Andrea von Tresset Focoso

Andrea Focoso

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
13 1/2'', Eucalyptus, essence of mermaid scale

Now the dark begins to rise,
Hold your breath, it's far from over
Leave the lost and dead behind
Now's your chance to run for cover.

Name: Andrea von Tresset Focoso
Nicknames: Andy (hates this name), Tress (only called by close friends), Dea (by her family)
Age: 11 years
Birthday: September 30
Blood Status: Pureblood
Blood Type: O positive
Sign: Libra (The Scales)
Origin: French
Allegiance: Neutral...carefully
Profession: Student, obviously
Wand: 13 1/2 inches, Ecalyptus, essence of mermaid scale

I don't wanna change the world.
I just wanna leave it colder.
Light the fuse and burn it up,
Take the path that leads to nowhere.

Height: 5 feet, 8 inches
Weight: 137 pounds
Orientation: Heterosexual
Current Residence: Auckland, New Zealand
Element: Ice
School: Hogwarts New Zealand
House: Slytherin
Zodiac: The Dog - loyal, stubborn, creative and unwavering
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Golden with dark green circles around the iris
Magical Strength: Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and Transfiguration

All is lost again,
But I'm not giving in.


Mother (Deceased)
Name: Rosemary Ketteridge
Blood Status: Pureblood
Occupation: Auror
House: Gryffindor
Other: Rosemary was a brilliant woman with dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes. She attended Hogwarts in England and made history her first year, becoming the very first hatstall in nearly a century: The Sorting Hat couldn't decide between Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. She had grown up in a magical family; her father was pureblood, her mother muggle-born and Rosemary was educated well before she entered the halls of Hogwarts. She became very popular for her beauty, her skill with magic and her kindness towards all students no matter the house or popularity level. After graduation, Rosemary became an Auror and eventually headed the department and was killed in a Scitorari raid by Collineus Cardosi.

Father (Missing)
Name: Lester Focoso
Blood Status: Pureblood
Occupation: Ex-Death Eater; on the run
House: Slytherin
Other: Lester was a quiet boy, growing up in a very class-oriented, obedience-demanding home were status, power and blood was everything. At a young age, he became fascinated with the Dark Arts. He'd never intended to cause harm to anyone, but he'd been ensnared by the power and promise that the Dark Lord held and ended up receiving the Dark Mark a month before graduating from Hogwarts in England. Hailing from a long line of Slytherins, he took the expected house and was extremely intelligent. He made his way through the ranks, becoming Prefect and eventually Head Boy before graduating. He met Rosemary in his third year and they argued all the way through graduation. It wasn't until the last week or so of school, that they realized their fighting was hiding more passionate emotions. However, a Death Eater and an Auror is never a good combination. He moved them to France where Andrea was born but Rosemary was miserable away from her company and Lester couldn't bear it. So he moved them back and they parted ways. He joined forces with the Scitorari, following a fellow Death Eater. He left when he learned of Rosemary's death at the hands of Cardosi.

Brother (Never Met)
Name: Unknown
Blood Status: Pureblood
Occupation: Unknown
House: Unknown
Other: Andrea has never met her older brother and has no idea of his whereabouts.

I will not bow
I will not break,
I will shut the world away.
I will not fall,
I will not fade.
I will take your breath away.


Andrea has always been a strange and uncomfortably silent child. Even as an infant, her wide golden eyes watched every move carefully, as if analyzing each person's intentions. As she grew, the learning of the English, French and Spanish languages only heightened her own oddness. People tend to get instantly defensive, cautious and uncomfortable around her; a sort of vibe she gives off. Raised by her grandfather, she barely remembers her parents, though now she converses with her father on a day to day basis. She learned to be kind, warm and entertaining from her grandfather before all her faith in the man failed as he succumbed to the bottle. It was Andrea's father who took over raising her then, through the many owls they exchanged.

From Lester, she learned to hide her true self behind a mask of icy disdain and superiority worthy of her position. She learned the draw of darkness and the beauty of light and how to maintain a semblance of balance within oneself. He regaled her with tales of her mother and sobered her with stories of his time with the Dark Lord. He preached caution, curiosity and the usefulness of keeping a distance from others. Andrea was morphed into the "Ice Queen", with her cold shell and icy exterior; she didn't, well doesn't, make friends easily but when she does, she is desperately loyal and will stand behind them in nearly everything.

