflepuff himself proceeds to take 110 points from Ravenclaw give Annalie an indeterminate amount of detentions. This incident triggered Annalie's first appearance in the Rumour Has It magazine, highlighting the injustice of Annalie getting so many points taken away from the obviously biased Blaze. Angry but curious about what her detentions would entail Annalie went along. Bored Annalie went wandering about the school grounds and came across Samual Kaster her favourite target. Always keen to torture her favourite cry baby she decided to poke at a very sensitive subject - his parents and brothers death. Which left him crying on the ground. Satisfied with a job well done Annalie left him him sobbing to some Hufflepuff girl about hod miserable his life was. Wandering further through the grounds Annalie comes across Danielle Warbeck, and decided on a whim to give grief about her weight. It was also around this time that Cashlin feeling the effects of empty nest syndrome decided that she and Moriarty were going to adopt again and so eleven year old Tate Darkhart joined the family.

Later on that year Annalie came across who was going to become her biggest pain the @ss, Tamalia Kaster. While in the throws of bullying a Hufflepuff first she is interrupted by the feisty Gryffindor 6th year and they get into a heated argument and thus Annalie makes an appearance in the 4th edition of Rumour Has It as a foot note to Tamalia's article of how much of a waste of she was. Utterly thrilled Annalie went on her way out to the court yard and found herself talking to Epiphany Bones, comparing notes and giving advice to cause havoc within the school. With the the volumes of Rumour Has It fresh in her mind Annalie follows Kate Moon into the forbidden forest to see how much of therumours were true. Annalie not forgetting that she had such juicy gossip as she did held of Lapis Lazuli was keen to put her power over the other girl to good use so decided to meet her in the Ravenclaw Common Room to discuss what Lapis had to do or she would spill the beans to the rest of the school. Satisfied that Lapis understood the conditions of the contract Annalie began testing her immediately by getting her to carry some specially picked out books. Content that Lapis was going to do what she was told Annalie decided to step it up a notch and get the other girl to do her dirty work for her and bully Samual Kaster. Which she did better than Annalie could have ever anticipated. As it was all going extremely well Annalie decided that it was time to pull out the end game. Annalie wanted Lapis to preform the Cruciatus Curse on her older sister Aimee as payback for all the times where she got more attention that her. To finally teach her a lesson and prove to everyone that she wasn't someone to be messed with and that she would go to any lengths to do that. However Lapis put her foot down and refused, so Annalie angry that her puppet wasn't doing what she wanted anymore and in breaking the conditions that she had laid out knew that it was time to tell the school about Lapis's mother. Deciding to do it on the most public stage she could get Annalie headed to the Great Hall to make her announcement and thoroughly enjoyed the response. Not long after thisA nnalie and Tamalia's fighting finally came to a head when after seeing her brother constantly bullied by the older Ravenclaw decided to confront her. However Annalie with nothing to lose decides to taunt Tama pushing all known buttons just for the fun of it. But when Annalie mentions the touchy topic of Tamalia's parents all hell breaks loose and they proceed to succumb to a vicious fist fightin the middle of the entrance hall. However when wands are drawn the fight is broken up by the professors and are taken away to see the Headmistress. Annalie and Tamalia were taken to the Headmistress' office where they were given a verbal shake down and with both their Head of House's present where both expelled. Annalie glad that she was finally free from the school and it's rules packed her bags and headed home to face her parents.​
after hogwarts;
After being expelled Annalie headed home to face her mother Cashlin. She knew that she was going to be in big trouble for getting herself kicked out of school when her mother had put some much emphasis on schooling and getting a good education through out her childhood. Her fears were realised when she got home and was sucked into a heated argument with her. This argument quickly escalated into a full on screaming match when Annalie's blase answers failed to show a hint of remorse for her actions leading up to and during the events that caused her expulsion. Angry and frustrated Cashlin did something that Annalie never thought in a million years that she would do and she was kicked out of home. Hurt and a little stunned Annalie quickly gathered her things and left vowing that she would never return and that her mother and the rest of her family would never hear from her or - if she had children - their grand-kids ever again. Now with free reign over her life and what she could do with it Annalie decided to travel. While still in New Zealand Annalie bumps once again into Samual Kaster and his little brother Hamish. Still bitter about being expelled and kicked out of her home Annalie's temper gets the better of her and starts harrassing Samual again. In August of of 2031 bored of New Zealand, Annalie headed to Russia to break up with her then boyfriend Anton, citing romantic differences, and then proceeded to head across Europe sight-seeing and stirring trouble where ever she went. Taking up jobs as a writer for gossip columns across Europe due to her uncanny ability to snoop and find out the dirt on the locals she made quite a name for herself albeit not a good one. As the drama grew Annalie would quickly move on and leave the community to clean up the messes she caused. Whilst traveling Annalie partook in bed-hopping, as an efficient way of saving money and causing drama to fuel her columns by seducing married men. During one once such tumble with a wealthy business man in Prague in November of 2031 Annalie fell pregnant with what was to be her eldest daughter Aurelia. Undeniably shocked as she wasn't planning on having children Annalie used this to her advantage and wrote of her sordid affair and resulting pregnancy complete with DNA results and sent it to be published and quickly left town. Annalie, now five months pregnant headed to Malta stopping in Valletta do wait out the rest of her pregnancy. On the 19th of July 2032 at 7.34am Annalie welcomed her daughter into the world naming her Aurelia Itza Cashlin Darkhart, putting her mothers name as her daughter's middle name in a rare moment of kind heartedness but equally as a big middle finger to the grandmother that would never know her daughter. Annalie spent the first six months of her daughters life in Valletta but bored of Malta headed off with daughter in tow to Budapest, Hungary. Annalie only spent two years in Hungary as she was threatened by a cheating husband when he caught wind of her article exposing him. Fearing for her and her daughters safety in 2034 Annalie got a new job in Lyon, France in a start up local magazine so moved herself and her two year old daughter into a small french chateau. The small family was to spend five years living in Lyon and during this time when she wasn't working Annalie began teaching Aurelia both muggle subjects and of the magical world that she had been a part of, mentioning but not elaborating on the role the Kaster's had with her time at Hogwarts ending. Annalie watched as her daughter Aurelia developed a personality very reminiscent of hers, and struggled to make and keep friends especially as she got towards five when she was becoming incredibly bossy and vocal about it when she didn't get her way. Annalie, worried her daughter was making too many school age enemies as she was contemplating sending her to school in Lyon - and with her column causing too much trouble for it's own good decided now would be a good time to shift once more. So in 2039 the small family unit packed up and headed to Lancaster, England. In order to harness Aurelia's bossy confidence and use it for good Annalie enrolled her seven year old daughter in a local muggle drama club. The young mother watched proudly as her daughter flourished and was beaming with pride when she landed the role of Wendy in Peter Pan in 2040. Annalie couldn't help but think if this was how her mother had felt when she used to get awards at school but quickly put it out of her mind. After spending two years in Lancaster Annalie fell pregnant again in 2042 to a one night stand with a muggle business man and gave birth to another daughter who she named Mikki Loralai Darkhart Not wanting to hang around as the man was married Annalie took up a job in her home country of New Zealand and moved the entire family to Levin, New Zealand, vowing to Aurelia that were going to stay in New Zealand for many years to come.
<COLOR color="#45221D"><SIZE size="50">|credits|
Lyrics Disenchanted - My Chemical Romance
Lyrics Message Man - Twenty One Pilots​

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