Andrew Bruke

Andrew Bruke

Well-Known Member

Full Name: Andrew Bruke
Birth Date:22nd Feb 2007
Current Age: 14years old.
Basic Appearance: Andrew has fair skin, black hair and emerald eyes.

Mother:Salem Bruke, a pureblood who died after delivering Andrew. Salem came from an ancient wizarding family that hated mudbloods and muggles however when Salem fell in love with Steve, she ran away from home.

Father:Steve Bruke, a muggle, unknown.

Siblings, if any: None but Andrew might have step siblings however they are unknown at present.

Pets, if any:
Emerald Tree Boa( fernin) is a very obidient snake and is adored by Andrew and Fernin too likes Andrew. She stays in the common room and goes only to the dormitory when called. Andrew has trained her not to disturb other animals as well as his fellow students and she is very obidient.

Area of Residence: Current residence in New Zealand. He lives with Mallory in White Serpent manor that belongs to Mallory. The Manor is an ancient wizarding home therefore it is hidden.

Blood status: Half blood.
Hogwarts House (And why): Slytherin. Andrew has been sorted into Slytherin because he is cunning and intelligent. He knows well how to find his way through his difficulties. He is also an indepent boy, from his childhood as he was alone in his orphanage with no friends.

Best school subjects (And why): Andrew likes Potions, Defence and Arthimacy.

He has always liked Potion from the very first time he read the potion text book. He thought that Potions has great depths and mystries that await him and he will be a great potion maker or something in those lines. This was motivated by his first favourite Professor Keller.

He liked Defence when he realised that he was good at it and could understand what exactly was going on in the class and did the practicals quite well. This also had to do with the amaizing, Nick.

Worst school subjects (And why): Always have been Astronomy. He hardly knew a Professor, got used to his accent before he changed*its cursed!*. He also never understood what was going on in class and got bad grades(obvious). But now as he enters fourth year it seems to change due to the amaizing Prof. Merrythought whom Andrew thinks has the art to teach Astronomy.

What would their Patronus be?
A peacock.

What would their Boggart be?
A scene where he sees all his friends and Mallory dead.

What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one)
A peacock.

What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?
He would see his muggle father and where he lived as Andrew has always wished to take revenge from his dad.

What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
The time of last year winter holidays when he had gone hiking with his three best friend(caina, pez and jake)

Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:

Oh Diary! I am so happy. School has started for the second semester. It's not because of that but it's because first time I have made best friends. The holiday before the opening was amaizing! Truly. We went to Great Divide Range Mountain and it was so much fun hiking, not like the hiking we did in orphanage trips. I had friends, we took photos, cracked jokes and spent quality time together. I have given the pictures to develop as soon as I get them I will stick them in here. Till then, bye, have to rush to Astronomy, I dont want a detention from Cross
Hi Andrew,

just throwing you up some questions...

1. Does Andrew share his mothers families believes?
2. How does Andrew feel having never known either of his parents?
3. Would Andrew ever attempt to trace his fathers family?
4.You mentioned reasons for liking DADA and Potions, what are Andrews reasons for liking Arithmancy?
5. Why do you think a peacock would be Andrews patronus as well as his animagus form?
6. What would you hope to achieve on leaving school?
7. Do any professors inspire you?
Andromeda Fiorelli said:
Hi Andrew,

just throwing you up some questions...

1. Does Andrew share his mothers families believes?
2. How does Andrew feel having never known either of his parents?
3. Would Andrew ever attempt to trace his fathers family?
4.You mentioned reasons for liking DADA and Potions, what are Andrews reasons for liking Arithmancy?
5. Why do you think a peacock would be Andrews patronus as well as his animagus form?
6. What would you hope to achieve on leaving school?
7. Do any professors inspire you?
1. Does Andrew share his mothers families believes?
~No, Andrew is does not share is mother's families belives. He is a complete friendly kind of person and respects muggleborn as well as muggle. And to top it all his best friend is a muggleborn.

2. How does Andrew feel having never known either of his parents?
~He feels very sad at times especially when his friends are far from him and he is lonely and starts thinking about all these things. He dosent think that his mother love was his father was a mistake but he thinks that his father abandoning his mother was really evil of him. He has lacked parental love his first eleven years of life but now with Mallory it is a bit better, yet the lack of his parents can never be filled and will always remain as a sorrow in his heart.

