Andy's makeover[C]

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Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core
Hi Sophia,

hope you don't mind - I totally love my banner but and the but here is with myself not with your craftmanship, I have decided Andromeda's celeb needs an overhaul.
Namely as there is another Lindsey Lohan on site and even though she is the older version it is still strange seeing it. So if you can I would so appreciate it if you could do the following, pretty much same as the last...

Character Name: Canis Rufus

which ever one you think works best.
Name of the person you are using: Alyson Hannigan
Do you want the character's name on the avatar?: Yes but just Andy
Font(s) you want text in (you may pick any font you want from up to you so not fussy
Colors you want on your avatar: reds and golds are fine
Other (Anything special you want to add such as eye color or anything really): the eyes again to be amber if possible like the wolf in the banner you already did and a wolf image again.
And could you put as text as well " The Fallen Angel" again.

so basically a banner the exact same really as my last one just different person and an avatar this time.
no problem if you can't I know you're pretty busy.

I just want to be sure that you know, this does not count as a update. I will still do your banner of course, but this sadly does not fall under the category of update. Although, I do not believe I will be charging you full price, since I still have the psd of your original banner.
Let me know what you think of these.



As always anything can be altered or changed.
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