- Messages
- 916
- Wand
- Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
- Age
- 1/2016
Full Name :
Andrew Preston Hydran.
Nicknames :
People call him Andy; his family sometimes call him Howi Native American Miwok name meaning "turtle-dove."
Date of Birth:
12th January 2016.
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Short thin blond hair, blue eyes, pale skin tone, small frame.
Andy is a worry-wart, he worries about the simplest things to the extent that it can stop him from sleeping, if something goes wrong Andy tends to blame himself even if its not his fault, Andy is very sweet and loves helping people, he goes out of his way to help people even if they dont like it, Andy is slightly touchy when it comes to talking about mothers and hates mothers day, instead he chooses to call it Aunties day.
Andy is thinner and shorter than most kids his age, this is because he rarely eats and when he does it is in very small amounts, this is because he fears eating, he does not know why he is just scared to eat anything.
Father: Kevin Hydran, 32, Wizard, Kevin was an easy going and relaxed man, he always made time for family and was a bit of a magicaholic and couldnt stand not using magic for simple things like cooking and cleaning, but after his wives death his easy going and relaxed nature dead with her and was replaced with a worrisome and quiet one, he doesnt use magic as much either and is always working, he rarely spends time with his son as he looks exactly like his mother and it hurts to look at him.
Mother: Amanda Hydran, Witch, dead, Amanda was a caring and sweet woman, though she was very adventurous and could never sit still and was a little quirky, she was selfless and should have been called a saint she did charity functions, protests and once ran her own radio station for fun, she was also an environmentalist and refused to eat meat and vegetables because she liked them too much, so she only ate fruit as she hated them and thought they deserved to die, she died when trying to rescue a child from falling into the ocean from a cliff, the rocks she used to support herself gave way and both her and the girl went falling down, the girl survived because Amanda wrapped herself around the child and stopped her from getting the full force of the fall, overall Amanda was considered a hippie.
Uncle: Jacob Kuya, 34, Wizard, Jacob is a serious and intelligent man, though after having a few drinks is very funny, Jacob likes using magic and does do often though he also likes doing things by hand, Jacob loves his sons even though they love tricking him and playing up, Jacob is loyal and is a great public speaker and is gay.
Aunt: Amy Hannens: 34, muggle, Amy was married to Jacob but after 3 years the two split up in a messy divorce, they cant stand to be in the same country and so she moved to America, she is the twins biological mother but has nothing to do with their upbringing.
Uncle: Samual Kuya: 33, Wizard, Samual is a funny and charming man, he is often reading and is never at a loss for words, Samual is a happy person and likes learning new things, he is married to Jacob and lives with him and the twins.
Cousin/s: Justin Kuya, 10, Wizard, Justin is funny and cheeky just like his brother, the two are very close and often wear the same clothes and swap clothes, the two of them have made their own private language so they can talk privately to each other in public, Justin has greyish blue eyes a fact that he hates but his brother loves, Justin has no problems with his fathers or mother and accepts life as it is, he also plays the bass and keyboard.
Drake Kuya, 10, Wizard, Drake is 1 minute younger than Justin and is very funny, though they are twins they have been known to trash a room from throwing chairs and tables at each other, one time they hit each other with frying pans, Drake is slightly nicer than his older brother and is willing to talk to people without planning an evil scheme and he can sometimes decide to not play a prank or wrap a train up in cling wrap.
Uncle: Alexander Hydran, 30, Wizard, Alexander is a calm and collected man who enjoys travelling and leading, he can be slightly pushy and can get a little too passionate on certain subjects, he is loud and enthusiastic hes 30 but sometimes he acts like a 21 year old and is full of energy.
Aunt: Elle Hydran, 30, muggle, Elle Hydran is married to Alexander Hydran and is mother to Daniel Hydran, she is a caring and likes singing and dancing, she is athletic and pushed her son to be also she surfs and likes acting in musicals, overall she is athletic and kind.
Cousin: Daniel Hydran, 10, Wizard, Daniel is older than Andy by 5 days and is the oldest of all the group, Daniel is protective over his younger cousins and is the leader, if he says to them that they are not doing something then most of the time it will not be done, Daniel is relaxed and is quite the dancer, he is also energetic and plays many sports such as surfing, soccer, football, racing, swimming and even gymnastics and ballet, he has endless amounts of energy and he probably gets this from his very energetic parents, Daniel also plays the drums because it is a very energetic instrument.
Uncle: Michael Hydran, 33, Wizard, Michael took his wives last name because it was easier to pronounce then Bryencentja, Michael is a hard working man that loves the simple things in life, he is caring and loves entertaining his daughter.