3. Would Andrew ever attempt to trace his fathers family?
~Yes, I have planned this somehow. If Andrew is accepted as a Parselmouth I have a plot in mind. Salem's snake( Andrew's mom's snake) lives in the White Serpent Manor in the third floor in a library and he is very old. He knows the whereabouts of Andrew's father and if Andrew enters the third floor which Mal has told him not to and find's this snake(or some other clue if he does not become Parslemouth) and through that he will find his father's family's location roughly by his sixth year.

4.You mentioned reasons for liking DADA and Potions, what are Andrews reasons for liking Arithmancy?
~ Andrew simply likes Arthimacy for two reasons. One is that he liked Maths in his muggle school and as Arthimacy deals with numbers and a bit of addition it makes him like it. The second one, is that he likes to know more about how numbers are associated with one's life and one can know from his name and birthdate many mystries about themselves.

5.Why do you think a peacock would be Andrews patronus as well as his animagus form?
~I think it would a peacock in both the cases because Andrew thinks greatly about the bird and his association. From the muggle orphanage when Andrew used to visit the park peacocks seemed to appear out of no where but his friends often couldn't spot them. Peacock also represents slytherin qualities like pride so he thinks that it can be the only thing that will appear as his patronous or/and his animagus.

6. What would you hope to achieve on leaving school?
~Andrew has always wanted to be a great Potion maker. To discover new potions and try making current ones more better.

7.Do any Professors inspire you?
~Yes, Professor King, Prof Firn and Professor Merrythought inspire me.
Also when Professor Keller was there, Andrew was inspired by him.
Hi Again Andrew,

thanks for replying in depth to my previous questions. Just a few more...

1. The name Fernin for your pet snake is unusual - is there a story behind the name?
2. Now that Professor Keller has left do you hold the new professors with the same esteem?
3. How did you meet your bestfriend?
4. Do you have a close relationship with Mallory?
5. How did you feel when she first contacted you?
6. Can you give me five words that best describe you?
7. With Professor King now gone, how do you feel about the current DADA professors?
8. Would you consider Alchemy or a potions professor as a future career?
1. The name Fernin for your pet snake is unusual - is there a story behind the name?
~No, not any particular story. Kasey named him as she gifted her to me.

2. Now that Professor Keller has left do you hold the new professors with the same esteem?
~Well, they are okay according to Andrew but he will always have Professor Keller a special place in Andrew's mind/heart ;)

3. How did you meet your bestfriend?
~At Hogwarts. She is a muggleborn Slytherin and Andrew knew her from first day of school as a fellow Slytherin but they became besties from Third Year.

4. Do you have a close relationship with Mallory?
~Yes, Andrew now has developed a very close bond with Mallory.

5. How did you feel when she first contacted you?
~I felt nervous and excited. It was a mixture of emotions to know that someone knew me, someone who was my mom's friend. It was like finding a mom in Mallory sort of thing.

6. Can you give me five words that best describe you?
~Friendly, Handsome, Brainy, Short-tempered and Revenger(if thats a word!)

7. With Professor King now gone, how do you feel about the current DADA professors?
~I feel good towards the DADA Professors. Although like everyone, Andrew misses Nicolas as a Professor but he has adjusted well with the new DADA Professors.

8. Would you consider Alchemy or a potions professor as a future career?
~Andrew would certainly not want to be a Professor, well not at the moment at least. But now that you make me think of it, I might make Andrew think of it as a career( After all I love snape!)

However I don't know about Alchemy but it is likely that if he becomes a Potions Professor he will invent Potions and things along those lines.
ok Andrew just a few more questions...

1. who is Kasey?
2. Who is your bestfriend?
3. Has Mallory been able to share any stories of your mother with you? If yes, can you share a few with us?
4. Has the fact your short-tempered gotten you into trouble?
5. Do you think the hat sorted correctly?
6. How do you feel about people from your house losing it house points?
7. What do you think about your head of house Professor Manteia?
8. Have you made many friends since you arrived at Hogwarts?
thanks Andy, I loved those questions

1. who is Kasey?
~Kasey is one of Andrew's friend. Currently she is a fifth year in Ravenclaw and he is not close to her like he was before when Andrew had just started making friends.The reason behind them becoming average friends from close friend is Kasey's long absence of a year.

2. Who is your bestfriend?
~Caina Dante.

3. Has Mallory been able to share any stories of your mother with you? If yes, can you share a few with us?
~Well, yes a few.