Watch the end through dying eyes,
Now the dark is taking over.
Show me where forever dies,
Take the fall and run to Heaven.


Andrea was born in France, in the small town of Eze along the French Riviera, where she lived for about two years of her life. She learned to speak French as a first language, though her accent is all but gone now. After two years of utter homesickness, her family relocated to her parents hometown in England where her mother rejoined and took over the Auror section of the British Ministry and her father went home to his Lord. The two never saw each other again. Andrea was taken care of by her mother until she was five, when the woman was killed in a raid on one of the Scitorari's many hideouts; Rosemary was killed by a man named Cardosi, the leader of the most prejudiced group of the Scitorari.

After than, Andrea was dropped on her closest living relative, her mother's father, her grandfather, a man named Stanley Ketteridge who lived (lives) in Auckland, New Zealand. After the death of his only daughter, Stanley became absorbed in alcohol, paying more attention to his bottle of firewhiskey than to the granddaughter her daughter had left behind. Andrea became self-sufficient at a young age as well as learning to take care of her grandfather. Her discovery of her own magical prowess was made at around six years old. Stanley had been out for about three days when Andrea was the victim of a Howler sent, presumably, to her grandmother who had died years ago. The voice of a local barmaid demanded someone come remove the 'drunken sop' from her counter, where, apparently, he'd been passed out for the past 48 hours.

Since Andrea was his only available family, the young six year old girl made the trek into town and to the bar she knew he frequented. She gave a glare to anyone who protested her presence and walked silently to her grandfather who was sleeping, rather peacefully, atop the counter. She watched him for a moment, aware that the entire bar was watching her and then held out her hand to pull him up. To her hidden surprise, the man began to float and she merely had to point her hand in a specific direction and his body bobbed along. He stayed unconscious the entire way home and after that, Andrea began to use and study magic on her own in earnest. By the time she received her acceptance letter to the local magical academy, she'd mastered many of the more basic of skills.

She gladly cast off the responsibility of keeping her grandfather alive, shopping alone and leaving, with a sharp reprimand to her grandfather to stay alive so she had somewhere to come home to. Soon, she was carted off to Hogwarts New Zealand and sorted into Slytherin, a sort of expectation she'd had for herself; she was more like her father than anything.

All is lost again
But I'm not giving in.


Andrea had gorgeous brown hair that flows down to about the center of his back. Occasionally, she charms it to have streaks of different colors, usually red as that is her favorite. It's layered and usually falls easily into place, though sometimes she uses an enchanted brush to calm it into place whenever it sticks up and/or falls into her face. Her eyes are large on her face, and a bright gold color with green rings around the iris'; traits from both her father and mother. They darken to a copper color when she's angry or upset and tend to flash (literally) with any intense emotion.

She's thin and whispy, almost underfed though she's not malnourished. Her skin is pale with bright lips that contrast with lightness of her skin. Her face has an aristocratic structure: strong, sharp chin, hollow eyes, and sharp cheekbones. The expression of disdain most commonly found on her face adds to this 'holier than thou' attitude she inherited from her father. Her hands are as thin as her body with long, smooth fingers and nails that are shaved down to help conduct magic more effectively. Her grip, when she uses it, is strong and superior, and her tone of voice is smooth and low. She's quiet, more often than not, but not shy, speaking only when she finds it necessary to.

I will not bow,
I will not break,
I will shut the world away.
I will not fall,
I will not fade,
I will take your breath away.


Food: Chocolate Strawberries
Color: Blood Red
Animal: Sphinx
Shape: Diamond
Gem: Sapphire
Flower: Red Rose
Muggle Artist: Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin and Lady Antebellum
Magical Artist: Weird Sisters, Coldplay and Spellbound
Painter: Remedios Varo and Diego Rivera
Spell: Locomotor Mortis, Accio and Protego
Season: Fall
Sport: Dueling

And I'll survive, paranoid.
I have lost the will to change.
And I'm not proud, cold-blooded fake,
I will shut the world away.

OOC: I love to roleplay so don't be afraid to ask and I'm also looking for someone to serve as my older brother and father! I can change the names in my description so please, if you're interested, contact me!!

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