Closed And when it couldnt get any worse

Haven Topez Compton

Southern. Sweet. Sassy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care (To young to care)
Sexual Orientation
To young to care
Haven knew she should turn around, but her legs just kept moving. Dad left and it was her fault. Why couldnt she keep a secret? Why couldnt she just pretend she ever seen him kiss Ms. Dalten? "What's done is done, and stop whining" she heard her Mas words over and over, which made her legs move quicker. She knew she was lost and going in circles, but she didnt care. She hated him, her mom, Blaze, Ms. Dalten. Nothing was going to be the same and with only a few weeks before she entered into Hogwarts. This wasnt how she wanted to spend her time.

Now her waist long red hair was flowing in wispy movements around her tiny frame. She felt as though her chest would collapse. Haven kept moving. Up ahead was a clearing in the wood line, once there she hit her knees and shed hot tears angry tears. Her red hair falling around her almost covering her completely. Being so engrossed in her self, she hardly realized she wasnt alone. In the corner of the clearing, someone had their back to her. She instinctively hops to her feet, loudly and clumsily, no doubt. The only sound she could make before her face planting firmly on the ground was a weak gasp, and the stranger took notice. Haven pulled her knees close to her chest. She couldnt stop the flow of tears. She felt stupid, she absolutely hated to cry. Being so emotional made her feel like such a girl. Of course she was a girl, but she was supposed to be strong. Ma always says big girls dont cry, but here she was all dirty, wet angry tears streaming down her tiny face. Blaze was right, she was just a little kid.
Alexei covered his eyes with his arm while he leans forward against the old tree bark. He was supposed to start counting up to thirty, and he did, well almost. He hit fifteen and then heard some commotion happening behind him. Alexei immediately stops counting, someone was crying. Alexei at first thought it was his twin sister, but it didn't sound familiar to him. He would know if it was his sister. Alexei pulled away from the tree and caught sight of a girl with red hair crying. Alexei hesitated to take a step towards the girl to see what was wrong. He felt bad listening to her cry, he had to say something. If she was Anastasiya, he would be on his knees already trying to comfort his twin. He didn't like seeing Anastasiya cry, he didn't like seeing this red hair girl cry either. "Are you okay?" Alexei stepped closer and asked calmly.
The voice was calm, but intriguing. Havens eyes shot up immediately. Tears where streaming down her face at this point. "I hate all of them." The sudden feeling of guilt slipped into Havens thoughts the moment she said it. This poor boy must thing shes lost her mind. Maybe she had lost it? Haven reaches to her now sore cheek. Goodness did it hurt.
"I hope it doesnt swell," now was her only thought. "My mother is is gonna think I've been fightin. She just aint gonna believe I fell," Haven was now almost laughing. Now on her feet, she extended her hand.
"Haven..." Locks of red curls fall around her shoulders. She hadn't realized until now her hair was no longer in its pony tail.. Her next instinct is to reach for her grandmother's locket. A small delicate golden shaped heart dangled from a thin chain that hung to just below her chest. She had to make sure it was still intact. Whether or she cared about anything else, that necklace was her world. She breathes a sigh of relief after realizing its familiar shape still hung in it designated spot.
Alexei scratches the back of his head, he looked at the girl weirdly. Who was all of them, who did the girl hated? Alexei thinks the girl maybe exaggerating, as he was told by his dad hate is a strong word. If you hate someone, they must be really mean for someone to feel that way. "Alexei," he shook the crying girl's hand, and introduce himself a little perplex by the formal greeting. "Why would she think that? You did fell," which was the truth. Alexei didn't think she looked so bad, maybe a little red on the cheeks and her red hair was kind of wild. She had a bit of dirt on one of her cheeks now that he was inspecting her further. "You may want to clean your face with water or something," Alexei suggested. When he did, he remembers he had taken some napkins from the three broomsticks after their lunch with their mom. Alexei dug some out of his front pocket and hand them over to Haven. "Here you go, this should help...or not."

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