Aunt: Jacinta Hydran, 33, Witch, Jacinta is a sweet woman that enjoys cooking and cleaning, she often sits down with a book in her hands and likes brushing her daughters and her own hair, Jacinta is always very kind to Andy and never yells at him if he does something wrong.
Cousin: Hazel Hydran, 10, Witch, Hazel is the Responsible one out of all her cousins. She is Caring and a think as she is always weighing the pros and cons of doing something before she does it. She is soft spoken and likes to get to know someone before she will even tell them her name. She is a hard worker and she is also the one that puts the boys into line when they step outside of it. She can sometimes be quite bossy, but that only comes out when she is with the twins. She is also quite stubborn and wont put up with their antics. As soon as she smells trouble she puts her foot down. She has a very special bond with Andy and is more like a sister.
Andy has one bird named Birdie, Its a female parrot and knows how to say Welcome my name is birdie and Birdie! she also tends to say Stop worrying Andy though Andy has no idea how she learnt this, he is sure his twin cousins taught her it.
Area of Residence:
Currently Andy lives in Wellington New Zealand
Blood Status:
Half Blood
Native American on his fathers side, his Grandmother was a native American.
Australian on his mothers side.
Special Abilities:
Andy is able to calm and comfort anyone, no matter the age, he once comforted one of his muggle teachers after his father died, and again with one of his female teachers after a messy break up.
Interests or Hobbies:
Drawing, though he can only draw little faces and smilies, talking and playing with his bird.
Additional Skills:
Andy is good at training animals as he is patient and calm
His family, his bird
His family, they are very important to him, His mother in particular, worrying too much, is an easy target for bullies, fears many things, not eating.
Describe your character in three words:
Sweet, caring, worrying.
Favourite place to be:
His room or with his family.
Andy considers his cousins his closes friends, he also knows a boy by the name of Samual.
Hogwarts House:
Andy does not care what house he is in, as long as most of his cousins are in it he is happy.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Andy hopes to do well in school, and see what the limits to magic are.
Best school subjects:
Most likely potions as it has instructions that are plainly visible, so he wouldnt have to worry so much, and his favourite subject would be Divination, it has to do with the supernatural.
Worst school subjects:
Flying, he wont be able to do it, not willingly anyway, he could fall to his death like his mother before him, it would take some alone time with his elder cousin Daniel to get him to even think about doing it.
Extracurricular Activities:
Andy plays the twelve string guitar very well, but not many people believe him when he tells them because of his small frame people dont see him as the rocker type, not even his closest cousin knows he can play.
Current Job:
Plans for your future:
Andy isnt sure on what he wants to be yet, though he has been told that he should be a manager of a huge rock band, so he would have a real reason to worry.
Your Patronus:
Your Patronus memory:
The day when he was sleeping over his cousins for a family sleepover, they snuck out to go to a party and then had to sneak back in, they were all in such a rush that they woke up the whole house by running into everything in their path and all ended up leaping into the same bed, then his Aunt came in she saw 5 kids all squeezed into a single bed, she found it so funny they got away with all punishments.
Water, Cliffs, Heights, Rats, Swimming, Bugs, Ice, the cold, Rocks, Climbing, Rain, thunder, lightening, Dogs, Cats, Spiders, Scorpians, Worrying, Words begining with Z, Y or X, Blood, Fire, Dirt, Brown, Red, Green, Yellow, Sponges, Fish, Lows (Valleys, bottoms of mountains ect), Old people, young people, mean people, selfish people, scary people, octopuses, mammals and even Eating.
Your Boggart:
Rats, waterfalls or seeing his mother die.
Your Animagus:
Mirror of Erised:
Things back the way they were before his mothers death.
Andrew Preston Hydran.
Nicknames :
People call him Andy; his family sometimes call him Howi Native American Miwok name meaning "turtle-dove."
Date of Birth:
12th January 2016.
Current Age:
Basic Appearance:
Short thin blond hair, blue eyes, pale skin tone, small frame.
Andy is a worry-wart, he worries about the simplest things to the extent that it can stop him from sleeping, if something goes wrong Andy tends to blame himself even if its not his fault, Andy is very sweet and loves helping people, he goes out of his way to help people even if they dont like it, Andy is slightly touchy when it comes to talking about mothers and hates mothers day, instead he chooses to call it Aunties day.
Andy is thinner and shorter than most kids his age, this is because he rarely eats and when he does it is in very small amounts, this is because he fears eating, he does not know why he is just scared to eat anything.
