Andrew Poltergest

OOC First Name
Maddy :)
Straight 13 1/2 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
<COLOR color="mediumblue"><SIZE size="150">I Won't Say That I'm Okay
Cause You Taught Me Not To Lie

<SIZE size="150"><B>The Basics
Character's Name: Andrew Poltergest
Character's Birthdate: October 16th, 2024
Hometown: Berlin, Germany.
Blood Status: Unknown, let's go with that.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff

Hair: Light brown, like a hazelnut.
Eyes: Dark medium blue, with flickers with grey and green.
Height: About 5'7, I'm pretty tall for my age I guess.
Style: Jeans, Vans or Converses with the occasional high tops, shirts, and sometimes shorts. Casual. Nothing too bright, though.
Other Distinguishing Features: I have this little white scar on my forehead where a rock cut me, but that's it.

A Little Deeper
Personality: I'm fairly smart, and I hate seeing people cry, especially my little sister, so I'm pretty caring I guess you can. My Aunt says that I'm too confident, but that's just my amazing personality and charm...ok, maybe she has a point. I don't like being sad, so I always find things to keep me busy and from being stressed. I also HATE being bored, and being told what to do. I'm funny, and even though they say sarcasm is the lowest for of wit, I just can't help myself, especially when it comes to talking to jerks. My mum raised me on her own after my dad left, so she always taught me to respect girls, which I'm pretty sure I do. My mum says that I get into way too much trouble, but it's not my fault that trouble finds me. One thing I hate about myself? I give my mum a hard time, and I know that she doesn't deserve it, but it's hard being a teenager(almost) without a dad.
History: My history really started when I was about 3, and my sister Oliver was born. I'll admit, she was cute and funny, and really small. I'd always kind of wanted a sister or brother, so I was pretty happy when she was born, everyone was. Or at least that's what I had thought, until my Dad walked out on us about a week after she was born. We lived in Berlin at that time, but after he left my mum, Oliver and I moved in with my Aunt, who lived in the country in this massive house which was built in the early 1900's or something. Both of my parents were from and had Magic, so did my Aunt, so my house was rummaged with Magic my whole life, for most kids that would have been awesome, but for me It felt like nothing. I was always running around and getting myself into trouble, from playing tricks on my Aunt to getting trapped in giant Holes in the ground and cutting my head open. Don't ask me how the hell a hole just magically appeared, but when I landed at the bottom in mud I'd be lying if it said it didn't hurt. When we got my Hogwarts letter, my mum and sister were upset that I was leaving, but I couldn't have been happier. I kept my father's last name while my mother and sister changed back to Jacobs, I don't know why, I just felt different with the name Poltergest, as if I were losing another part of myself.

Iris Jacobs: My mother is 34, and works at the Ministry of Magic, with my Aunt Jessica. Sadly, my mother is way to kind for her own good, she lets people push her around, which I hate. She was heartbroken when my Dad walked out of us, but still pulled it all together and stayed strong, like she always does. She was 21 when she had me, and of course that was the best day of her life. She is currently dating this guy named Tom, but I personally don't think it will work out, but at least he treats her nice. I can always manage to make her feel guilty(even though I feel horrible about it) and she gets this sad and disappointed look of her face, but yet she still manages to love me, don't ask me why. Her favorite colour is green, like her eyes, and she doesn't hate Muggles but doesn't communicate with them much. She a pretty tall lady, but not weirdly tall, and has brown hair like my sister and I, and bright green eyes mixed with brown. She's funny, and really smart, and always knows when I'm lying. My Aunt Jess, the one we live with, is her twin sister, and she has a brother named Caleb Black, who has two daughters, Hayden and Jaiden, and one son(My cousins). My mum missed me a lot, by hey, who wouldn't?

Oliver Jacobs: My litter sister is currently 10, she'll be coming to Hogwarts next year, and frankly I'm pretty scared. What if she's better at magic than me? What if she gets hurt? What is someone picks on her? Hey, if anyone even looks at her wrong I'll deal with them. But anyway, She's kind and sweet like my mother, but thankfully, I've taught her to be strong and stick up for herself. She's alot like me, smart, confident, funny...goodlooking ;) She was born on the 25th of December, Christmas Day, and never ceases to live that down, I swear her first words were "I'm special". Sometimes she's a little annoying, but I can never stay mad at her. She loves the colour Blue and owns every piece of clothing of the very colour. She is pretty small, and has long brown hair, like my mum, but big brown eyes like my father. I know they remind mum of dad, by the sad look she gets sometimes. I always call her Olive, because let's face it, Oliver is a boy's name, because mum was positive that she was a boy and so she only thought of boy names, well, let's say she got a big surprise. Olive, thankfully, has never asked about her father.

Jessica Jacobs: My Aunt is also 34, has no kids and no husband, because she is too devoted to her work, she says. My Aunt is a lot like me, and record that because I will never say nor write it again. Out of the her and my mum, She's the stronger-willed one, she doesn't let anyone get in her way, and although we sometimes fight, we always manage to at least try and get along. She looks like my mum, except when she was 16 and in school(Yes she went to Hogwarts, and so did mum) She did a spell that turned her hair permanently blonde, but apart from that she's the same height, build, eyes colour as mum, slightly different facial features. She works at the Ministry of Magic, pretty high up she'll tell you. The cool thing about my Aunt, is that she lets me run wild, and tell me to stuff homework(mum would scold her for that). In her words, I am 'way too confident for my own good, and too obnoxious'. The funny thing is, I say the exact same about her.

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