Andrei 'Andy' Vetrov

Andrei Vetrov

Well-Known Member

Please be strong, be strong for me
I won't go to my grave until a difference is made

Character Name
Andrei's full name:
Andrei Mitrofan Vetrov
Reason or meaning of name:
To Come
Andrei's nickname:
Reason for nickname:
To Come
Birth date:
<SIZE size="50">They said it gets easier, but they lied.
Running out of air, buried in a sadness
</i><SIZE size="50"></B>
Physical appearance
57 kg
Body build:
Andrei is rather thin, and not extremely athletic. He prefers to sit around and read, although he will occasionally play Quidditch.
Shape of face:
Andrei has a square face with a slightly pointed chin, soft cheeks, and deeply sunk eyes.
Eye color:
Andrei has dark brown eyes.
Glasses or contacts:
Andrei does not need glasses, and does not use contacts.
Skin tone:
Andrei has pale skin that has red undertones, and burns very easily.
Predominant features:
Probably his nose.
Hair color:
Type of hair:
Short, and a little wavy.
Frequently messy.
Andrei has a Russian accent, and a very quiet voice. he does not frequently speak.
Physical disabilities:
Andrei has no physical disabilities.
Usual fashion of dress:
Andrei is often in his uniform, as he rather likes it. That, or he is wearing warm furs.
Jewellery or accessories:
Andrei does not wear jewellery or other accessories frequently, except perhaps gloves, scarves, and belts.

And that is when I ask myself
Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone
Good personality traits:
Andrei is empathic and rather understanding. He makes concessions for others.
Bad personality traits:
Andrei is sarcastic and could be considered rude. He tends to become nervous.
Most common mood:
Sense of humor:
Andrei has a dark, sarcastic sense of humour, but also a very mischievous one.
Andrei's greatest joy in life:
Andrei takes great joy in spending time with others.
Andrei's greatest fear:
Being exiled.
Andrei does not like being alone, and losing everyone he knows would be terrible for him - even the people he does not like.
Andrei is most at ease when:
Andrei is most at ease when with friends.
Most ill at ease when:
When alone with nothing left to do.
Enraged when:
Andrei is enraged when he is with people he does not like, such as his family.
Andrei's priority is his education.
Life philosophy:
If granted one wish, it would be:
Andrei would wish to be financially independent.
He is not comfortable with his family, but knows that if he were to leave them he would be very poor, very quickly.
Andrei's soft spot:
Andrei has a soft spot for animals.
Greatest strength:
Andrei is emotionally resilient and can encounter bullying without it having much of an affect on him, something he learnt through years of torment by his brothers and sisters.
Greatest weakness:
Other prejudice purebloods.
Biggest regret:
Not hexing his brother whenever he had the chance.
Biggest accomplishment:
Andrei's darkest secret:
Does anyone else know?

How am I supposed to be everything
Want a way out of this paralyzing world
Drives and motivations:
Andrei's greatest drive is bettering himself in order to become independent from his family.
Immediate goals:
Get a good education.
Long term goals:
Graduate, move away from Russia.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals:
Andrei literally has no idea what he's doing. He is not much of a planner, and functions mostly on impulse.
How other characters will be affected:

they expect me to be when I feel so alone
When the night is cold and you feel like no-one knows
Kirishi, Kirishsky District in Leningrad Oblast, Russia
Type of childhood:
Andrei was the fifth child of Esfir Vetrova and Bogdan Vetrov and third son. His eldest brother, Evgeni Vetrov, was born many years before him. After Ermolai, his eldest sister, and older brother, Alissa and Alexei were born, and three years after them, Asya Vetrova. When Andrei was a child, he and his elder sister, Asya, would often play, as she was just three years older. However, they were both picked on by their older siblings, Alexei and Alissa. Andrei was raised primarily by a nanny, and had a relatively lonely childhood. He often played by himself, or with his older sister, but when he was three years old, his sister Vasilisa was born, and Andrei occasionally played with him, also. His childhood was full of siblings, but he rarely interacted with them because, even as a child, he was always quiet and shy, and preferred to hide from his siblings, rather than play with them.
Andrei has no pets.
First memory:
Andrei's first memory was he and his sister Asya attempting to steal chocolate from the kitchen. They were caught by their father, and punished severely. However, as Andrei was only five at the time, while his older sister was eight, therefore, she wore most of the blame, and found that her punishment was harsher.
Most important childhood memory:
Childhood hero:
Dream job:
Andrei is currently going to school at Durmstrang, and is in his third year.

cause I left my heart at home
You can make it to the sunrise.
Current location:
Durmstrang Institute. When not at school, he lives back in Russia.
Currently living with:
His sister Asya is in Durmstrang, currently. When at home, his immediate family, excluding his eldest brother, who has moved out to travel.

Really I'm so thankful for the people I meet
Searching for a way to escape the madness
Esfir Vetrova.
Relationship with her:
Bogdan Vetrov.
Relationship with him:
Other Family:
Ermolai Vetrov - 38
Allyanna Vetrova - 41
Viktoriya Raven - Deceased
Carlotta Raven - 15
Evgeni Vetrov - 27
Alexei Vetrov - 24
Alissa Vetrova - 24
Vladimir Vetrov - 20
Liliya Vetrova - 18
Asya Vetrova - 13
Kazimir Vetrov - 9
Roman Vetrov - 5
Acacia Vetrova - 14
Vasily Vetrov - 9
Romiah Belrose - 31
Meredith Belrose - 28
Mackenzie Belrose - 4
Maxime Belrose - 2
Etienne Sarkozi-Belrose - 25
Clement Sarkozi-Belrose - 25
Cassandra Belrose - 22
Pasceline Sarkozi - 21
Matthieu Sarkozi - 18
Ignace Sarkozi-Belrose - 16

I know they say that no one is perfect
A dire need for change as we fight for better days
Least favorite color:
Andrei prefers classical music.
Preferably healthy.
Historical texts.
Form of entertainment:
Andrei likes flying.
Andrei paints, but feels that he is terrible at it.
Mode of transportation:
Tag-along apparition, portkey, broom, walking, and on occasion muggle vehicle.
Most prized possession:
Andrei has a pen he treasures.

it doesn't feel like I'm living my dream
The hurt and the pain cut deep like a razor blad
Andrei's hobbies include gardening and swimming.
Plays a musical instrument?
Andrei plays the flute.
Plays a sport?
He plays Quidditch.
How would Andrei spend a rainy day:
Nervous tics:
Andrei clams up when nervous, and tends to freeze.
Usual body posture:
Andrei has mediocre posture.
Andrei talks with his hands.

If you miss me, I'm just a phone call away.
Holding in a cry for love, abandoned and afraid
Optimist or pessimist?
Introvert or extrovert?
Daredevil or cautious?
Logical or emotional?
Equally both.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?
Methodical and neat
Prefers working or relaxing?
Confident or unsure?
Animal lover?

I pack my bags and say goodbye
Self conscious and scared, held prisoner of war
<B>How Andrei feels about himself:
One word Andrei would use to describe himself:
How Andrei would use to describe himself:
What does Andrei consider his best personality trait?
What does Andrei consider his worst personality trait?
What does Andrei consider his best physical characteristic?
What does Andrei consider his worst physical characteristic?
How does Andrei think others perceive him?:
What would Andrei most like to change about himself?:
Coding ; Done by Tenilee
Lyrics ; Memphis May Fire - Miles Away ft Kellin Quinn
& Our Last Night - Sunrise


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