Father: Kevin Hydran, 32, Wizard, Kevin was an easy going and relaxed man, he always made time for family and was a bit of a magicaholic and couldnt stand not using magic for simple things like cooking and cleaning, but after his wives death his easy going and relaxed nature dead with her and was replaced with a worrisome and quiet one, he doesnt use magic as much either and is always working, he rarely spends time with his son as he looks exactly like his mother and it hurts to look at him.
Mother: Amanda Hydran, Witch, dead, Amanda was a caring and sweet woman, though she was very adventurous and could never sit still and was a little quirky, she was selfless and should have been called a saint she did charity functions, protests and once ran her own radio station for fun, she was also an environmentalist and refused to eat meat and vegetables because she liked them too much, so she only ate fruit as she hated them and thought they deserved to die, she died when trying to rescue a child from falling into the ocean from a cliff, the rocks she used to support herself gave way and both her and the girl went falling down, the girl survived because Amanda wrapped herself around the child and stopped her from getting the full force of the fall, overall Amanda was considered a hippie.
Uncle: Jacob Kuya, 34, Wizard, Jacob is a serious and intelligent man, though after having a few drinks is very funny, Jacob likes using magic and does do often though he also likes doing things by hand, Jacob loves his sons even though they love tricking him and playing up, Jacob is loyal and is a great public speaker and is gay.
Aunt: Amy Hannens: 34, muggle, Amy was married to Jacob but after 3 years the two split up in a messy divorce, they cant stand to be in the same country and so she moved to America, she is the twins biological mother but has nothing to do with their upbringing.
Uncle: Samual Kuya: 33, Wizard, Samual is a funny and charming man, he is often reading and is never at a loss for words, Samual is a happy person and likes learning new things, he is married to Jacob and lives with him and the twins.
Cousin/s: Justin Kuya, 10, Wizard, Justin is funny and cheeky just like his brother, the two are very close and often wear the same clothes and swap clothes, the two of them have made their own private language so they can talk privately to each other in public, Justin has greyish blue eyes a fact that he hates but his brother loves, Justin has no problems with his fathers or mother and accepts life as it is, he also plays the bass and keyboard.
Drake Kuya, 10, Wizard, Drake is 1 minute younger than Justin and is very funny, though they are twins they have been known to trash a room from throwing chairs and tables at each other, one time they hit each other with frying pans, Drake is slightly nicer than his older brother and is willing to talk to people without planning an evil scheme and he can sometimes decide to not play a prank or wrap a train up in cling wrap.
Uncle: Alexander Hydran, 30, Wizard, Alexander is a calm and collected man who enjoys travelling and leading, he can be slightly pushy and can get a little too passionate on certain subjects, he is loud and enthusiastic hes 30 but sometimes he acts like a 21 year old and is full of energy.
Aunt: Elle Hydran, 30, muggle, Elle Hydran is married to Alexander Hydran and is mother to Daniel Hydran, she is a caring and likes singing and dancing, she is athletic and pushed her son to be also she surfs and likes acting in musicals, overall she is athletic and kind.
Cousin: Daniel Hydran, 10, Wizard, Daniel is older than Andy by 5 days and is the oldest of all the group, Daniel is protective over his younger cousins and is the leader, if he says to them that they are not doing something then most of the time it will not be done, Daniel is relaxed and is quite the dancer, he is also energetic and plays many sports such as surfing, soccer, football, racing, swimming and even gymnastics and ballet, he has endless amounts of energy and he probably gets this from his very energetic parents, Daniel also plays the drums because it is a very energetic instrument.
Uncle: Michael Hydran, 33, Wizard, Michael took his wives last name because it was easier to pronounce then Bryencentja, Michael is a hard working man that loves the simple things in life, he is caring and loves entertaining his daughter.
Aunt: Jacinta Hydran, 33, Witch, Jacinta is a sweet woman that enjoys cooking and cleaning, she often sits down with a book in her hands and likes brushing her daughters and her own hair, Jacinta is always very kind to Andy and never yells at him if he does something wrong.
Cousin: Hazel Hydran, 10, Witch, Hazel is the Responsible one out of all her cousins. She is Caring and a think as she is always weighing the pros and cons of doing something before she does it. She is soft spoken and likes to get to know someone before she will even tell them her name. She is a hard worker and she is also the one that puts the boys into line when they step outside of it. She can sometimes be quite bossy, but that only comes out when she is with the twins. She is also quite stubborn and wont put up with their antics. As soon as she smells trouble she puts her foot down. She has a very special bond with Andy and is more like a sister.
