Andrew Riverside

Andrew Riverside

New Member
Full Name:
Andrew after his mother refused to get a scan to clarify her baby's gender and wanted something she could make either masculine or feminine. Had he been a girl he would have been named 'Anne-Drew'.
Taranatha after the Tibetan Buddhist.
Riverside after both his parents. While unmarried, Marie and David decided to grant their son a mixture of both their names as a symbol of love and unity.

Date of Birth:
March the 13th, 2027.

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
- Your characters hair colour, height, eye colour, fashion sense e.t.c.
- Also state any distinguishing features, such as scars; streak of hair colour; unique eye colour e.t.c. and why.

- Whether your character is out-going; bubbly; mean; distant; shy; e.t.c., and why.

Marie Side; mother, Buddhist, hippie, American origin.
David River; father, Open-minded, hippie background, English origin.

- Including, but not limited to, grand-parents; parents; siblings (if your character has no siblings, would they like some?); children (if your an older character); e.t.c.
- If you have stories/memories/information/family history/e.t.c. for each member, feel free to write those too.
- Also feel free to include your characters relationships with family members.
- What where the reactions to your character receiving their letter from Hogwarts?
- If your character is muggle born, how do their parents feel?

- If your character has any, what are their names; types; appearance e.t.c, and why do they have them?
- Will your character be brining their pet to Hogwarts? If so, why? If not, why?
- If your character has non, why not? And would they like some?

Area of Residence:
Born in the midlands of the United Kingdom, the family migrated both north and south throughout the country up until November of 2031 when they settled down for a year and a half in Eastbourne, a seaside town in the south. In January of 2033, the family finally moved and complete Marie's life ambition of living in New Zealand, where they have lived ever since.

Blood Status:

Most directly part American, part English, but there is some distant Norweigan blood in the family.

Special Abilities:
No special abilities at present.

Interests or Hobbies:
- What your character likes to do, and why?
- If your character has a favourite book, or song, put that here too.

Additional Skills:
- Does your character speak other languages (who taught them); can they juggle; dance; act e.t.c.?
- If they can, how well can they fly a broom?

- List some of your characters strengths.

- List some of your characters weaknesses and flaws.

Describe your character in three words:
- Single word descriptions, and a reason as to why; if you can think of one.

Favourite place to be:
- This can be anywhere. Also state why.

- If your character has any, who are they; where are they friends?
- If un-sorted, will they be missed at Hogwarts?

Hogwarts House:
- If un-sorted, which house does your character wish to attend, and why?
- If a student, which house is your character in, and why?
- If an adult, which house was your character in, and why?

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- If a student or un-sorted, what do you hope to achieve in your time at Hogwarts?
- Any thoughts on joining the Quidditch team? If so, why; and if not, why?
- How will you settle in to starting Hogwarts?

Best school subjects:
- If a student, which subjects are your characters favourites, and why?
- If an adult, which subjects where your characters favourites, and why?
- If un-sorted, which subjects do you feel will be your characters favourites, and why?

Worst school subjects:
- If a student, which subjects are your characters worst, and why?
- If an adult, which subjects where your characters worst, and why?
- If un-sorted, which subjects do you feel will be your characters worst, and why?

Extracurricular Activities:
- If a student, what activities does your character partake in, and why? For example, Quidditch.
- If an adult, what activities had your character took part in, and why? For example, Quidditch.
- If un-sorted, what activities has your character took part in within their current school (if they attend one), and why?

- If an adult, when did your character graduate? Did they achieve what they wanted to?

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
- If a student or un-sorted, what are your characters plans whilst at Hogwarts, or for after Hogwarts, and why?
- If an adult, what are your characters plans for the future, and why? For example, to start a family.

Your Patronus:
- If un-sorted, what would your characters Patronus be, and why?
- If a student or an adult, what is your characters Patronus, and why?

Your Patronus memory:
- If un-sorted, which memory would be used to create their Patronus, and why?
- If a student or an adult, which memory is used to create your characters Patronus, and why?

Your Boggart:
- If un-sorted, what would your characters Boggart be, and why?
- If a student or an adult, what is your characters Boggart, and why?

Your Animagus:
- If your character intends to become an Animagus, what would their form be, and why?
- If your character is already an Animagus, what is their form, and why?

Mirror of Erised:
- What would your character see if they where to look into the Mirror of Erised, and why?

A page from your diary:
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it.

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