First one is about Andrew's mom(Salem's ) parents

Salem was a pure blood and lived in an ancient wizarding home. Salem's father was the Judge in the MOM of Scotland and her mom was a normal house wife. Salem's family was rich and very respected. Salem enjoyed her childhood and was a very well behaved child. When Salem started her first year at Hogwarts Scotland she enjoyed the wizarding knowledge very much and was very brilliant like her father.

However, Salem's uncle was found to be a death eater and for that reason everyone even suspected Salem's dad to be Voldemort's follower. They took all the money they had and fled to New Zealand to start a new life. They hid their identity and Salem's father worked in a joke shop and they were poor. Salem continued her third year at Hogwart's New Zealand where she was befriended by Mallory.

Another one is about how Salem married Andrew's dad, Steve.

After graduation, Salem had come to visit Mallory as she was living alone(Mal was living alone, her dad passed away). Salem had come with her pet snake(can't remember name) to live in the White Serpent Manor. During this time, the young girls went to parties and were enjoying life. In one such masked party which Salem had attended alone as Mallory was having fever that evening, Salem was dancing with a muggle who she had been paired up with in a muggle game.

In this game, all the couples were to move close after each song as the cloth on which they danced was made smaller. Salem and Steve were both great dancers and something in Steve's black eyes made Salem fall for the guy she hadn't even seen properly. They won the competition and were lucky winners to receive a beach resort package. At the end of the dance, to Salem's surprise Steve kissed her.

Salem kissed him back and they started dating. Steve was a playboy, he had ruined many lives previously and had broken hearts of many. He was two years elder then Salem. Salem, of course did not reveal to him that she was a witch. Salem and Steve went to the resort and spent the night together. Salem had totally fallen in love with the muggle without thinking once about her parents.

It was time for Salem to go back and so she did but she promised Steve to come back in a week. Salem had confided in Steve that her parents wouldn't approve of their relationship but Steve simply said that "No one would be able to separate us". This was just another line of his flirting quotes. Mallory knew about this and although she hadn't met Steve she supported her friend.

When Salem went to see her parents, she discovered that she was pregnant. Her parent's knew it too and told her to kill her child because they didn't want muggle blood in their family. Salem ran away from home and came back to Mallory's place. Her parents didn't seek for her and she decided to marry Steve.

Steve didn't care of marriage as something important. He agreed to marry her on the prospect that he would spend some more nights with her. They married and one day before their marriage, Salem told Steve about the wizarding world. He said that it didn't matter to him because he loved her so much. But right after their honeymoon in London, Steve left without a note leaving Salem alone in the bed one morning.

Mallory thought all was well until she received an owl from Salem. It was two days before Andrew was born. Salem told Mal that she were to be his godmother and was not to tell him about the wizarding world until he got the letter. Salem also made Mal promise that he was to be left in a muggle orphange and was to be named Andrew Steve Bruke.

4. Has the fact your short-tempered gotten you into trouble?
~No, it hasn't not till now. But Andrew is going to break all his rib bones due to that fact next term!

5. Do you think the hat sorted correctly?
~Yes, I think that the hat sorted me correctly.
Salem was a pureblood Slytherin and so it is likely that I would be one
And the fact that I can talk to snakes.

6. How do you feel about people from your house losing it house points?
~I feel very bad but as Andrew is very understand and friendly he tries to explain people like Lexi by offering them help in flying if they don't get into fights. Although it hasn't worked out quite well but Andrew tries his best to get as many as points for his house.

7. What do you think about your head of house Professor Manteia?
~Andrew respects Professor Manteia very much and thinks greatly of him. He considers him as very balanced knowing all the ups and downs of his own life as well of other things. Especially after his theory on this being the 7th year, 7 being the most powerful magical number and that we had to make it for Slytherin he has considered all his talks of much importance.

8. Have you made many friends since you arrived at Hogwarts?
~Yes, Andrew has made many friends. However in his first year he was a loner and a nerd. But once he discovered about his and Mal's relationship his life was brought into a new side. He made friends and is very happy about that.
OOCOut of Character:
As Andrew's personality has changed the other way round in the past few years, I thought of updating his character development. If any one wishes to ask questions please do so, they would be helpful :D

Full Name:Andrew Salem Bruke
Andrew was the name given to him by her mother before she died after having him. As his father's identity was unknown at the time his second and last name was from his mother's name, Salem Joseph Bruke.

