Anna Riley Lasten

Anna Lasten

Well-Known Member
Full Name:
-Anna Riley Lasten

Date of Birth:
-April 17th, 2016

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
-Anna has blonde hair and green eyes, is a bit on the tall side at 5'5" for an 11 year old. She is well built.

-Anna is an outgoing girl with good intentions, though not always good outcomes. Her love is in singing, though she thinks she isn't pretty enough to be a professional singer. She has a low self-esteem, but hides it from everyone because she does not want people to get all mushy with her. Sometimes being as loud as she is gets her in trouble.

-Anna lives with her mother, Jane Lasten, as her parents are divorced. She has an older sister named Sarah who is jealous that Anna got a letter and Sarah didn't, but doesn't hold Anna accountable for it.

-None currently

Area of Residence:

Blood Status:
-Unknown, though she knows her mother is a muggle, but her father is a mystery.

-She is originally from Canada, but when she was 9 her mom moved back to her homeland, New Zealand, where Anna's grandparents live.

Special Abilities:
-None currently.

Interests or Hobbies:
-Singing, writing music, music

Additional Skills:
-Anna can cheer anybody up with her personality.

-She can push through any situation without breaking down and can stand alone if she needs too, but it's hard on her.

-Anna loses faith in herself sometimes to do the right thing and is terrified she will make the wrong choice.

Describe your character in three words:
-Fun. Strong. Learning

Favourite place to be:
-She loves to be on her piano making the newest hits.


Hogwarts House:
-She hopes to get Gryffindor.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
-Anna merely wants to get through school without failing her classes. Her main objective is to make life-long friends.

Best school subjects:

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:
-Piano, Plays


Current Job:

Plans for your future:
-She hopes that she can own her own shop in the future

Your Patronus:
-A dragonfly

Your Patronus memory:
-When she was 5 years old, her parents took her to see the migration of whales at the coast. She saw an albino whale and thought how she was special enough to see it.

Your Boggart:
-Nothing, in the sense that there's nothing for her later.

Your Animagus:

Mirror of Erised:
-Anna would see her family back together and her with tons of friends.

A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,

I've lived her for a few weeks now and everyone seems to avoid me. I can't have that bad of an accent, can I? People are probably just shy of my amazing voice. No, kidding of course, but I wish someone would talk to me. I try to talk to other people but they refuse to respond. People are really close here and don't want to let me in. I'll find a way to make some friends, I always have, always will.

:o Hey! Our character's share the same birthday! ^_^

Here are a few questions for you:

Where does Anna usually sing?
What style of music does she usually sing?
What is her favorite subject so far? Least favorite?
What kind of people does she get along with?
Does she know which of her parents have magic in them?
Where is Anna's favorite place to be?

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