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Birth Date:22nd Feb 2007
Current Age: 14years old.
Basic Appearance: Andrew has fair skin, black hair and emerald eyes.
Mother:Salem Bruke, a pureblood who died after delivering Andrew. Salem came from an ancient wizarding family that hated mudbloods and muggles however when Salem fell in love with Steve, she ran away from home.
Father:Steve Bruke, a muggle, unknown.
Siblings, if any: None but Andrew might have step siblings however they are unknown at present.
Pets, if any:
Emerald Tree Boa( fernin) is a very obidient snake and is adored by Andrew and Fernin too likes Andrew. She stays in the common room and goes only to the dormitory when called. Andrew has trained her not to disturb other animals as well as his fellow students and she is very obidient.
Area of Residence: Current residence in New Zealand. He lives with Mallory in White Serpent manor that belongs to Mallory. The Manor is an ancient wizarding home therefore it is hidden.
Blood status: Half blood.
Hogwarts House (And why): Slytherin. Andrew has been sorted into Slytherin because he is cunning and intelligent. He knows well how to find his way through his difficulties. He is also an indepent boy, from his childhood as he was alone in his orphanage with no friends.
Best school subjects (And why): Andrew likes Potions, Defence and Arthimacy.
He has always liked Potion from the very first time he read the potion text book. He thought that Potions has great depths and mystries that await him and he will be a great potion maker or something in those lines. This was motivated by his first favourite Professor Keller.
He liked Defence when he realised that he was good at it and could understand what exactly was going on in the class and did the practicals quite well. This also had to do with the amaizing, Nick.
Worst school subjects (And why): Always have been Astronomy. He hardly knew a Professor, got used to his accent before he changed*its cursed!*. He also never understood what was going on in class and got bad grades(obvious). But now as he enters fourth year it seems to change due to the amaizing Prof. Merrythought whom Andrew thinks has the art to teach Astronomy.
What would their Patronus be?
A peacock.
What would their Boggart be?
A scene where he sees all his friends and Mallory dead.
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one)
A peacock.
What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?
He would see his muggle father and where he lived as Andrew has always wished to take revenge from his dad.
What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
The time of last year winter holidays when he had gone hiking with his three best friend(caina, pez and jake)
Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Oh Diary! I am so happy. School has started for the second semester. It's not because of that but it's because first time I have made best friends. The holiday before the opening was amaizing! Truly. We went to Great Divide Range Mountain and it was so much fun hiking, not like the hiking we did in orphanage trips. I had friends, we took photos, cracked jokes and spent quality time together. I have given the pictures to develop as soon as I get them I will stick them in here. Till then, bye, have to rush to Astronomy, I dont want a detention from Cross