Date of Birth:22nd Feb 2007
Current Age:18years old

Basic Appearance:
Andrew has a tall muscular figure, his height being a good 5.8". He has grown very much after his fifth year as his transformation from a boy to a man kicked in and now he looks like a handsome devil and is a charmer. His emerald green eyes and rough black hair to which he always applies gel adds to his looks and his rich fashion sense just makes him a perfect eye candy.

Andrew's personality has had the greatest turn in just over a year. Between his fifth and sixth year he has turned from the bubbly, social guy who was very out going and helpful to a guy who sticked to himself, was extremely cunning, hated muggleborns and muggles and didn't make friends easily. As he joined the Death Eaters with his new ideologies he has totally changed and become anti-muggle.

Salem Bruke(deceased) :
Salem Bruke was a pureblood from an ancient wizarding family. Her father and mother were very much respected in the wizarding society. Salem was transfered to Hogwarts New Zealand during her third year due to much chaos in England as the Dark Lord had rise again. After her graduation she went to visit her best friend Mallory Malkin in England, fell in love got pregnant. When her parents got this news they were to kill the child before Salem fled back to England married Steve. However after her honeymoon she was left by her husband and when she delivered Andrew, she died.

Steve Stone(deceased) :
Steve was a muggle who worked as a bank accountant. He was a player and one of his girls happened to be Salem. He never loved her, he just spent some nights with her and got her pregnant. Never knowing if she survived or if their baby survived her settled down later with a wife and got two daughters and lived in Scotland. At the age of forty five he was killed by his son, Andrew who revealed to him that he was facing his death for betraying Salem and his family was left in shock before their memory was wiped out by Andrew.

Adoptive Mother
Mallory Malkin:Mallory was Salem's best friend and classmate. She was given the task of taking Andrew under her care once he turned eleven. Mallory adopted Andrew and treated him to the best of her abilities, sent him to Hogwarts and did all she could and loved him like her own son. However as she was hiding the location of Steve from Andrew who wanted to take revenge, Andrew decided to break his relationship with her and left her manor during his fifth year.

Andrew has had two pets in his life, both were snakes.
Fernin (Emerald Tree Boa) is a female snake whom he had got in his second year. She is very obident and Andrew likes her much.

Torres (Green Tree python) is a great old snake that belonged to Salem Bruke. It was Torres who led Andrew to Steve's residence in Scotland and told all the great stories to him about his mother. He is Andrew's favorite pet and Andrew takes great care of him so he does not die of old age.

Area of Residence:

London, UK: Andrew grew up here in a muggle orphanage.
New Zealand: Andrew stayed in Mallory's manor for five years when he was studying in Hogwarts.
Scotland : He stayed in Scotland for a year when he searched for his father and killed him.
New Zealand:Now he is living back in New Zealand where he has an apartment.

Blood Status:Half Blood

Heritage:Andrew is half Scottish, half English. His mother was originated from Scotland and his father from England.

Special Abilities: Parselmouth
Andrew can talk to snakes like his great great grandfather(from his mother's side of course)

Interests or Hobbies:

Andrew has always loved flying and playing Qudditch. He has played as seeker and chaser for his house team and has also been his house Qudditch captain at one time.
Favorite team: Chuddly Cannons

Andrew likes reading books of all kinds but he likes novels the best. Mysteries, thrillers, romance all are his favorites.
Favorite book: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

Additional Skills:
He flies really well and owns a Emerald Streak.
He has leadership skills and communications skills.

Brains, controlling and hiding emotions, good looks

Temper, women, alcohol.

Describe your character in three words:
Rich, Clever, Handsome

Favourite place to be:
New Zealand

Andrew had many friends previously but after his change of attitude he has got a few friends who share the same ideas as his.
They include Link Black, Leah Winters.

Hogwarts House:Ex-Slytherin

Best school subjects:Potions, Herbology, Arthimacy

Worst school subjects:Astronomy, Divination

Extracurricular Activities: Qudditch, Brotherhood of Magic


Current Job:Healer in St.Mungo's

Plans for your future: Helping the Death Eaters, killing muggles and mudbloods.

Your Patronus:Snake

Your Patronus memory: Times spent with Adira Ater, his fiancée.

Your Boggart: Being sent back to the muggle orphange.

Mirror of Erised: Having Salem Bruke in his life.

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