Andy has one bird named Birdie, Its a female parrot and knows how to say Welcome my name is birdie and Birdie! she also tends to say Stop worrying Andy though Andy has no idea how she learnt this, he is sure his twin cousins taught her it.
Area of Residence:
Currently Andy lives in Wellington New Zealand
Blood Status:
Half Blood
Native American on his fathers side, his Grandmother was a native American.
Australian on his mothers side.
Special Abilities:
Andy is able to calm and comfort anyone, no matter the age, he once comforted one of his muggle teachers after his father died, and again with one of his female teachers after a messy break up.
Interests or Hobbies:
Drawing, though he can only draw little faces and smilies, talking and playing with his bird.
Additional Skills:
Andy is good at training animals as he is patient and calm
His family, his bird
His family, they are very important to him, His mother in particular, worrying too much, is an easy target for bullies, fears many things, not eating.
Describe your character in three words:
Sweet, caring, worrying.
Favourite place to be:
His room or with his family.
Andy considers his cousins his closes friends, he also knows a boy by the name of Samual.
Hogwarts House:
Andy does not care what house he is in, as long as most of his cousins are in it he is happy.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Andy hopes to do well in school, and see what the limits to magic are.
Best school subjects:
Most likely potions as it has instructions that are plainly visible, so he wouldnt have to worry so much, and his favourite subject would be Divination, it has to do with the supernatural.
Worst school subjects:
Flying, he wont be able to do it, not willingly anyway, he could fall to his death like his mother before him, it would take some alone time with his elder cousin Daniel to get him to even think about doing it.
Extracurricular Activities:
Andy plays the twelve string guitar very well, but not many people believe him when he tells them because of his small frame people dont see him as the rocker type, not even his closest cousin knows he can play.
Current Job:
Plans for your future:
Andy isnt sure on what he wants to be yet, though he has been told that he should be a manager of a huge rock band, so he would have a real reason to worry.
Your Patronus:
Your Patronus memory:
The day when he was sleeping over his cousins for a family sleepover, they snuck out to go to a party and then had to sneak back in, they were all in such a rush that they woke up the whole house by running into everything in their path and all ended up leaping into the same bed, then his Aunt came in she saw 5 kids all squeezed into a single bed, she found it so funny they got away with all punishments.
Water, Cliffs, Heights, Rats, Swimming, Bugs, Ice, the cold, Rocks, Climbing, Rain, thunder, lightening, Dogs, Cats, Spiders, Scorpians, Worrying, Words begining with Z, Y or X, Blood, Fire, Dirt, Brown, Red, Green, Yellow, Sponges, Fish, Lows (Valleys, bottoms of mountains ect), Old people, young people, mean people, selfish people, scary people, octopuses, mammals and even Eating.
Your Boggart:
Rats, waterfalls or seeing his mother die.
Your Animagus:
Mirror of Erised:
Things back the way they were before his mothers death.
Greetings from Andyland!
Today was a sunny day, so naturally I wore sunscreen so I didnt get sunburnt; I also convinced the others to wear some also.
Apparently Drake and Justin wrapped a train in cling wrap and a bogon tried to set them on fire because they trod on his dog while playing murder in the dark, they sure are lucky to get away with such things, but Im sure someday they will get caught and then wonder what they did wrong, they never seem to learn.
I recently found out that my bird, Birdie has learnt a new sentence, Stop worrying Andy I think the twins got to her.
Daniel has started skating lessons and apparently its fun, but I could never do it, I would worry that I would fall onto the ice and break my leg, or shatter the ice, or cut my hands in the fall, so when he asked me if I wanted to join I told him no, he was a bit taken down but when I explained why he calmed a bit.
Today was a sunny day, so naturally I wore sunscreen so I didnt get sunburnt; I also convinced the others to wear some also.
Apparently Drake and Justin wrapped a train in cling wrap and a bogon tried to set them on fire because they trod on his dog while playing murder in the dark, they sure are lucky to get away with such things, but Im sure someday they will get caught and then wonder what they did wrong, they never seem to learn.
I recently found out that my bird, Birdie has learnt a new sentence, Stop worrying Andy I think the twins got to her.
Daniel has started skating lessons and apparently its fun, but I could never do it, I would worry that I would fall onto the ice and break my leg, or shatter the ice, or cut my hands in the fall, so when he asked me if I wanted to join I told him no, he was a bit taken down but when I explained why he calmed a bit.