Angela Marion!!

Angela Marion

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn

Full Name: Angela Onyx Marion
Meaning of Each Name:
Angela: Angel, messenger.
Onyx: Black stone, onyx.
Marion: N/A though it is pronounced May-On
Birth date: June 14th, 2012
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Hair Color and Style: Red, she has died it since her aunts death, and is getting highlights.
Eye colour: Aqua
Educated At: Hogwarts NZ (Ravenclaw)
Currently resides in: New Zealand.
Employment: None
Relationship status:
Single (Not Looking)

Angela is the youngest of her siblings, born on the cool summers night of June 14th. She was born in a set, her twin brother a still born. The mother named her Angela, saying that she was the message from God, so that she’d stop having children. It was a miracle in the first place, since after her second child, she was deemed a mother at risk. The family welcomed the angelic little girl into their household with open arms. Her father could not be more proud of her, she was his bundle of joy. She was always smiling, laughing and cooing at everyone, even if something wasn’t right. She was never bothersome, unless it came to nap-time, she just wouldn’t sleep sometimes. By the time she was one, she had a full head of hair and was able to form simple words, thanks to her mother teaching her. Everything seemed to go great in Germany; they were high society, top of the ladder. However something’s weren’t meant to last.

As Angela grew older, her views on the world changed from the sunshine and gold into what they were now. She was very adaptive, and understood more then most people her age. Her father was a hero, her mother taught her everything she needed, her sister was becoming a recluse, and her brother… he was different. Angela and Angelo never got along, though their family thought it was brother-sister rivalry, but Angela knew differently. Her brother despised her in ways unimaginable, and she couldn’t cry for help, fearing that it might ruin their perfect family. Slowly as the beating from her brother increased, Angela spiraled down into a reclusive, bookwormish young lady. Her father could see that something was wrong, but he wouldn’t be able to come to a good conclusion before anything drastic would happen.

Angela had been home alone, her parents in the guest house on their property when he attacked her. She did what she knew she could, she protected herself. She ran at first and locked herself away in the attic, but when he caught up t her, push came to shove; and death came to the family for the first time. The last thing she remembered seeing was her brother lying on the ground below. No one was struck more by this blow then her mother. They moved from a lovely home in Germany, to Tokyo Japan, where they hoped to start a new.

Unfortunately, disaster surrounded the family. Only a few short weeks after moving, Angela’s father passed away of an uncertain reason. Her mother took this even harder, and eventually was deemed unfit as a caretaker, right after her older sister was sent to juvi, for breaking and entering and a third offence. Angela moved to New Zealand with her cousin Skyle, and her Aunt Sarah to live. This move of course also had to do with her letter from Hogwarts, which her mother knew would be arriving. When she got there, she was alone for about a week with just Skyle. And when she got her letter, she was so surprised.

Sarah was too, since she hadn’t known that Angela had a gift like her and her brother. She helped the young girl by shopping with her, and she took care of the house and remolded when she left. Year one was a great year for her, and it flew by quickly. She got her first kiss from a young boy named Klaus, and met up with a boy, whose father dated her aunt, everything seemed to be going well. That was until second year rolled around. Sarah and her lover broke up, which caused the son to take things out on Angela. On top of that, someone who seemed to know her family found her, and beat her. She wanted nothing more then to leave the school. She wanted to go home and be with Sarah. By the end of the second year, things seemed to be clearing up, and she had a baby cousin on the way. She seemed to be on the way to having a happy family.

The baby was coming before anyone could think twice. And in the excitement, Kari Kelly, Sarah’s lover, went into an attack. Sarah did not make it through childbirth, and Kari through his attack. Angela was bounced into a home quicker then anyone could say ‘Why Me?’ Now, Angela is struggling to catch up in her third year, and hopes that she can make a good home for her and Kairi Kelly, and hopes that maybe, someone would want her.

While Struggling, Angela met the man that wanted them for his own, her Skyle and baby Kairi. Of course, Angela never let anyone touch Kairi, and would bite or hit anyone who tried. So it was amazing that this man would want to put up with her. She still wasn’t going to let him replace anyone, so she struck out, and dyed her hair. And now, is on the edge of becoming a lesbian; though this strain is not to last long. Because Angela’s future will be brighter, hopefully, as she grows.

