Anita Harvey

Anita Harvey

Well-Known Member
Full Name:
Anita Harvey

Date of Birth:
23rd July 2017

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Average Height. Browny blonde hair. Brown eyes.

Anita is a nice person who likes helping people.

She is an only child but she lives with her parents Aaron and Joanna.

When she was younger she had a pet snail called Ellie

Area of Residence:
New Zealand

Blood Status:
Muggle Born

New Zealand and Canadian

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
She likes to read and fly.

Additional Skills:
She is a very good speller.

She can be strong when it comes to games and PE

Sometimes she can't hide her tears in front of people.

Describe your character in three words:
Fun. Young. Sweet

Favourite place to be:
Hogwarts Gardens


Hogwarts House:
Hopefully Hufflepuff

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
She wants to do well in her lessons.

Best school subjects:
Maths and English

Worst school subjects:

Extracurricular Activities:
She goes to a group on Fridays and does outdoor things.

Not yet

Current Job:
Primary school student

Plans for your future:
Not sure yet

Your Patronus:

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart:

Your Animagus:
A swan

Mirror of Erised:

A page from your diary:
Just some questions:

- Does she like her name?
- What does her name mean?
- Does she have any distinguishing features? eg freckles, birthmark...
- You say she is a nice person, what distinguishes her as nice?
- Why does she like helping people? - is it for personal glory, or does she just get satisfaction from knowing that she is doing something good for someone else?
- What is her relationship like with her parents?
- Could you tell us a little more about her parents... eg what they look like, what their jobs are...
- Does she like being an only child, or would she like a sibling? If yes, older or younger, boy or girl?
- Does she have any aunties or uncles? If so, what is her relationship like with them?
- Why did she have a snail? Was it a particular favourite animal? Where did she find it?
- If she could have a pet now, would she get one and what would it be?
- Does she like living in New Zealand?
- Has she ever been anywhere abroad?
- Has she ever been to Canada?
- Which member of her family is Canadian and has she ever been to visit them?
- Being muggle born, has she received her letter to Hogwarts yet? If so, how did she react? How did her parents react when they found out?
- Does she see being magical as a gift or a curse?
- Why and what does she like to read?
- You say she likes to fly, im assuming this is on a broom, so where did she learn to fly and when?
- Can she speak any other languages apart from English? Even if it is only roughly.
- Aside from the fact that she can't hide tears from people, does she have any other weaknesses? Eg being afraid of spiders or the dark, or having the tendency to lie to get her self out of trouble, or being bad at certain subjects...
- Why would you say she was sweet?
- Why would you say she was fun?
- Are there any negative words that you would use to describe Anita? eg trouble-maker
- Why is the Hogwarts Garden her favourite place to be? (Is this in the future when she goes to Hogwarts?)
- How did she become friends with Renesmee?
- Why do you think she will go into Hufflepuff?
- What subjects at Hogwarts do you think that she would enjoy/not enjoy?
- In her muggle school, what are her favourite subjects?
- Does she enjoy her group on Friday or is it her parents pushing her to go to it?
- If she becomes an animagus, why would it be a swan?
- When she is at Hogwarts, what clubs can you imagine her getting into?

Sorry there are quite a lot :jesse:


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