Anna Key

Anna Key

OOC First Name
The Basics
Character's Name: Anna Beth Key
Character's Birthdate: 28 August
Hometown: Dunedin, NZ. Currently lives in Auckland.
Blood Status: Half
Wand: A pretty one
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor, but it was close to Slytherin or Ravenclaw.

Hair: Brown-blond and curly
Eyes: Brown
Height: 4"5
Style: Jeans & tee with sneakers
Other Distinguishing Features: Pale skin, freckles on arms

A Little Deeper
Most of the time, she acts a tough girl who has no heart. She doesn't let anyone close to her. Sometimes you might catch her on a good day and she'll be nice. If you get to know her, and gain her trust, you will find the real Anna. She is brave and loyal to her friends. She is also a bit of a nerd. Anna loves anything to do with computers and games. She is a Star Wars addict. One of her flaws is that she doesn't accept change. If something slightly out of the ordinary has happened, Anna will pretend nothing is wrong.

Family History:

Anna is a triplet. She has lost contact with her sister because of a massive family feud that separated her parents. Her dad is now dead and her mum is in rehab. The place she calls home is a place where police are frequently seen arresting people and buildings are constantly being burnt down. Because of her home, Anna is very streetwise and doesn't trust anyone. Anna likes with her aunt, uncle and cousin. Anna's brother (triplet) died a year ago and she is still pretty torn up about it. Her past is crap, and her future looks the same way unless she gets some friends.

Anna currently lives with foster parents. She has a foster sister called Julie, who is the only person who Anna is truly open to.

Brother & Sister
Zephyr && Grace
Zephyr is dead.
Grace is currently a Gryffindor at HNZ​

Gotta lotta things goin' on</SIZE>
Don't know what it is I'm doin' wrong
No one to talk to, no one to listen
So all my thoughts have got to be written
<SIZE size="75">Dear diary__________________________00/00/00

This is Anna's Diary. It'll be updated once something actually happens to this girl... La la la la.



I just need someone to hear me______Anna Beth Key out
made by chilbzrawr of caution



Julie ♥

Important Stuff

At School:

First Year:
...Seriously? - Anna meets Grace, her identical twin


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