Angela is a sweet and caring girl, once people get on her good side. Lately she has had many trust issues though, and will not trust people unless they prove themselves otherwise. She is trying to get back into life, she is trying hard. But, she still struggles with depression.


Her best subject: She doesn’t have one, she doesn’t do school.
Her worst subject: all of them.
Favorite place at Hogwarts: The Rosebush
Least favorite place at Hogwarts: The Lakefront
Extracurricular activities: None


Interests/hobbies: Angela has always been interested in performing, and hopes to one day open up a school of arts. She is not much for the education, but she has a way with children. Maybe one day she will also open up a nursery, since she loves kids.
Special Talents/Abilities: Angela has a very good vocal range for someone her age. She loves it, and sings with passion. She also has a good understanding of baby lingo, meaning that the oohs and awws speak to her as more then just vowel sounds.​

Heyy there!

I have a few questions to help you develop your character.
You can answer IC or OOC

1. If Angela Could say anything to her brother what would it be and why would she say this?
2. If Angela was a muggle, and could go to any university in the world, where would she go? What would she study? And why?
3. Out of New Zealand, Germany and Japan, which is her favourite?
4. Does Angela like her name?
5. How old would Angela like to be when she had her first child? What would his/her name be?
6. What electives did she take and why did she take them?
7. Does Angela ever think that if she had told her parents about her brother things would've been different?
8. What is Angela's favourite and least favourite month?
9. What kind of things do people have to do to prove to Angela that she can trust them?
10. The date of birth is wrong, is your character 23? Lol.

If any of my questions are confusing say and I'll explain better.
Oh Emzies, I can Always rely on you to ask good questions!

1. If Angela Could say anything to her brother what would it be and why would she say this?
A.) Angela would apologize to him, let him know he didn't mean it. She feels that maybe he was ill, and maybe if she had told or gotten him help, he'd still be around. She feels like if she could apologize, it might help them both to move on.

2. If Angela was a muggle, and could go to any university in the world, where would she go? What would she study? And why?
A.) Angela had always looked up to her father's job, so she would most likely practice a medical career. She had wanted, even after finding out about magic, to go to The University Of Tokyo.

3. Out of New Zealand, Germany and Japan, which is her favorite?
A.)Japan, definitely! She loved the scenery, plus, it was where she was raised. She wanted to stay there forever, and will most likely move back when she's older.

4. Does Angela like her name?
A.) Angela has never liked her name, in fact, for the first six years of her life, she went by onyx (her middle name) because she thought it fit her better. She doesn't think that Angela is a name that reflects her properly.

5. How old would Angela like to be when she had her first child? What would his/her name be?

A.) Angela wants to be out of school, maybe in her mid 20's before she has her first kid. She hopes that she is ready to have kids when it happens, and is actually a bit afraid ever since Sarah's death.

6. What electives did she take and why did she take them?
A.) Divination and Care Of Magical Creatures. This is kind of hard to answer, considering that i haven't really replied any of her lessons, next year though. i'm sure that she really took them because she was interested in being insightful. And she has always loved animals, so that explains COMC.

7. Does Angela ever think that if she had told her parents about her brother things would've been different?

A.) Angela always thinks that. She blames the fact that she didn't tell and herself for his death. She wishes she would have told, honestly.

8. What is Angela's favourite and least favourite month?
A.) Angela loves the winter. She loves the snow and how peaceful it is, where as she can't stand the heat of the summer, and hates tanning. So summer is her least favorite.

9. What kind of things do people have to do to prove to Angela that she can trust them?
A.) Angela needs them to care for her, and be there even when she isn't all there. Recently, even if you cross her, if you gain her trust you have it forever. Just being a good friend to her and understanding that she needs just as much as other people gets you into her good graces right away.

10. The date of birth is wrong, is your character 23? Lol.
A.) Oops! I guess doing bio's at four in the morning isn't a great idea XD

Thank you so much for all the questions, it really does help! :)

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